
Roger Watson - Publications#

Publons (1 March 2023): 508 papers listed; 5885 citations; h-index=40

Rossi V, Napolitano F, Hayter M, Watson R, Calzolari M, Aleo G, Catania G, Sasso L, Zanini M, Bagnasco A (2023) Validation of the Italian version of the SexContraKnow instrument Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene (accepted for publication)

Chaychoowong K, Watson R, Barrett D (2023) Perception of stigma among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Thailand, and the links to delays in accessing healthcare Journal of Infection Prevention doi: 10.1177/17571774231152720

Ali P, Ayyaz R, Younas A, McGarry J, Watson R, East L (2022) Preparedness of Australian and British Nurses and Midwives for Domestic violence International Nursing Review (accepted; author order to be checked) doi: 10.1111/inr.12814

Mikkonen K, Tomietto M, Watson R (2022) Instrument development and psychometric testing in nursing education research Nurse Education Today 119: 105603

Zanini M, Musio ME, Watson R, Aleo G, Sasso L, Catania G, Bagnasco A (2022) The structure of the Italian version of the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index Journal of Nursing Management 30, 3440– 3448

Perng SJ, Watson R, Smith GD, Chen CJ, Lee TY, Koo M, Sung HC (2022) Development and validation of a brief version of the traditional Chinese Stressors in Nursing Students scale among college nursing students in Taiwan Tzu Chi Medical Journal 34: 353-357

Rehman S, Likupe G, McFarland A, Watson R (2022) Evaluating a brief intervention for mealtime difficulty in older adults with dementia Nursing Open doi: 10.1002/nop2.1293

Uyar F, Dilek O, Watson R (2022) The Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia (EdFED) Scale: A Turkish Validity and Reliability Study International Journal of Nursing Older People 00: e12470

Chaychoowong K, Watson R, Barrett D (2022) The relationship between knowledge and delay in seeking treatment among pulmonary tuberculosis patients, Nakhon Ratchasima Province Journal of Council of Community-Public Health 4: 59-74 (Thai)

Chaychoowong K, Barrett D, Watson R (2022) Predictors of patient delay among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Northeast Thailand Journal of Infection Prevention 23: 222–227

Bagnasco A, Rossi S, Dasso N, Catania G, Barisone S, Zanini M, Aleo G, Scelsi S, Paolo P, Watson R, Sasso L (2022) Exploring care left undone in paediatric nursing Journal of Patient Safety doi: 10.1097/pts.0000000000001044

Catania G, Bagnasco A, Pozzi F, Aleo G, Watson R, Hayter M, Sasso L (2022) Core competencies for family and community nurses: a European e-Delphi study Nurse Education in Practice 18: e903-e911

Ali P, McGarry J, Younas A, Inayat S, Watson R (2021) Nurses, Midwives, Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices related to Domestic Violence: A Cross-Sectional Survey Journal of Nursing Management doi: 10.1111/jonm.13503

Watson R, Younas A, Rehman SA, Ali PA (2021) Clarivate listed nursing journals in 2020: what they publish and how they measure use of social media Frontiers of Nursing 8, 429 - 436

Akansel N, Watson R, Palloş A (2021) Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of Stressors in Nursing Students Scale Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 58:1341-1347

Zanini M, Catania G, Ripamonti S, Watson R, Romano A, Aleo G, Timmins F, Sasso L, Bagnasco A (2021) The Weancare nutritional intervention in institutionalized dysphagic older people and its impact on nursing workload and costs: a quasi-experimental study Journal of Nursing Management 29: 2620–2629

Zhao R, Xiao L, Watson R, Chen Y (2021) Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale(CLES+T): psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version Nurse Education Today 106: 105058

Li M, Lou Y, Watson R Zheng Y, Ren J, Tang J, Chen Y (2021) Healthcare workers (HCWs) attitudes and related factors towards COVID-19 vaccination: A Rapid Systematic Review Postgraduate Medical Journal doi: 10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140195

Zhao X, Hilton A, Watson R, Chen Y (2021) Development and Validity Testing of a Type 1 Diabetes Resource for 10-19-years Old Adolescents in China Journal of Pediatric Nursing 60:e96-e103 doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2021.03.029

Finnegan A, Lemma LF, McGhee S, Watson R (2021) Evaluating Serious Stress in Military Veterans, their Carers and Families: a protocol BMJ Military Health doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001715

Bagnasco A, Barisone M, Aleo G, Watson R, Catania G, Zanini M, Thompson DR, Sasso L (2020) An international e-Delphi study to identify core competencies for Italian cardiac nurses The European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 20, 684-691

