
Gerard van der Steenhoven - Selected Publications#

1. G. van der Steenhoven, H. P. Blok, E. Jans, M. de Jong, L. Lapikás, E. N. M. Quint and P. K. A. de Witt Huberts, Nucl. Phys. A480 (1988) 547.
Knockout of 1p Protons from 12C Induced by the (e,e’p) Reaction

2. L. D. Pham, S. Høibraten, R. P. Redwine, D. R. Tieger, G. van der Steenhoven, K. E. Wilson, and M. E. Yuly, F. J. Federspiel, R. A. Eisenstein, A. M. Nathan, and S. A. Wood, E. J. Beise, Phys. Rev. C46 (1992) 621.
Exclusive 16%O(γ,π−p) reaction in the Δ resonance region

3. E.C. Aschenauer, I. Bobeldijk, D.G. Ireland, L Lapikás, D. Van Neck, B. Schroeder, V. Van der Sluys, G. van der Steenhoven, R.E. Van de Vyver, Phys. Lett. B389 (1996) 470.
The mass-dependence of meson-exchange currents in the reaction (γ,p)

4. K. Ackerstaff et al. (HERMES Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B442 (1998) 484, hep-ex/9807015
Measurement of the proton spin structure function g1 with a pure hydrogen target.

5. A. Airapetian et al. (HERMES Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 4047, hep-ex/9910062
Evidence for a Single-Spin Azimuthal Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Pion Electro-Production

6. A. Airapetian et al.(HERMES Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 535 (2002) 85, hep-ex/0112022
Single-spin azimuthal asymmetry in exclusive electro-production of π + mesons

7. A. Airapetian et al. (HERMES Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 012005, hep-ex/0307064
Flavor decomposition of the sea quark helicity distributions in the nucleon from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering

8. M. Ageron et al. (ANTARES Collaboration), Nucl. Instr. Meth. A581 (2007) 695
Studies of a full scale mechanical prototype line for the ANTARES neutrino telescope and tests of a prototype instrument for deep-sea acoustic measurements

9. A. Airapetian et al. (HERMES Collaboration), JHEP 08 (2010) 130, arXiv:1002.3921
Leading-order determination of the gluon polarization from high-pT hadron electroproduction

10. B. van den Hurk, P. Siebesma, J. Barkmeijer en G. van der Steenhoven, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 81 (2015) 376 en Meteorologica 25-1 (2016) 4
Een stille revolutie in de meteorologie (A silent revolution in meteorology)

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