
Mostafa Ammar - Selected Publications#

Mangla, T., Halepovic, E., Ammar, M., & Zegura, E. (2019). Using Session Modeling to Estimate HTTP-Based Video QoE Metrics From Encrypted Network Traffic. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 16(3), 1086-1099.

Eramo, V., Miucci, E., Ammar, M., & Lavacca, F. G. (2017). An approach for service function chain routing and virtual function network instance migration in network function virtualization architectures. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 25(4), 2008-2025.

Habak, K., Ammar, M., Harras, K. A., & Zegura, E. (2015, June). Femto clouds: Leveraging mobile devices to provide cloud service at the edge. In 2015 IEEE 8th international conference on cloud computing (pp. 9-16). IEEE.

Shi, C., Habak, K., Pandurangan, P., Ammar, M., Naik, M., & Zegura, E. (2014, August). Cosmos: computation offloading as a service for mobile devices. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (pp. 287-296).

Mtibaa, A., Fahim, A., Harras, K. A., & Ammar, M. H. (2013). Towards resource sharing in mobile device clouds: Power balancing across mobile devices. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 43(4), 51-56.

Shi, C., Lakafosis, V., Ammar, M. H., & Zegura, E. W. (2012, June). Serendipity: Enabling remote computing among intermittently connected mobile devices. In Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM international symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (pp. 145-154).

Mtibaa, A., May, M., Diot, C., & Ammar, M. (2010, March). Peoplerank: Social opportunistic forwarding. In 2010 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Tariq, M., Zeitoun, A., Valancius, V., Feamster, N., & Ammar, M. (2008, August). Answering what-if deployment and configuration questions with wise. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2008 conference on Data communication (pp. 99-110).

Zhu, Y., & Ammar, M. H. (2006, April). Algorithms for assigning substrate network resources to virtual network components. In INFOCOM (Vol. 1200, No. 2006, pp. 1-12).

Zhao, W., Ammar, M., & Zegura, E. (2004, May). A message ferrying approach for data delivery in sparse mobile ad hoc networks. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (pp. 187-198).

Scientific impact: Citations: 20985, h-index: 75, i10-index: 214

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