Akinsel N, Watson R, Vatansever N, Özdemir A (2020) Nurses’ Perceptions of Caring Activities in Nursing Nursing Open 8: 506– 516 doi: 10.1002/nop2.653

Palese A, Achbani B, Hayter M, Watson R (2020) Fidelity challenges while implementing an intervention aimed at increasing eating performance among nursing home residents with cognitive decline: a multicentre, qualitative descriptive study design Journal of Clinical Nursing 31: 1835-1849

Ali P, Watson R (2020) Spousal violence: a Mokken scaling analysis of attitudes of South Asian men and women Violence and Victims 35:5 doi:10.1891/VV-D-18-00043

Benton D, Tierney A, Watson R McCourt K (2020) An Enduring Legacy: The contributions of Royal College of Nursing Fellows to nursing science Nursing Standard 35:10, 27-34

Bagnasco A, Zanini M, Catania G, Watson R, Hayter M, Dasso N, Dini G, Godia A, Pasquarella CM, Zotti C, Urando D, Sasso L (2020) Predicting needlestick and sharps injuries in nursing students: development of the SNNIP scale Nursing Open 7: 1578– 1587. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.540

Palese A, Gonella S, Grassetti L, Longobardi M, De Caro A, Schil I, Hayter M, Watson R (2020) What nursing home environment can maximise eating independence among residents with cognitive impairment? Findings from a secondary analysis Geriatric Nursing 41, 709-716

Aleo, G, Bagnasco, A, Cozzani E, Parodi A, Cannavò SP, Watson R, Hayter M, Geddes L, Catania G, Zanini M, Sasso L (2020) Sun-safe behaviours, personal risk, level of concern, and knowledge about cutaneous melanoma in Italy: time for social marketing? Melanoma risk, knowledge and behaviour in Italy Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene 61: E246-E258

Palese A. Bressan V, Hayter M, Watson R (2020) Enhancing independent eating among older adults with dementia: a scoping review of the state of the conceptual and research literature BMC Nursing 19:32

Bagnasco A, Dasso N, Rossi S, Timmins F, Watson R, Aleo G, Catania G, Zanini M, Sasso L (2020) A cross sectional multisite exploration of Italian paediatric nurses’ reported burnout and its relationship to perceptions of clinical safety and adverse events using the RN4CAST@IT-Ped Journal of Advanced Nursing 76: 2072– 2081

Palese A, Decaro A, Bressan V, Marin M, Achil I, Hayter M, Watson R (2020) Measuring the therapeutic properties of nursing home environments in the Italian context: findings from a validation and cross-sectional study design Annals de igiene 32, 117-131

Bagnasco A, Dasso N, Rossi S, Galanti C, Varone G, Catania G, Zanini M, Aleo G, Watson R, Hayter M, Sasso L (2019) Unmet nursing care needs on medical and surgical wards: A scoping review of patients’ perspectives Journal of Clinical Nursing 29: 347-369

Palese A, Grassetti L, Bressan V, Decaro A, Kasa T, Longorbardi M, Hayter H, Watson R (2019) A path analysis on the direct and indirect effects of the unit environment on eating dependence among cognitively impaired nursing home residents BMC Health Services Research 19:775

Štiglic G, Watson R, Cilar L. Snowden A (2019) R you ready? Using the R programme for statistical analysis and graphics Research in Nursing & Health 42, 494-499

Pajnkihar M, Kocbek P, Muscović K, Tao Y, Kasimovskaya N, Štiglic G, Watson R, Vrbjnak D (2019) An international cross-cultural study of nursing student’s perceptions of caring Nurse Education Today 84, 104214

Lee A, Khulushi S, Watson R (2019) Gastroesophageal cancer patients need earlier palliative intervention - Using data to inform appropriate care European Journal of Oncology Nursing 40, 126-130

Rehman A, Likupe G, Watson R (2019) Mealtime difficulty in older people with dementia WikiJournal of Medicine 6(1):6 doi:10.15347/wjm/2019.006

Bagnasco A, Sasso L, Catania G, Zanini M, Aleo G, Watson R (2019) Push and pull factors of nurses’ intention to leave Journal of Nursing Management 27, 946-954

Palese A, Grassetti L, Zuttion R, Ferrario B, Ponta S, Achil I, Hayter M, Watson R (2019) Self-feeding dependence incidence and predictors among nursing home residents: findings from a 5-year retrospective regional study Nursing and Health Sciences 21, 297-306

Luiking M-L, Heckemann B, Watson R, Kydd A, Ali P, Dekker van Doorne C, Ghosh S, Patel H (2019) Migrants’ healthcare experience: a meta-ethnography review of the literature Journal of Nursing Scholarship 51, 58–67

