
Mats Berdal#

Short laudatio by Lawrence Freedman#

Mats Berdal is one of the outstanding scholars in international relations in the country. He is particularly associated with those aspects of security policy that intersect with the broader field of development studies, concerned with conflict resolution, peacekeeping, state/nation building after conflict and security sector reform.

His latest book, Building Peace after War (Routledge for IISS, 2009), is a masterly, critical analysis of efforts to cope with the aftermath of conflict, from Cambodia to Iraq. His range is extraordinary, for not only has he written on a range of related issues, including transnational crime or the conduct of the United Nations, but he has also been prepared to address broader theoretical issues of peace and war (for example a devastating critique of the Mary Kaldor’s "new wars" thesis or a celebratory volume on the contribution of the later Philip Windsor) , and stay in touch with the mainstream agendas of international security issues, including NATO and the changing nature of armed conflict.

In addition he is a conscientious teacher and administrator and widely liked and respected throughout the profession. He deservedly enjoys a global reputation.

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