
Fabio Babiloni - Selected Publications#

1) Marucci M, Di Flumeri G, Borghini G, Sciaraffa N, Scandola M, Pavone EF, Babiloni F, Betti V, Aricò P., The impact of multisensory integration and perceptual load in virtual reality settings on performance, workload and presence. Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 1;11(1):4831. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-84196-8. 74 citations, (e.g. 35 citations per year)

2) Di Flumeri G, Aricò P, Borghini G, Sciaraffa N, Di Florio A, Babiloni F. The Dry Revolution: Evaluation of Three Different EEG Dry Electrode Types in Terms of Signal Spectral Features, Mental States Classification and Usability. Sensors (Basel). 2019 Mar 19;19(6):1365. doi: 10.3390/s19061365. 143 citations, (e.g. 34 citations per year)

3) Di Flumeri G, Borghini G, Aricò P, Sciaraffa N, Lanzi P, Pozzi S, Vignali V, Lantieri C, Bichicchi A, Simone A, Babiloni F. EEG-Based Mental Workload Neurometric to Evaluate the Impact of Different Traffic and Road Conditions in Real Driving Settings.Front Hum Neurosci. 2018 Dec 18;12:509. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00509. eCollection 2018., 116 citations, (e.g. 23 citations per year)

4) Borghini G, Aricò P, Di Flumeri G, Cartocci G, Colosimo A, Bonelli S, Golfetti A, Imbert JP, Granger G, Benhacene R, Pozzi S, Babiloni F. EEG-Based Cognitive Control Behaviour Assessment: an Ecological study with Professional Air Traffic Controllers. Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 3;7(1):547. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00633-7., 126 citations, (e.g 21 citations per year)

5) Borghini G, Di Flumeri G, Aricò P, Sciaraffa N, Bonelli S, Ragosta M, Tomasello P, Drogoul F, Turhan U, Acikel B, Ozan A, Imbert JP, Granger G, Benhacene R, Babiloni F.A multimodal and signals fusion approach for assessing the impact of stressful events on Air Traffic Controllers. Sci Rep. 2020 May 25;10(1):8600. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-65610-z., 28 citations, (e.g. 9 citations per year)

6) Rateb Katmah, Fares Al-Shargie, Usman Tariq, Fabio Babiloni, Fadwa Al-Mughairbi, Hasan Al-Nashash, A review on mental stress assessment methods using EEG signals, Sensors, 2021 (15), 5043, 98 citations (e.g. 49 citations per year)

7) Hong Zeng, Chen Yang, Hua Zhang, Zhenhua Wu, Jiaming Zhang, Guojun Dai, Fabio Babiloni, Wanzeng Kong, A lightGBM-based EEG analysis method for driver mental states classification, Comput Intell Neurosci. 2019 Sep 9;2019:3761203. doi: 10.1155/2019/3761203. eCollection 2019, 87 citations (e.g. 21 citations per year)

8) Gianluca Di Flumeri, Gianluca Borghini, Pietro Aricò, Nicolina Sciaraffa, Paola Lanzi, Simone Pozzi, Valeria Vignali, Claudio Lantieri, Arianna Bichicchi, Andrea Simone, Fabio Babiloni, EEG-based mental workload neurometric to evaluate the impact of different traffic and road conditions in real driving settings, Front Hum Neurosci. 2018 Dec 18;12:509. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00509. eCollection 2018., 116 citations, (e.g. 23 citations per year).

9) G Borghini, L Astolfi, G Vecchiato, D Mattia, F Babiloni, Measuring neurophysiological signals in aircraft pilots and car drivers for the assessment of mental workload, fatigue and drowsiness, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 44, 58-75, 2014,1304 citations,

10) F Babiloni, L Astolfi, Social neuroscience and hyperscanning techniques: past, present and future, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 44, 76-93, 2014, 501 citations,

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