Stephen Mark Barnett - Biography#

Prof. Dr. Stephen Barnett studied at Imperial College London, where he graduated in 1982 with BSc. in physics followed by a PhD in physics in 1985. After receiving his PhD he accepted several positions in England starting as a postdoctoral fellow at Imperial college (1985 - 1987), then as a research fellow at Oxford (1987 - 1990). He continued at King´s College London as lecturer of physics (1990 - 1991) before finally moving to Glasgow to start his own group at University of Strathclyde. He was appointed to a Royal Society of Edinburgh and Scottish Office Education Department Research Fellowship in the Department of Physics and Applied Physics at the University of Strathclyde (1991 - 1994) which was followed later by a Senior Lecturer and then Reader position in the Department of Physics and Applied Physics at the University of Strathclyde (1994 - 1996). Steve Barnett was named professor of Quantum Optics at Strathclyde University in 1996, one of the youngest to become a professor. He moved to University of Glasgow as professor in 2013. He is the holder of the Cargill Chair of Natural Philosophy at the University of Glasgow from 2014.

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