Sasso L, Watson R, Barisone M, Pellegrini R, Timmins F, Aleo G, Bressan V, Cadorin L, Dasso N, Valcarenghi. D, Canatia G, Zanini M, Bagnasco Q (2019) The contribution of nursing doctoral schools to the development of evidence ten years after their establishment in Italy: an exploratory descriptive survey of former and current doctoral students’ publications Nursing Open 6, 745– 753

Aleo, G, Bagnasco, A, Watson, R, Dyson J, Cowdell F, Catania G, Zanini MP, Cozzani E, Parodi A, Sasso L (2019) Comparing questionnaires across cultures: Using Mokken scaling to compare the Italian and English versions of the MOLES index Nursing Open 6, 1022– 1028

Palese A, Gonella S, Kasa T, Caruzzo D, Hayter M, Watson R (2018) Negative prompts aimed at maintaining eating independence Nursing Ethics 26:2158-2171

Xie H, Yu HT, Watson R, Wen J, Xiao l, Yan M, Chen YH (2018) Cross-cultural validation of the Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale (HPASS) in China AIDS and Behavior 23,1048-1056

Zhao R, Watson R, Chen Y (2018) Validation of Mentor's Behaviour Scale among mentors Nurse Education Today 71, 180-184

Palmgren PJ, Brodin U, Nilsson GH, Watson R, Stenfors T (2018) Investigating psychometric properties and dimensional structure of an educational environment measure (DREEM) using Mokken scale analysis – a pragmatic approach BMC Medical Education 18(1) 235

Palese A , Bressan V, Kasa T, Meri M, Hayter M, Watson R (2018) Interventions maintaining eating Independence in nursing home residents: a multicentre qualitative study BMC Geriatrics 18:292

Watson R, Egberink IJL, Kirke L, Tendeiro J, Doyle F (2018) What are the minimal sample size requirements for Mokken scaling? An empirical example with the Warwick- Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 6: 203-213

Panjkihar M, Vrbnjak D, Kasimocskaya N, Watson R, Štiglic G (2018) Perceptions of caring between Slovene and Russian members of nursing teams Journal of Transcultural Nursing doi:10.1177/1043659618788136

Chen Y, Hilton A, Watson R (2018) The structure of mentors' behaviour in clinical nursing education: confirmatory factor analysis Nurse Education Today 68, 192-19

Watson R, Yamaguchi M, Yamashita A, Watanabe K, Bradbury-Jones C, Irvine F (2018) A Japanese version of the Stressors in Nursing Students (SINS) scale International Journal of Nursing Sciences 5, 181-185

Al-Yami M, Galdas P, Watson R (2018) Factor analysis and Mokken scaling of the Organisational Commitment Questionnaire in nurses International Nursing Review 66, 52–60

Mahfoud ZR, Gkantaras I, Topping A, Cannaby AM, Foreman B, Watson R, Thompson DR, Gray R (2018) The educational preparation of nurses in a developing economy and patient mortality International Nursing Review 65, 434-440

Galvin K, Sloan C, Cowdell F, Ellis-Hill C, Pound C, Watson R, Ersser S, Brooks S (2018) Facilitating a dedicated focus on the human dimensions of care in practice settings: Development of a new Humanised Care Assessment Tool (HCAT) to sensitize care Nursing Inquiry 25, e12235

Palese A, Grassetti L, Bandera D, Zuttion R, Ferrario B, Ponta S, Hayter M, Watson R (2018) High feeding dependence prevalence in residents living in Italian nursing homes requires new policies: findings from a regionally based cross-sectional study Health Policy 122, 301-308

Ali P, Watson R (2017) Language barriers and their impact of provision of care to patients with limited English proficiency: nurses’ perspectives Journal of Clinical Nursing 27, e1152–e1160

Al-yami M, Galdas P, Watson R (2017) Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment among Nursing Staff in Saudi Arabia Journal of Nursing Management 531-539

Kelly J, Watson R, Watson J, Needham M, Driscoll LO (2017) Studying the old masters of nursing: A critical student experience for developing nursing identity Nurse Education in Practice 26, 121-125

Bagnasco A, Watson R, Zanini M, Catania G, Aleo G, Sasso L (2017) Developing a Stoma Acceptance Questionnaire to improve motivation to adhere to enterostoma self-care Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene 58, E190-E194

Watson R, Bagnasco A, Catania G, Aleo G, Zanini M, Sasso L (2017) The Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia Scale: A longitudinal study in nursing home residents Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 44, 196-202

Watson R, Rehman S, Ali P (2017) Stressors in nursing students in Pakistan International Nursing Review 64, 536-543

