Geneviève Almouzni#
Curriculum vitae, January 2014

- Senior Investigator, Head of Unit "Nuclear Dynamics & Genome Plasticity" UMR 218 CNRS/Institut Curie, Paris
- Deputy Director of the Institut Curie - Research Center for Undergraduate, Graduate and Post-graduate Educational Programme
- Director of the Research Center of the Institut Curie
- Ecole Normale Supérieure (French "grande école") & University of Paris 6, France, CAPET, Agregation & B.S, 1980-84
- 1984, Biochemistry and Nutrition Biochemistry
- Ecole Normale Supérieure - University of Paris 6 & Institut Pasteur, France, Master 1985, Microbiology - Virology
- University of Paris 6 (Pierre & Marie Curie), France PhD 1988 Microbiology
Epigenetics, Chromatin, Development, Cell-cycle, DNA damage and repair, Replication
Research and Professional Experience:
- 01/09/13 – now Director of the Research Center of the Institut Curie, Paris, France
- 2009 - ... Deputy Director of the Institut Curie - Research Center for Undergraduate, Graduate and Post-graduate Educational Programme
- Jan. 2000 - Senior Investigator (DRCE), Institut Curie, Paris (France). Head of Unit "Nuclear Dynamics and Genome Plasticity", UMR218
- 1999 Senior Investigator, Institut Curie, Paris (France). Head of Unit, Genotoxicology and Modulation of the Gene Expression, UMR218
- 1994 - 1998 Senior research scientist and CNRS ATIPE, Junior group leader, Institut Curie, Paris (France). UMR 144
- 1991 – 1993 Long term postdoctoral Fellow, NIH, Bethesda (USA). Lab. of Dr. A. Wolffe.
- 1989 - 1993 CNRS Junior research scientist, Jacques Monod Institute, Paris (France). Lab. of Dr. M. Méchali
- 1988 – 1989 Short term post-doctoral Fellow, NIH, Bethesda (USA). Lab. of Dr. A. Wolffe.
Distinctions, Awards and Honors:
- 1980 - 1985 Entry at the ENS Fontenay-aux-Roses
- 1985 - 1987 Special ENS fellowship for PhD research and teaching at University Paris VI, Paris, France
- 1987 - 1988 Association of Cancer Research (ARC) fellowship
- 1988 - 1989 EMBO Short term postdoctoral fellowship
- 1991 - 1993 EMBO Long term fellowship
- 1996 ATIPE CNRS & Junior group leader position at the Institut Curie, Paris, France
- 2000 EMBO Member (Elected) and Silver Medal from the CNRS
- 2003 Prize from La Ligue contre le Cancer, Comité des Yvelines
- 2003 - 2010 Member of the "Faculty of 1000 Biology"
- 2005 - 2010 Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the EMBL Laboratory
- 2006 Cino et Simone del Duca Fondation Special Scientific Prize by the Institut de France
- 2007 Member of Academia Europaea (Elected) and Chevalier de l'Ordre du Mérite
- 2011 Member of the EMBO Council (Elected) and Louis D. Fondation Special Scientific Prize on Epigenetics by the Institut de France and Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur
- 2013 FEBS/EMBO Women in Science Award
- 2013 American Association for the Advancement of Science
- 2013 Fellow
- 2013 French Academy of Sciences
- 2013 Fellow
Professional Activities:
Research coordination and Grants (ongoing)
- Deputy coordinator of the European Network of Excellence "Epigenome" (June 2004 - June 2010)
- Coordinator of the Cancéropôle project "Breast Cancer and Epigenetics" (2005-2009)
- Coordinator of the INCa project "The GET (Genetics and Epigenetics of Tumor) : An integrated approach to profile breast cancer from model systems to biological ressources" (Nov 2008 - Nov 2012)
Editorial activities
- Board of : Journal of Cell Science (1995-...), The EMBO Journal & EMBO Reports (2002-...), Chromosoma (2003-...), Biofutur (2003-...), Genes & Development (2005-2008), , Epigenomics (2008-...), Cell (2009-...), Current Opinion in Cell Biology (2009-...), Nucleus (2009-...), Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology - Highlights advisor (2005-...)
Scientific committees/advisory board
In France:
- "Ateliers INSERM" (since 1998)
- Committee of the Doctoral School (La Logique du Vivant) – University of Paris 6
- National Committee Section #28, Department of Life Sciences at the CNRS (2000-2004)
- Admission Committee for the recruitment of permanent scientists, Department of Life Sciences at the CNRS (2000, 2001, 2005, 2006)
- ATIP/AVENIR committee (2008, 2009)
- Committee of the Association of Cancer Research (ARC) (2004-2007)
- Directorial Scientific Committee (CODIS) of the National Institute of Cancer (INCa) (since 2007)
- Scientific Council of the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM) (2008-2011)
- Scientific Council of the Mairie de Paris (since 2008)
- Career Development (CDC) from the European Life Scientist Organization (ELSO) (since 2003)
- Advisory Board for the european project INTACT (since 2004)
- Telethon Scientific Committee (Italy) (2005-2008)
- Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the EMBL Laboratory (2005-2010)
- Scientific Advisory Board for the project CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 (since 2006)
- Evaluation Panel for the NCCR program "Frontiers in Genetics - Genes, Chromosomes and Development" (since 2007)
- Panel Member for the panel LS1 : "Molecular and structural biology and biochemistry" of the European Research Council (2008, 2010)
- Gurdon Institute International Scientific Advisory Board (since 2008)
- International Consulting Committee (ICC) of the Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program (PEBC), Barcelone (since 2008)
- EMBO Membership Committee (since 2008)
Scientific societies
- EMBO member (since 2002)
- Academia Europaea (since 2007)
- Board of International Society of Differentiation (since 2008)
Seminars and conferences:
- invited to 250 in Europe, USA and Japan
- Organization of recent conferences and Courses
- Alan Wolffe EMBO conferences (Heidelberg, Germany), 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009 (EMBO conference series)
- Epigenetics course (Institut Curie, Paris), yearly since 2004
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting in "Dynamic Organization of Nuclear Function" (COld Spring Harbor, NY, USA), 2006 and 2008
- FASEB Summer Research Conference on "Chromatin and Transcription" (Snowmass, CO, USA), 2007
- "Epigenetics and Breast Cancer" Meeting (Institut Curie, Paris), 2009
- Nuclear Organisation Workshop (Institut Curie, Paris), 2009
- Vice Chair of GRC "Chromatin Structure & Function" (Smithfield, RI, USA), 2010
Since 1988 : 127 publications and two patents