
Ans van Kemenade - Curriculum Vitae#

Guest professorships & research visits:

University of Potsdam, Linguistics Summer school, July 1999.
University of Vienna, Dept. of Linguistics, April 2001.
University of Oslo, Summer School in Historical Linguistics, August 2003.
University of Salzburg, Dept. of Linguistics, March 2008.
University of Edinburgh, Dept of Linguistics & English Language, February 2008.
University of Cambridge, Dept. of Linguistics, January 2012.

Administration (selection of recent)

Member, Permanent Committee for Large Scale Research Infrastructures. NWO (Dutch Science Foundation), 2015-
Member Humanities Board, NWO (Dutch Science Foundation), 2008-2014
Vice Dean for Research, RU Nijmegen, Faculty of Arts, 2009-2012
Director, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University, Faculty of Arts, 2008-2012
Member, review panel Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, University of Oxford, 2014.

Grants held (selection)

(with Henriette de Swart) Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences KNAW) to organize a KNAW Colloquium ‘Language Variation in Action’. February 2016. K€ 23.
Clarin Netherlands, for Integrated Parser and lemmatizer for Historical Dutch (InPOLDER), December 2010, K€ 75.
(with Bettelou Los) Syntax and Information Structure: discourse options after the loss of Verb Second. NWO Humanities programme grant 2007-2012 (1 teaching replacement, 2 PhD positions, K€ 600)
(with Peter Ackema) Variation and standardisation: the impact of language contact on the emerging Dutch standard language 1400-1650. NWO Humanities programme grant 2004-2009 (1 postdoc, 2 PhD positions, K€ 600)
(with Geert Booij) The diachrony of complex predicates in West-Germanic. NWO-Humanities programme grant 2000-2006, (1 postdoc, 2 PhD positions K€ 600)
(with Olga Fischer) Infinitival Complementation in Old and Middle English. PhD grant NWO- Humanities 1994, K€ 160

Invited plenary speaker at many international conferences including recently:

2019 Studying diachronic shifts in the interaction between syntax and pragmatics. Invited lecture. Saarbrücken, Universität des Saarlandes, SFB 1102 Distinguished Scientist Colloquium. July 2019.
2019 Modal particles between clause structure and discourse organisation. Universität des Saarlandes. Workshop on particles in German, English and beyond. January 2019.
2018 Changes in Verb Second over the Middle English period. Vierter internationaler Workshop zur Verb-Zweit-Stellung. Bergische Universität Wuppertal, July 2018.
2018 Discourse particles between clause structure and discourse organisation. CRISCO workshop on Information structure in language change. University of Caen, April 2018.

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