Watson R, Palese A, Zuttion R, Ferrario B, Ponta S, Hayter M (2017) Identifying longitudinal sustainable hierarchies in activities of daily living Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 71, 122-128

James IA, Watson R, Whitaker CJ, Stokes G, Hart C, Moniz-Cook E (2017) Nature of behaviours that challenge in residents in age care homes: implications for psychosocial interventions and service development FPOP Bulletin 138, 19-27

Shields L, Watson R, Darbyshire P, McKenna H, Williams G, Hungerford C, Stanley S, Ben-Sefer E, Benedict S, Goodman B, Draper P, Anderson J (2017) Nurse participation in legal executions: an ethics round table discussion Nursing Ethics 25, 841–854

Smith D, Watson R (2016) Career development tips for today’s nursing academic: bibliometics, altmetrics and social media Journal of Advanced Nursing 72, 2654-2661

Gkantaras I, Mahfoud ZR, Foreman B, Thompson DR, Cannaby AM, Deshpande D., Watson R, Topping A, Gray R (2016) The effect of Nurse GraduaTeness on patient mortality: a cross-sectional survey (the NuGaT study) Journal of Advanced Nursing 72, 3034–3044

Cleary M, Sayers J, Watson R (2016) Essentials of building a career in nursing research Nurse Researcher 23:6, 9-13

Ali P, Watson R, Dhingra K (2016) Postgraduate research students’ and their supervisors’ attitudes towards supervision International Journal of Doctoral Studies 11, 227-241

Ali P, Watson R (2016) Peer review and the publication process Nursing Open 3, 193-202

Chen Y, Watson R, Hilton A (2016) An exploration of the structure of mentors’ behaviour in nursing education using exploratory factor analysis and Mokken scale analysis Nurse Education Today 40, 161-167

Kelly J, Watson R, Pankratova M, Pedzeni A-M (2016) Representation of age and ageing identities in popular music texts Journal of Advanced Nursing 72, 1325-1334

Stewart ME, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen S, Watson R (2015) Investigating the structure of the autism-spectrum quotient using Mokken scaling Psychological Assessment 72, 596-604

Al Kalaldeh M, Watson R, Hayter M (2015) Jordanian nurses' knowledge and responsibility for enteral nutrition in the critically ill Nursing in Critical Care 20, 229-241

Snowden A, Watson R, Stenhouse R, Hale C (2105) Emotional intelligence and nurse recruitment: Rasch and confirmatory factor analysis of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire short form Journal of Advanced Nursing 71: 2936–2949

Bagnasco A, Watson R, Zanini M, Rosa F, Rocco G, Sasso L (2015) Preliminary testing using Mokken scaling of an Italian version of the Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia (EdFED-It) scale Applied Nursing Research 28, 391-396

Watson R (2015) Quantitative research Nursing Standard 29:31 44-49

Watson R, Thompson DR, Wang W (2014) Violations of local stochastic independence exaggerate scalability in Mokken scaling analysis of the Chinese Mandarin SF-36 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 12, 149

Kalaldeh M, Watson R, Hayter M (2014) Jordanian intensive care nurses’ perspectives on evidence-based practice in nutritional care British Journal of Nursing 23, 1023-1029

Shenkin SD, Watson R, Laidlaw K, Starr JM, Deary IJ (2014) The Attitudes to Ageing Questionnaire: Mokken Scaling Analysis PLOS One 9, e99100

Watson R, Thompson DR, Wang W, Meijer RR (2014) Investigating invariant item ordering in the Mental Health Inventory: An illustration of the use of different methods Personality and Individual Differences 66, 74-78

Kelly J, Watson R (2014) Instrument development and validation of a quality scale for historical research papers (QSHRP): a pilot study Journal of Advanced Nursing 70, 2964-2967

Thompson DR, Ski C, Watson R, Wang W (2014) Mokken scaling of the Chinese version of the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey Quality of Life Research 23, 581–584

AlYami MS, Watson R (2014) An overview of nursing in Saudi Arabia Journal of Health Specialties 2, 10-12

Liu W, Watson R, Lou F-L (2014) The Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia scale (EdFED): cross-cultural validation of the simplified Chinese version in mainland China Journal of Clinical Nursing 23, 45-53

Liu M, Gu Q, Wong TKS, Watson R (2014) Validation of Stressors in Nursing Students Scale-Chinese Version (SINS-C) in a population of Macau Nursing Students Chinese Nursing Research 1, 25-29 Withdrawn at my request due to not being consulted about authorship

Cleary M, Jackson D, Watson R, Chan SW-C (2013) Quality doctoral programmes: views from the East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars Journal of Clinical Nursing 22, 1198-1200

