
Bianca de Divitiis - Biography#

Bianca de Divitiis is Associate Professor in History of Art at the University of Naples Federico II. After being awarded several fellowships and grant from national (IUAV) and international institutions (Warburg Institute, Villa I Tatti-Harvard University, Paul Mellon Centre), she has been PI of the ERC "Historical Memory, Antiquarian Culture, Artistic Patronage in Renaissance Southern Italy" (2011 - 2016) and is currently PI of the national projec PRIN "Renaissance in southern Italy and the Islands: Culutural Heritage and Technology". She has also taken part to other international projects (Royal Netherlands Academy of Art and Sciences; Getty Research Institute-Columbia University) and is member of several international scientific boards (Kunsthistorisches Institute in Florence; Palladio Museum in Vicenza; Pio Monte della Misericordia and Museum of Palazzo Reale in Naples). She is currently Deputy Director of the Departmente of Humanistic Studies and delegate of the Research Commission of the University of Naples Federico II.

She has published extensively on British art and architecture between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and on art, patronage and antiquarian culture in the Kingdom of Naples between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. She has published a book on the patronage of the Carafa family in Naples (Venice 2007) and co-edited the monographic issue on antiquarian culture in Europe (with Alessandro Nova and Samuel Vitali, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorische Institutes in Florenz, 2018), as well as the volume "Local Antiquities, Local Identities" (with Kathleen Christian, Manchester 2019) and a work on the 1514 "De Nola" by Ambrogio Leone (with Fulvio Lenzo and Lorenzo Miletti, Leiden-Boston 2018). She has just edited the volume "A Companion to the Renaissance in Southern Italy (1350–1600) (Brill: Leiden-Boston, 2023) and is currently preparing a book entitled "Il Rinascimento e il Regno" (Viella editore).

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