
Jan van Hest - Selected Publications#

1. A.F. Mason, B.C. Buddingh, D.S. Williams, J.C.M. van Hest, Hierarchical Self-Assembly of a Copolymer-Stabilized Coacervate Protocell. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139, 17309-17312.

2. H. Che, S. Cao, J.C.M. van Hest Feedback-Induced Temporal Control of "Breathing" Polymersomes to Create Self-Adaptive Nanoreactors. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140, 5356-5359.

3. H. Che, J. Zhu, S. Song, A.F. Mason, S. Cao, I.A.B Pijpers, L.K.E.A. Abdelmohsen, J.C.M.van Hest, ATP-Mediated transient behavior of stomatocyte nanosystems. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2019 58, 13113-13118.

4. B.C. Buddingh, J. Elzinga, J.C.M. van Hest, Intercellular communication between artificial cells by allosteric amplification of a molecular signal. Nature Comm. 2020, 11, 1652.

5. S.P. Cao, J.X. Shao, H.L. Wu, S.D. Song, M.T. de Martino, I.A.B. Pijpers, J.H. Friedrich, L.K.E.A. Abdelmohsen, D.S. Williams, J.C.M. van Hest, Photoactivated nanomotors via aggregation induced emission for enhanced phototherapy. Nature Comm. 2021, 12, 2077.

6. S. Song, A.F. Mason, R.A.J. Post, M. De Corato, R. Mestre, N.A. Yewdall, S. Cao, R. van der Hofstad, S. Sanchez, L.K.E.A. Abdelmohsen, J.C.M. van Hest, Engineering transient dynamics of artificial cells by stochastic distribution of enzymes

Nature Communications, 2021 Vol.11, Issue 1, DOI 10.1038/s41467-021-27229-0

7. T. Mashima, M. Stevendaal, F.R.A. Cornelissens, A.F. Mason, B. Rosier, W.J. Altenburg, K. Oohora, S. Hirayama, T. Hayashi, J.C.M. van Hest, L. Brunsveld DNA-Mediated Protein Shuttling between Coacervate-Based Artificial Cells. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2022, 61 (17). DOI: 10.1002/anie.202115041.

8. J. Shao, S. Cao, H. Che, M.T. De Martino, H. Wu, L.K.E.A. Abdelmohsen, J.C.M. van Hest, J. C. M. Twin-Engine Janus Supramolecular Nanomotors with Counterbalanced Motion. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144 (25), 11246-11252, Article. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c02682.

9. B. Sun, X. Guo, M. Feng, S. Cao, H. Yang, H. Wu, M.H.M.E. van Stevendaal, R.A.J.F. Oerlemans, J. Liang,Y. Ouyang, Y.; J.C.M. van Hest Responsive Peptide Nanofibers with Theranostic and Prognostic Capacity. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2022, 61 (38), Article. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202208732.

10. A.C. Wauters, J.F. Scheerstra, I.G. Vermeijlen, R. Hammink, M. Schluck, L. Woythe, H. Wu, L. Albertazzi, C.G. Figdor, J. Tel, L.K.E.A. Abdelmohsen, J.C.M. van Hest, Artificial Antigen-Presenting Cell Topology Dictates T Cell Activation. Acs Nano 2022, 16 (6), 15072-15085, Article. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.2c06211.

Web of Science 04-01-2023:

H factor 75, number of citations 20689

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