Akansel N, Watson R, Aydin N, Özdemir A (2013) Mokken scaling of the Caring Dimensions Inventory (CDI-25) Journal of Clinical Nursing 22, 1818-1826

Kelly J, Fealy G, Watson R (2013) Legitimacy in legacy: a discussion of historical scholarship published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1976-2011 Journal of Advanced Nursing 69, 1881-1894

Deary IJ, Watson R, Booth T, Gale CR (2013) Does cognitive ability influence responses to the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being scale? Psychological Assessment 25, 313-318

Albutt G, Ali P, Watson R (2013) Preparing nurses to work in primary care: educators perspectives Nursing Standard 27:36, 41-46

Perng S-J, Watson R (2013) Psychometric testing of an instrument measuring core competencies of nursing students: an application of Mokken scaling Advances in Nursing Science 36, 1-12

Watson R (2013) Nursing research in the 21st century Journal of Health Specialities 1, 13-18

Watson R, Chen Y, Ip MYK, Smith GD, Wong TSK, Deary IJ (2013) The structure of stress: confirmatory factor analysis of a Chinese version of the stressors in Nursing Students Scale (SINS) Nurse Education Today 33, 160-165

Ski CF, Thompson DR, Hare DL, Stewart AG, Watson R (2012) Cardiac Depression Scale: Mokken scaling in heart failure patients Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 10,141

Wilkes L, Jackson D, Miranda C, Watson R (2012) The role of clinical trial nurses: an Australian perspective Collegian 19, 239-246

Kelly J, Fealy G, Watson R (2012) The image of you: constructing nursing identities in You Tube Journal of Advanced Nursing 68,1804-1813

Watson R, van der Ark LA, Lin L-C, Fieo R, Deary IJ, Meijer RR (2012) Item response theory: How Mokken scaling can be used in clinical practice Journal of Clinical Nursing 21, 2736-2746

Perng S-J, Watson R (2012) Construct validation of the Nurse Cultural Competence Scale: a hierarchy of abilities Journal of Clinical Nursing 21, 1678-1684

Shields L. Morrall P, Goodman B, Purcell C, Watson R (2012) Care to be a nurse: Reflections on a radio broadcast and its ramifications for nursing today Nurse Education Today 32, 614-617

Doyle F, Watson R, Morgan K, McBride O (2012) A hierarchy of distress and invariant item ordering in the General Health Questionnaire-12 Journal of Affective Disorders 139, 85-88

Sung H-C, Lee W-L, Li T-L, Watson R (2012) A group music intervention using percussion instruments with familiar music to reduce anxiety and agitation of institutionalised older adults with dementia International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 27, 621-627

Cosco TD, Doyle F, Watson R, Ward M, McGee H (2012) Mokken scaling analysis of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in individuals with cardiovascular disease General Hospital Psychiatry 34, 167-172

Watson R, Wang W, Ski CF, Thompson DR (2012) The Chinese version of the Myocardial Infarction Dimensional Assessment Scale (MIDAS): Mokken scaling Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 10, doi:10.1186/1477-7525-10-2

Ali P, Watson R (2011) The case for graduate entry to the UK nursing profession International Nursing Review 58, 312-318

Mezue WC, Draper P, Watson R, Mathew BG (2011) Caring for patients with brain tumour: the patient and care giver perspectives Nigerian Journal of Clinical Research 13, 368-372

Lin L-C, Huang Y-J, Watson R, Wu S-C, Lee Y-C, Chou Y-C (2011) Using a Montessori method to increase eating ability for institutionalised residents with dementia: a crossover study Journal of Clinical Nursing 20, 3092-3101

Wood E, Watson R, Hayter M (2011) To what extent are Christian clergy acting as frontline mental health workers? A study from the North of England Mental Health, Religion and Culture 14, 769-783

Carvajal A, Centeno C, Watson R, Bruera E (2011) A comprehensive study of psychometric properties of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) in Spanish advanced cancer patients European Journal of Cancer 47, 1863-1872

Corchón S, Portillo MA, Watson R, Saracibar M (2011) Nursing research capacity building in a Spanish hospital: an intervention study Journal of Clinical Nursing 20, 2479-2489

Ali P, Watson R, Albutt G (2011) Are English novice nurses prepared to work in the primary care setting? Nurse Education in Practice 11, 304-308

Salomonson Y, Andrew S, Watson R, Teo STT, Deary IJ (2011) The Stressors in Students (SIS) scale: development, reliability, and validity Journal of Clinical Nursing 20, 2078-2079

