
Valerio Acocella - Selected Publications#

Acocella V., Behncke B., Neri M. D’Amico S. (2003) Link between major flank slip and 2002-2003 eruption at Mt. Etna (Italy). Geophysical Research Letters 30, 24, 2286, doi: 10.1029/2003GL018642.

Acocella V. (2007) Understanding caldera structure and development: an overview of analogue models compared to natural calderas. Earth Science Reviews, 85, 125-160. 171 citations since 2007 in Google Scholar.

Acocella V., Funiciello F. (2010) Kinematic setting and structural control on arc volcanism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289, 43-53.

Solaro G., Acocella V., Pepe S., Ruch J., Neri M., Sansosti E. (2010) Anatomy of an unstable volcano from InSAR: multiple processes affecting flank instability at Mt. Etna, 1994-2008. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B10405, doi:10.1029/2009JB000820.

Maccaferri F., Rivalta E., Keir D., Acocella A., (2014) Off-rift volcanism in rift zones determined by crustal unloading. Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/NGEO2110.

Acocella V., (2014) Structural control on magmatism along divergent and convergent plate boundaries: overview, model, problems. Earth Science Reviews, 136, 226-288.

Acocella V., Di Lorenzo R., Newhall C., Scandone R. (2015) An overview of recent (1988 to 2014) caldera unrest: knowledge and perspectives. Reviews of Geophysics, 53, doi:10.1002/2015RG000492.

Di Vito M.A., Acocella V., Aiello G., Barra D., Battaglia M., Carandente A., Del Gaudio C., de Vita S., Ricciardi G.P., Ricco C., Scandone R., Terrasi F., (2016) Magma transfer at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) before the last 1538 AD eruption. Scientific Reports, 6, 32245, doi: 10.1038/srep32245. 19 citations since 2016 in Google Scholar.

Chiodini G., Paonita A., Aiuppa A., Costa A., Caliro S., De Martino P., Acocella V., Vandemeulebrouck J., (2016) Hotter volcanic unrest for magmas near the critical degassing pressure. Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13712. 27 citations since 2016 in Google Scholar.

Galetto F., Acocella V., Caricchi L., (2017) Caldera resurgence driven by magma viscosity contrasts. Nature Communications, 8, 1750. DOI:10.1038/s41467-017-01632- y.

Rivalta E., F. Corbi, L. Passarelli, V. Acocella, T. Davis, M. A. Di Vito, (2019) Stress inversions to forecast magma pathways and eruptive vent location. Science Advances, 5, eaau9784.

Nicotra E., Viccaro M., Donato P., Acocella V., De Rosa R., (2021) Catching the Main Ethiopian Rift evolving towards plate divergence. Scientific Reports, 11, 21821, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-01259-6.

Acocella V., (2021) Volcano-Tectonic Processes. Springer, 567 pp., ISBN 978-3-030-65968-4, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65968-4.

Galetto F., Acocella V., Hooper A., Bagnardi M., (2022) Eruption at basaltic calderas forecast by magma flow rate. Nature Geocience, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-022-00960-z.

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