
Jean-Marie Baland - Curriculum Vitae#

  • 1992-present: Professor of Economics (Professeur Ordinaire), University of Namur
  • Invited Professor at Bocconi (1999), Ecole Polytechnique (2004), Oslo (2006), Boston University (2010), Clermont-Ferrand (2012)
  • Associate editor of the Review of Development Economics (2001-), the Journal of African Economies (2002-), the European Economic Review(2002-8), the World Bank Economic Review(2006-8), the Journal of Development Economics(2010-)
  • Member of EUDN, BREAD and CEPR (Public Policy, Development Economics)

Major Other Publications (before 2007):

1. with J.-P. Platteau : 'Economics of common property management regimes', K. G. Mahler and J. Vincent, eds, Handbook of Environmental Economics , Elsevier, North Holland, Chapter 4, pp 129-90, 2003.
2. with J.-P. Platteau: Halting Degradation of Natural Resources. Is there a Role for Rural Communities?, Oxford University Press, 1996.
1. with P. Francois: 'Commons as Insurance and the welfare impact of privatization', Journal of Public Economics, 2005, 89, 211-31.
2. with P. Francois: 'Rent seeking and Resource booms', Journal of Development Economics, 2000, 61, 527-42.
3. with J. Drèze and L. Leruth: 'Daily Wages and Piece Rates in Agrarian Economies', Journal of Development Economics, 1999, 59, 445-61.
4. with A. Kotwal: 'The Political Economy of Under-investment in Agriculture', Journal of Development Economics, 1998, 55, 233-47.
5. with J.-P. Platteau, 'Coordination Problems in Resource Conservation Programs', Journal of Development Economics, 1997, 53, 197-210.
6. with J.-P. Platteau: 'Wealth inequality and efficiency on the Commons, Part I : the Unregulated case', Oxford Economic Papers, 1997, 49, 451-82.
7. with P. Francois: 'Innovation, Monopolies and the Poverty Trap', Journal of Development Economics, 1996, Vol 49, n. 1, 151-78.
8. 'The Economics of price scissors : a defence of Preobrazhensky', European Economic Review, 1993, 37, 37-60
9. with D. Ray: 'Why does asset inequality affect unemployment ? A study of the demand composition problem', Journal of Development Economics, 1991, 35, 69-92.
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