Carvajal A, Centeno C, Watson R, Martínez M, Sanz Rubiales Á (2011) ¿Como validar un instrumento de medida de la salud? How is an instrument for measuring health to be validated? Anales de Sistema Sanitario de Navarra 34, 63-72

Shields L, Purcell C, Watson R (2011) It’s not cricket: the ashes of nursing education Nurse Education Today 31, 314-316

Watson R, Thompson DR, Amella EJ (2011) Doctorates and nurses Contemporary Nurse 38, 151-159

Lee L-L, Chiu Y-Y, Ho C-C, Wu S-C, Watson R (2011) The Chinese version of the Outcome Expectations for Exercise scale: validation study International Journal of Nursing Studies 48, 672-680

Thompson DR, Watson R (2011) Mokken scaling of the Myocardial Infarction Dimensional Assessment Scale (MIDAS) Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17, 156-159

Lin L-C, Li M-H, Watson R (2011) A survey of the reasons patients do not use percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy/jejunostomy (PEG/PEJ) as a route for feeding Journal of Clinical Nursing 20, 802-810

Gow AJ, Watson R, Whiteman M, Deary IJ (2011) A stairway to heaven? Structure of the Religious Involvement Inventory and Spiritual Well-Being Scale Journal of Religion and Health 50, 5-19

Watson R, Deary I, Thompon DR, Li G (2010) The stress in nursing students scale (SINS): principal components analysis of longitudinal data from Hong Kong Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 1170-1172

Bedford A, Watson R, Henry JD, Crawford JR, Deary IJ (2010) Mokken scaling analyses of the Personal Disturbance Scale (DSSI/sAD) in large clinical and non-clinical samples Personality and Individual Differences 50, 38-42

Lin L-C, Huang Y-J, Su S-G, Watson R, Tsai BW-J, Wu S-C (2010) Using spaced retrieval and Montessori-based activities in improving eating ability for residents with dementia International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 25, 953-959

Fieo R, Watson R, Deary IJ, Starr JM (2010) A revised activities of daily living/instrumental activities of daily living instrument increases interpretive power: theoretical application for functional tasks Gerontology 56, 483-490

Pinar R, Ataalkin S, Watson R (2010) The effect of clothing on sphygmomanometric blood pressure measurement in hypertensive patients Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 1861-1864

Pinar R, Araalkin S, Watson R (2010) The effect of crossing legs on blood pressure in hypertensive patients Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 1284-1288

Stewart ME, Watson R, Clark A, Ebmeier KP Deary IJ (2010) A hierarchy of happiness? Mokken scaling analysis of the Oxford Happiness Inventory Personality and Individual Differences 48, 845-848

Roxburgh M, Lauder W, Topping K, Holland K, Johnson M, Watson R (2010) Early findings from an evaluation of a post-registration staff development programme: The Flying Start NHS initiative in Scotland Nurse Education in Practice 10, 76-81

Bedford A, Watson R, Lyne J, Tibbles J, Davies F, Deary IJ (2010) Mokken scaling and principal components analysis of the CORE-OM in a large clinical sample Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 17, 51-56

Chen Y-H, Lin L-C, Watson R (2010) Validating nurses’ and nursing assistants’ report of assessing pain in older people with dementia Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 45-52

Holland K, Roxburgh M, Johnson M, Topping K, Watson R, Lauder W, Porter M (2010) Fitness to practice in nursing and midwifery education in Scotland, United Kingdom Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 461-469

Lin L-C, Watson R, Wu S-C (2010) What is associated with low food intake in older people with dementia? Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 53-59

Oroviogoicoechea C, Watson R, Beortegui E, Remirez A (2010) Nurses’ perception of the use of computerised information systems in practice: questionnaire development Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 240-248

Watson R, Deary I (2010) Reply to: A comment on Watson, Deary, and Austin (2010) and Watson, Roberts, Gow, and Deary (2008): How we have investigated whether personality items form a hierarchical scale? Personality and Individual Differences 48, 504-505

Deary IJ, Wilson JA, Carding PN, MacKenzie K, Watson R (2010) From dysphonia to dysphoria: Mokken scaling shows a strong, reliable hierarchy of voice symptoms in the Voice Symptom Scale questionnaire Journal of Psychosomatic Research 68, 67-71

Chen Y-H, Lin L-C, Watson R (2010) Evaluation of the psychometric properties and the clinical feasibility of a Chinese version of the Dolopus-2 scale among cognitively impaired older people with communication difficulty International Journal of Nursing Studies 47, 78-88

Corchón S, Watson R, Arantzamendi M, Saracibar M (2010) Design and validation of an instrument to measure nursing research culture: the Nursing Research Questionnaire (NRQ) Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 217-226

