
Ingo Berensmeyer - Selected Publications#

The Cambridge Handbook of Literary Authorship (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2019), co-ed. with G. Buelens and M. Demoor

Handbook of English Renaissance Literature (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2019, at press), ed.

Mendacity in Early Modern Literature and Culture (London/New York: Routledge, 2016), co-ed. with A. Hadfield

"Authorship as Cultural Performance: New Perspectives in Authorship Studies", with G. Buelens and M. Demoor, ZAA 60.1 (2012), research paper, transl. into Spanish in 2016

Literary Theory: An Introduction to Approaches, Methods and Terms (Stuttgart: Klett, 2009; 2nd ed. 2014), monograph

"Shakespeare and Media Ecology: Beyond Historicism and Presentism", Poetics Today 35.4 (2014), research paper

"Cultural Ecology and Chinese Hamlets", New Literary History 42.3 (2011), research paper, transl. into Mandarin in 2015 (New

Literary History Chinese Translation vol. 2, Zhejiang University Press)

Shakespeare: Hamlet (Stuttgart: Klett, 2007), monograph

Angles of Contingency: Literarische Kultur im England des 17. Jahrhunderts (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2007), monograph - rev. ed. in English forthcoming with De Gruyter in 2020

John Banville - Fictions of Order (Heidelberg: Winter, 2000), monograph

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