
Bianca de Divitiis - Selected Publications#

1. Editor of the volume "A Companion to the Renaissance in Southern Italy (1350–1600)", Brill (RSA series): Leiden & Boston, 2023 (ISBN 978-90-04-38417-0), and author in the volume of the following contributions: “Introduction”, pp. 1-28; with Fulvio Lenzo “Mapping the Kingdom: History and Geography”, pp. 157-187; Architectural Patronage and Networks”, pp. 301-336.

2. "Matteo Geronimo Mazza: a recovered sylloge by a Renaissance antiquarian and collector”, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 83, 2020, pp. 161-256.

3. “A Renaissance story of antiquarianism and identity: the Temple of Pomona from Rome to Salerno," Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, 60, 2018, pp. 33-53.

4. “A local sense of the past: spolia, reuse and all’antica building in southern Italy, 1400-1600”, in "Local antiquities, local identities: art, literature and antiquarianism in Europe, c. 1400-1700", ed. by B. de Divitiis e K. Christian, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2018, pp. 79-101

5. “Architecture, Poetry and Law: The Amphitheatre of Capua and the New Works Sponsored by the Local Élite”, in The Quest for an Appropriate Past in Literature, Art and Architecture, ed. by K. Enenckel e K. Ottenheym, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2018, pp. 47-75

6. “Rinascimento meridionale: la Nola di Orso Orsini tra ricerca dell’antico e nuove committenze”, Annali di architettura, 28, 2016, pp. 27-48.

7. “Giuliano da Sangallo in the Kingdom of Naples: Architecture and Cultural Exchange”, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 74, 2015 pp. 152-178

8. “Castel Nuovo and Castel Capuano in Naples: the Transformation of Two Medieval Castles into all’antica Residences for the Aragonese Royals”, Zeitschrift fuer Kunstgeschichte, 4, 2013, pp. 441-474.

9. "Architettura e Comminttenza nella Napoli del Quattrocento", Venice, Marsilio, 2006.

10. “A Newly Discovered Album from the office of Sir John Soane”, The Burlington Magazine, 1200, 2003, pp. 180-198

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