
Guenter Abel#

Guenter Abel
Membership Number:3648
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:GERMANY

Present and Previous Positions

  • Since 1987 University Professor of Philosophy (Chair), Technische Universitaet Berlin (TUB) / Berlin Institute of Technology (BIT)
  • 2011 Visiting Professor at the ETH Zurich / Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (Switzerland). Since 2011 Affiliated member of the ETH Zurich. Since 2013: associated Fellow of th "Collegium Helveticum" of the ETH Zurich.
  • 2000 Visiting Professor at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
  • Official nominations / offers of a professorship (chair of philosophy) at the universities of Lausanne (Switzerland) 2000, Jena (Germany) 1997 and Erfurt (Germany) 2007. Additionally, from Erfurt an offer of the presidency of the university (2007). All these (and other pre-official) offers declined.
  • 1990 Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (USA)
  • 1984 - 1985: Visiting Professor at the University of Hannover (Germany)
  • 1983 - 1984 Visiting Professor (philosophy) at the former Kirchliche Hochschule Berlin / Divinity School Berlin (which later became the Faculty of Theology of the Humboldt University Berlin)
  • 1982 - 1987 Research Fellow in the "Heisenberg"-Program of the DFG (German National Research Foundation)
  • 1977 - 1982 Associate Professor (philosophy) at the Kirchliche Hochschule Berlin / Divinity School Berlin

Fields of Scholarship
  • Continental and analytic philosophy
  • 19th and 20th century philosophy
  • Philosophy of language and symbols
  • Epistemology
  • Philosophy of mind

Honours and Awards
  • 2012 President of the Committee of Cooptation / Comité de Cooptation of the "Institut International de Philosophie (IIP) / International Institute of Philosophy"
  • 2011 Honorary member of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Philosophy (DGPhil) / German Philosophical Association"
  • 2010 Permanent member of the "Institut International de Philosophie (IIP) / International Institute of Philosophy"
  • 2010 Member of the "Scientific Programme Committee" of the "International Federation of Philosophical Societies / Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie (FISP)" for the 23rd "World Congress of Philosophy" in Athens, August 2013.
  • 2009 Member of the "Academia Engelberg" (Patronage Committee)
  • Since 2008 Member of the "Steering Committee" of the "International Federation of Philosophical Societies / Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie (FISP)"
  • 2002 - 2005 President of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Philosophy (DGPhil) / German Philosophical Association"
  • 1999 - 2011 Member of the Steering Committee of the DGPhil
  • 1997 - 2000 President of the "Société de Philosophie de Langue Française en Allemagne / Society of French Language Based Philosophy in Germany"
  • 1982 - 1987 Elected Fellow in the "Heisenberg"-Program of the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / German National Research Foundation), a post-Habilitation and pre-tenured program of excellence for young researchers.

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