Lea Ypi#
Membership Number: | 5367 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2020 |
Main Country of Residence: | UNITED KINGDOM |
Homepage(s): | http://www.lse.ac.uk/government/people/academic-staff/lea-ypi |
X: | @lea_ypi |
Present and Previous Positions
- 2016 - ongoing Professor of Political Theory (with tenure since 2013), London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Government
- 2011 - ongoing Adjunct Associate Professor in Philosophy, Australian National University, Research School of Social Sciences
- 2008 - 2011 Nuffield College, Oxford University: Post-Doctoral Prize Research Fellow
- Michaelmas Term 2009 & Hilary Term 2010: Worcester College, Oxford University: Tutor in Politics
- 2005 - 2006 University of New of York in Tirana, affiliated to State University of New York: Lecturer, Department of Political Science
- 2005 European University Institute, Florence: Research-assistant, Department of Social and Political Sciences
- 2003 - 2004 Italian Institute of Historical Studies, Naples: Researcher, Project: "Ideas and reflective judgment in Kant’s third Critique"
- 2017,04 Visiting Faculty, McCoy Family Centre for Ethics in Society, Stanford University
- 2014,09 - 2015,07 Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study Berlin (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin)
- 2011,06 - 09 Visiting Researcher, Sciences Po, Paris, Centre d'études européennes
Fields of Scholarship
- Political philosophy/theory
- History of political thought
- Kant
- Marx
- Democratic theory
- Migration
- Theories of justice
Honours and Awards
- Philip Leverhulme Prize for early stage researchers “whose work has had international impact and whose future research career is exceptionally promising”, 2019.
- Shortlisted for the APSA's Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award for "The Meaning of Partisanship" as the best book on government, politics or international affairs published in 2016.
- Promotion to Professor Teaching Excellence Prize, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2016.
- Winner of Brian Barry Prize for Excellence in Political Science awarded by the British Academy for the article “Mandatory Citizenship for Immigrants” co-authored with H. De Schutter, 2014.
- Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Workshop Award for “The Meaning of Partisanship” in 2014.
- Philosophers’ Annual, selection of “What’s wrong with colonialism” as one of the ten best articles published in philosophy for 2013.
- Outstanding Teaching Performance Prize, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2013. (Nominated again by the LSE Student Union for excellence in teaching in 2014)
- Runner-up for the “Gregory Kavka Prize” for the best article published in political philosophy in 2008-2009, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, 2011.
- Winner of the essay competition ‘Reframing Human Rights’, Coninx Foundation, Humboldt University & Social Science Reseach Centre (WZB) Berlin, selected out of 153 contributions from 62 countries, 2005.
- Quarter-finalist team member at the Karl Popper International Debate ‘Open societies require open borders’ organized by the Open Societies Institute in Riga, Latvia, 1997.
- First prize (national best speaker) at the Open Societies Institute national debate ‘Censorship of individual expression for the good of society is justified’, 1996.
- First prize (national best team) at the Open Societies Institute national debate ‘Majorities have the duty to protect the minorities’, 1996.
- First prize, international literary competition, International Centre of Culture, Music & Arts, Bari, Italy, 1996.
- Honourable mention, international literary competition, Sole d’Italia, Italian daily, Belgium, 1993.
- Honourable mention at the Olympiad of Mathematics, Durres, Albania, 1990.