Daniel Biltereyst - Biography#
Daniel Biltereyst is a professor in Film and Media Studies, Ghent University and director there of the Centre for Cinema and Media Studies. He has been a visiting professor at the Université Paris II (Panthéon Assas), the Copenhagen University and the Brno Masaryk University.
His work deals with media and the public sphere, more specifically with film and screen culture as sites of controversy, public debate and moral/media panic. He has directed a large number of research projects inc. one on the history of state film censorship and religious film classification in Belgium, two projects on film exhibition and cinema-going, one on queer representations in screen culture. He currently directs a major project on ‘screening audiences’, and of an interdisciplinary research project on ‘Deconstructing health news’. In addition, he has longstanding experience in service to the international research community inc. wideranging editorial and assessement work.
Professional website: http://www.cims.ugent.be/members/daniel-biltereyst