Zidong Wang - Biography#
Dr. Wang is currently Professor of Dynamical Systems and Computing in the Department of Computer Science, Brunel University London, U.K. From 1990 to 2002, he held teaching and research appointments in universities in China, Germany and the UK. He is a holder of the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship of Germany, the JSPS Research Fellowship of Japan, William Mong Visiting Research Fellowship of Hong Kong. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and a keynote/plenary speaker for many international conferences.
Dr. Wang has been conducting world-leading research in the general areas of dynamical systems, signal processing, bioinformatics, control theory and applications.. He has published 572 SCI papers (including 250+ IEEE Transaction papers) as the corresponding author with the H-index 119 (by Google Scholar) and H-index 102 (by Web of Science). He has had 81 Highly Cited Papers, which count 32% of a total of 257 from Brunel University. He has been ranked as the 4th highest by H-index for scientists in the UK (see http://www.guide2research.com/scientists/UK). His total citations amount to 42,259 (and 24,298 since 2015). In addition, he has published 11 research monographs since 2010.
In view of Dr. Wang’s outstanding research achievement, he has been elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2013. He was named as the Hottest Researcher in Big Data Analysis by Thomson Reuters in 2012. In 2014-2019, he has been named as Highly Cited Researcher in both categories of Engineering and Computer Science for consecutive 6 years by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thompson Reuters). He is also serving as Editor-in-Chief for Neurocomputing (Elsevier), International Journal of Systems Science (CRC Press) and Systems Science Control Engineering (CRC Press), as well as Associate Editor for 5 other IEEE Transactions. He is currently the holder of three Horizon 2020 EU research grants (with a total of 2.5M Euro) on Digital Manufacturing for Industry 4.0.