
Geoffrey Bailey - Selected publications#

H-index 31, total citations 2922, and 1307 citations since 2009 (Google Scholar).

  • 2013. Winder, I., King, G.C.P., Devès, M., Bailey, G.N. Complex topography and human evolution: the missing link. Antiquity 87: 333–49.
  • 2013. Bailey, G.N, Hardy, K. Camara, A. (eds) 2013. Shell Energy: Mollusc Shells as Coastal Resources. Oxford, OxBow.
  • 2011. Bailey, G.N. Continental shelf archaeology: where next? In J. Benjamin, C. Bonsall, K. Pickard, A. Fischer (eds) Submerged Prehistory. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 311–31, 2011. (Google Scholar citations 13)
  • 2011. Bailey, G.N., Reynolds, S.C, King, G.C.P. Landscapes of human evolution: models and methods of tectonic geomorphology and the reconstruction of hominin landscapes. Journal of Human Evolution 60 (3): 257–80. (Google Scholar citations 23)
  • 2011. Lambeck, K., Purcell, A., Flemming, N., Vita-Finzi, C., Alsharekh, A., Bailey, G.N. Sea level and shoreline reconstructions for the Red Sea: isostatic and tectonic considerations and implications for hominin migration out of Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (25–26): 3542–74. (Google Scholar citations 16)
  • 2010. Bailey, G.N., Spikins, P. (Eds). 2010. Mesolithic Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 500 pp, 2nd edition. [1st edition, 2008, 467 pp. (ISBN 0-521-85503-7)]] (Google Scholar citations 19)
  • 2009. Bailey, G.N. The Red Sea, coastal landscapes and hominin dispersals. In M. Petraglia, J. Rose (eds) The Evolution of Human Populations in Arabia. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 15–37. (Google Scholar citations 38)
  • 2009. Bailey, G., Galanidou, N. Caves, palimpsests and dwelling spaces: examples from the Upper Palaeolithic of south-east Europe. World Archaeology 41 (2): 215–24. (Google Scholar citations 8)
  • 2008. Bailey, G.N. & Flemming, N. 2008. Archaeology of the continental shelf: marine resources, submerged landscapes and underwater archaeology. Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (23–24), 2153–65. (Google Scholar citations 64)
  • 2007. Bailey, G.N. Time perspectives, palimpsests and the archaeology of time. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 26: 198–223. (Google Scholar citations 154. In top ten most dowloaded articles from this journal)
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