Oroviogoicoechea C, Watson R (2009) A quantitative analysis of the impact of a computerised information system on nurses’ clinical practice using a realistic evaluation framework International Journal of Medical Informatics 78, 839-849

Bannigan K, Watson R (2009) Reliability and validity in a nutshell Journal of Clinical Nursing 18, 3237-3243

Watson R, Shields L (2009) Cruel Britannia: a personal critique of nursing in the United Kingdom Contemporary Nurse 32, 42-54

Dugdall H, Watson R (2009) What is the relationship between nurses’ attitudes to evidence based practice and the selection of wound care products? Journal of Clinical Nursing 18, 1442-1450

Wray J, Aspland J, Gibson H, Stimpson A, Watson R (2009) “A wealth of knowledge”: a survey of the employment experience of older nurses and midwives in the NHS International Journal of Nursing Studies 46, 977-985

Lin L-C, Wu S-C, Kao C-C, Tzeng Y-L, Watson R, Tang S-H (2009) Single ability among activities of daily living as a predictor of agitation Journal of Clinical Nursing 18, 117-123

Watson R, Gardiner E, Hogston R, Gibson H, Stimpson A, Wrate R, Deary I (2009) A longitudinal study of stress and psychological distress in nurses and nursing students Journal of Clinical Nursing 18, 270-278

Shields L, Watson R (2008) Where have all the nurses gone? Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 26, 95-101

McSherry W, Gretton M, Draper P, Watson R (2008) The ethical basis of teaching spirituality and spiritual care: a study of student nurses’ perceptions Nurse Education Today 28, 1003-1008

Norman I, Normand C, Watson R, Draper J, Jowett S, Coster S (2008) Calculating the costs of work-based training: the case of NHS cadet schemes International Journal of Nursing Studies 45, 1310-1318

McDougall T, Knight S, Kirkwood B, Watson R (2008) Reliability of nurse assessment of malnutrition risk in hospital Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 2791-2792

Watson R, Deary IJ, Thompson DR, Li G (2008) A study of stress and burnout in nursing students in Hong Kong: a questionnaire survey International Journal of Nursing Studies 45, 1534-1542

Watson R, Roberts (nee Shipley) B, Gow A, Deary IJ (2008) A hierarchy of items within Eysenck’s EPI Personality and Individual Differences 45, 333-335

Lauder W, Watson R, Topping K, Holland K, Johnson M, Porter M, Roxburgh M, Behr A (2008) An evaluation of fitness for practice curricula: self-efficacy, support and self-reported competence in preregistration student nurses and midwives Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 1859-1867

Lin L-C, Watson R, Lee Y-C, Chou Y-C, Wu S-C (2008) Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia (EdFED) scale: cross-cultural validation of the Chinese version Journal of Advanced Nursing 62, 116-123

Watson R, Deary IJ, Shipley B (2008) A hierarchy of distress: Mokken scaling of the GHQ-30 Psychological Medicine 28, 575-579

Shields L, Watson R (2007) The demise of nursing in the United Kingdom: a warning for medicine Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 100, 70-74

Kirkman S, Thompson DR, Watson R, Stewart S (2007) Are all doctorates equal or are some “more equal than others”? Nurse Education in Practice 7, 61-66

Wray J, Aspland J, Gibson H, Stimpson A, Watson R (2007) Older nurses and midwives in the NHS Nursing Management 14:8, 26-30

Wray J, Aspland J, Gibson H, Stimpson A, Watson R (2007) Employment experiences of older nurses and midwives Nursing Standard 22:9, 35-50

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Watson R (2004) Age, gender and nurse education for practice Journal of Clinical Nursing 13, 769-770

Watson R, Hogston R, Norman I, Stimpson A, Sanderson A, O’Reilly J, Baulcomb S (2004) Quality assurance in UK nursing education: public protection in the era of streamlined assessment Nurse Education Today 25, 49-55

Mezue W, Mathew B, Draper P, Watson R (2004) Impact of care on carers of patients treated for subarachnoid haemorrhage British Journal of Neurosurgery 18, 135-137

Draper J, Halliday D, Jowett S, Norman IJ, Watson R, Wilson-Barnett J, Normand C, O’Brien K (2004) NHS cadet schemes: student experience, commitment, job satisfaction and job stress Nurse Education Today 24, 219-228

Andrews J, Manthorpe J, Watson R (2004) Involving older people in intermediate care sector Journal of Advanced Nursing 46, 303-310

Watson R (2003) Intrarater reliability of the Caring Dimensions Inventory and Nursing Dimensions Inventory Journal of Clinical Nursing 12, 786-787

