Lucian Liviu Albu#

Lucian Liviu Albu
Membership Number:4331
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:ROMANIA

Present and Previous Positions
  • 2001, 01 General Manager (Director), Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • 2000, 09 Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Romanian Government, Bucharest
  • 1998, 01 General Manager (Director), Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • 1997, 07 Honorary Visiting Professor, Centre for European Economic Studies, University of Leicester (Economics Dept.)
  • 1995, 12 Senior Researcher, Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • 1995, 09 Senior Researcher, Institute of Industrial Economics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • 1995, 02 Fellow Researcher, Centre d'Etudes Prospectives d'Economie Mathematique Appliquées à la Planification, Univ. of Paris I
  • 1993, 09 Scientific Director, National Institute of Economic Research, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • 1990, 01 Head of Macroeconomics Dept., Institute of Industrial Economics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • 1981, 12 Senior Researcher, Institute of Industrial Economics, Central Institute of Economic Research, Bucharest

Fields of Scholarship
  • European economics
  • Nonlinear modelling of the relation between financial market and macroeconomic variables
  • Macroeconomics
  • Sustainability of public debt and deficits
  • Transition economics
  • Economic convergence, regional development and spatial economics
  • Economic policies and analysis
  • Labour market, informal economy and tax evasion
  • Competitiveness and industrial economics
  • Economic modelling and forecast

Honours and Awards
  • 2015 Diploma of Excellence, National Institute of Statistics and Romanian Society of Statistics, Bucharest
  • 2015 Honorary Diploma, Ecological University, Bucharest
  • 2014 Diploma of Full Member (Academician) of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • 2014 Diploma of Doctor Honoris Causa, West University "Vasile Goldis", Arad
  • 2012 Diploma anniversary of "Constantin Brancusi" University of Targu Jiu
  • 2009 Diploma of Correspondent Member of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • 2000 Romanian Academy Award "Petre s. Aurelian", Bucharest
  • 1997 Invitation as Honorary Visiting Professor (External Professor - Nonlinear Macroeconomics), Leicester University (CEES)

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