Géza Alföldy#
- 1953-1958 studies at the University of Budapest
- 1959 Doctorate, University of Budapest
- 2002 - 2005 substitute professor
- 2002 professor emeritus
- 1975 Professor for Ancient History, University of Heidelberg
- 1970-1975 Professor of Ancient History, Ruhr University Bochum
- 1970 Professor, University of Bonn
- 1968-1970 University lecturer, University of Bonn
- 1966 habilitation at the University of Bonn
- 1965-1968 employee at the Bonn Rhenanian State Museum
- 1960-1965 assistant professor, Institute for Ancient History, University of Budapest
- 1957-1960 employment at the Budapest City Museum
- Real Academia de la Historia (Madrid), corresponding member since 1971
- Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, member since 1978
- Pontificia Accademia di Archeologia (Roma/Città del Vaticano), corresponding member since 1990
- Academia Europaea (London), member since 1991
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences, foreign member since 1995
- Polish Academy of Sciences and Arts, foreign member since 1996
- Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Barcelona), corresponding member since 1996
- Finnish Academy of Sciences, corresponding member since 1997
- Real Sociedad Arqueológica (Tarragona), corresponding member 1971-2002, honary member since 2002
- Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (Berlin), corresponding member 1979-1987; ordinary member since 1987
- Rákóczi Foundation (Toronto), honary member 1981
- Ungarische Altertumswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (Budapest), corresponding member since 1982 (member 1960-1965)
- Società Dalmata di Storia Patria (Roma), corresponding member since 1988
- Ungarische Archäologische und Kunsthistorische Gesellschaft (Budapest), honary member since 1992 (member 1958-1965)
- Asociación Interdisciplinar de Estudios Romanos (Madrid), honary member since 2004
- Association Internationale d’Épigraphie Grecque et Latine, since 1965
- Rheinischer Altertumsverein, 1965-2006
- Mommsen-Gesellschaft, seit 1966
- The Roman Society (London), 1970-2006
- Deutscher Historikerverband, 1971-2010