
Valerio Acocella - Curriculum Vitae#


Valerio Acocella (VA) is currently Associate Professor at the University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy. After a Ph.D. on pluton emplacement at the University of Siena (Italy) in 2000, he focused on the structure, deformation and dynamics of volcanoes, at the local and the regional scales, in different settings, such as in Italy, Iceland, Ethiopia, Afar, New Zealand, Japan, Kamchatka, Central Andes, Easter Island, Azores and Iran. In his research, VA combines field studies, analogue and numerical modelling, and remote sensing and InSAR.


Valerio Acocella has participated in 23 national and international projects (5 as PI and 5 as local coordinator) and has collaborated with >50 national and international research institutions, publishing 131 papers, including 68 as the first or only author. VA is also author of >280 oral and poster presentations at meetings, including 11 extended abstracts, being the first or only author of >130 of these. He has been an invited speaker/ keynote lecturer at 13 international meetings. His current (as of September 2018) h-index is 36 on ISI and Scopus and 42 on Google Scholar.

Services to the scientific community

Valerio Acocella is currently Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Earth Science, Editor in Chief of Frontiers in Volcanology, Associate Editor of Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Frontiers in Structural Geology and Tectonics, Geosphere, Bulletin of Volcanology and Earth, Planets, Space. He has been also Guest editor of 3 special volumes of Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research and Tectonophysics. VA has been the convener of 24 international meetings and was responsible of the IAVCEI Commission on Collapse Calderas (2010-2014). VA has been Visiting Professor at the Universitè Paul Cezanne, Aix an Provence, France (2 times) and Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.


Valerio Acocella is an international expert on volcano deformation, especially on caldera dynamics (including Campi Flegrei), flank instability at volcanoes (including Etna) and dike propagation in volcanic edifices and along rift zones.

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