
Krijn de Jong - Selected Publications#

1. Recent Developments in the Synthesis of Supported Catalysts
P. Munnik, P., P.E. de Jongh, K.P. de Jong
Chemical Reviews 115, (2015), 6687−6718,

2. Nanoparticle Growth in Supported Nickel Catalysts during Methanation Reaction - Larger is Better
P. Munnik P., M.E.Z. Velthoen, P.E. de Jongh. K.P. de Jong, C.J. Gommes,
Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 53 (2014), 9493-9497

3. Controlling collective properties of supported metal nanoparticles for stable catalysts
G. Prieto, J. Zecevic, H. Friedrich, K.P. de Jong, and P.E. de Jongh,
Nature Mater. 12 (2013) 34-39

4. Supported Iron Nanoparticles as Catalysts for Sustainable Production of Lower Olefins
H.M. Torres Galvis, J.H. Bitter, C.B. Khare, M. Ruitenbeek, A. Iulian Dugulan and K.P. de Jong,
Science 335 (2012) 835-838

5. Iron Particle Size Effects for Direct Production of Lower Olefins from Synthesis Gas
H.M. Torres Galvis, J.H. Bitter, T. Davidian, M. Ruitenbeek, A.I. Dugulan and K.P. de Jong,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 (2012) 16207-16215

6. Mesoporosity of Zeolite Y: Quantitative Three-Dimensional Study by Image Analysis of Electron Tomograms
J. Zecevic, C.J. Gommes, H. Friedrich, P.E. de Jongh, K.P. de Jong,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51 (2012) 4213-4217

7. Zeolite Y Crystals with Trimodal Pososity as Ideal Hydrocracking Catalysts
K.P. de Jong, J. Zecevic, H. Friedrich, P.E. de Jongh, M. Bulut, S. van Donk, R. Kenmogne, A. Finiels, V. Hulea and F. Fajula,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 49 (2010) 10074-10078

8. Electron Tomography for Heterogeneous Catalysts and Related Nanostructured Materials
H. Friedrich, P.E. de Jongh, A.J. Verkleij and K.P. de Jong,
Chem. Rev. 109 (2009) 1613-1629

9. Synthesis of Solid Catalysts
K.P. de Jong, Editor, Wiley-VCH (2009)

10. On the Origin of the Cobalt Particle Size Effects in Fischer-Tropsch Catalysis
J.P. den Breejen, P.B. Radstake, G.L. Bezemer, J.H. Bitter, V. Frøseth, A. Holmen and K.P. de Jong,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (2009) 7197-7203

Web of Science report dated Sept 24, 2015:#

Results found: 240 peer-reviewed publications
Sum of the Times Cited: >10,000
Average Citations per Item: >40
h index: 55
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