Manthorpe J, Andrews J, Agelink M, Zegers S, Cornes M, Smith M, Watson R (2003) Volunteers in intermediate care: flexible friends? Journal of Integrated Care 11:6, 31-39

Baulcomb S, Watson R (2003) The internal consistency and intra-rater reliability of an assessment practice grid for community nurses Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing 7, 168-170

Watson R, Manthorpe J, Andrews J (2003) Older nurses and employment decisions Nursing Standard 18:7, 35-40

Deary IJ, Watson R, Hogston R (2003) A longitudinal study of burnout and attrition in nursing students Journal of Advanced Nursing 43, 71-81

Watson R, Deary IJ, Hoogbruin A, Vermeijden W, Rumeu C, Beunza M, Barbarin B, Macdonald J, McReady T (2003) Perceptions of nursing: a study involving nurses, nursing students, patients and non-nursing students International Journal of Nursing Studies 40, 133-144

Watson R, Hoogbruin AL, Rumeu C, Beunza M, Barbarin B, MacDonald J, McReady T (2003) Differences and similarities in the perception of caring between Spanish and United Kingdom nurses Journal of Clinical Nursing 12, 85-92

Manthorpe J, Watson R (2003) Poorly served?: eating and dementia Journal of Advanced Nursing 41, 162-169

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Watson R, Calman L, Norman I, Redfern S, Murrells T (2002) Assessing clinical competence in student nurses Journal of Clinical Nursing 11, 554-555

Calman L, Watson R, Norman I, Redfern S, Murrells T (2002) Assessing practice of student nurses: methods, preparation of assessors and student views Journal of Advanced Nursing 38, 516-523

Smith GD, Watson R, Roger D, McRorie E, Hurst N, Luman W, Palmer KR (2002) Impact of a nurse led counselling service upon quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease Journal of Advanced Nursing 38, 152-160

Watson R (2002) Clinical competence: Starship enterprise or straitjacket? Nurse Education Today 22, 476-480

Draper J, Watson R (2002) Cadets and nursing students: same destination – different route Journal of Advanced Nursing 40, 449-456

Watson R, MacDonald J, McReady T (2002) The Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia Scale #2: inter- and intra-rater reliability Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing 5, 184-186

Norman IJ, Watson R, Murrells T, Calman L, Redfern S (2002) The validity and reliability of methods to assess the competence to practise of pre-registration nursing and midwifery students International Journal of Nursing Studies 39, 133-145

Watson R (2001) Elitism, advanced practice and the Charge of the Light Brigade NT Research 6, 791-796

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Watson R, Deary IJ, Hoogbruin A (2001) A 35-item version of the caring dimensions inventory (CDI-35): multivariate analysis and application to a longitudinal study involving student nurses International Journal of Nursing Studies 38, 511-521

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Wray J, Gibson H, Barrett D, Watson R (2021) Approaches used to enhance transition and retention for newly qualified nurses (NQNs): a rapid evidence assessment Nurse Education Today 104651

O’Connor C, Dyson J, Cowdell F, Watson R (2017) Do universal school-based mental health promotion programmes improve the mental health and emotional well-being of young people? A literature review Journal of Clinical Nursing e412-e426

Lee A, Watson R, Khulusi A (2017) Which interval is most crucial to presentation and survival in gastroesophageal cancer: a systematic review Journal of Advanced Nursing 2270-2282

Sissons H, Watson R, Gardiner E (2017) Vaccination timeliness in preterm infants: an integrative review of the literature Journal of Clinical Nursing 4094-4104

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Bianchi M, Bressan V, Cadorin L, Pagnucci N, Tolotti A, Valcarenghi D, Watson R, Bagnasco A (2016) Patient safety competencies in undergraduate nursing students: A Rapid Evidence Assessment Journal of Advanced Nursing 72, 2966-2979

Bagnasco A, Cadorin L, Barisone M, Bressan V, Lemmi M, Prandi M, Timmins F, Watson R, Sasso L (2016) Ethical dimensions of paediatric nursing: a rapid evidence assessment Nursing Ethics doi:10.1177/0969733016631161

Chen Y, Watson R, Hilton A (2016) A review of mentorship measurement tools Nurse Education Today 40, 20-28

Santy-Tomlinson J, Ali P, Watson R (2014) Assessment and diagnosis of acute limb compartment syndrome: a systematic literature review International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing 18, 180-190

Lin Y-P, Watson R, Tsai Y-F (2013) Dignity in care in the clinical setting: a narrative review Nursing Ethics 20, 168-177

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Watson R (1993) Measuring feeding difficulty in patients with dementia perspectives and problems Journal of Advanced Nursing 18, 25–31

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