
Gisbert Wüstholz- Selected publications#

  • G.Wüstholz , G. Faltings, Rational Points, Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1984.
  • G.Wüstholz , One century of/ogarithmic forms, A panorama in number theory or The view from Baker's garden. Based on a conference in honor of Alan Baker's 60th birthday, Zurich, Switzerland, 1999. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. 2002), 1-10.
  • G. Wüstholz, A.Baker, Logarithmic forms and Diophantine geometry,New Math. Monographs 9. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 198pages.

  • G.Wüstholz, D. Masser, Periods and minimal abelian subvarieties, Ann.Math. 137 (1993), 407-458.
  • G. Wüstholz, G. Faltings, Diophantine approximations on projective spaces, lnventiones Math. 116 (1994), 109-138.
  • G. Wüstholz, D. Masser,Factorization estimates for Abelian varieties,Publ. Math., inst. Hautes Etud. Sci. 81 (1995), 5-24.
  • Application of the André-Oort Conjecture to some questions in transcendence,A Panorama in Number Theory, Cambridge University Press (2002), (jointly with P. Cohen)
  • A Panorama in Number Theory (editor),Cambridge University Press (2002)
  • Logaritmic forms and Diophantine Geometry,Cambridge University Press (2007) (jointly with A. Baker)

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