
Vladimir Biti - Curriculum vitae#

Full CV and publications(info) (updated September 2018)

  • 2018 - 2021 Distinguished Chair Visiting Professor, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University (spring semester)
  • 2018 - 2021 Visiting Chair Professor, Institute of Arts and Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (fall semester)
  • 2008 - 2017 Chair Professor of South Slav literatures and cultures at the Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Vienna
  • 1993 - 2008 Chair Professor of Literary Theory at Department of Croatian Language and Literature, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb
  • 1988 - 1993 Associate Professor of Literary Theory at Department of Croatian Language and Literature, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb
  • 1981 - 1988 Assistant Professor of Literary Theory at Department of Croatian Language and Literature, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb

  • Literary and Cultural Theory
  • Narrative Theory
  • Aesthetics and Philosophy of History
  • Trauma Theory
  • Literature between Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism
  • Europe and its Others
  • Modern South Slav Literatures and Cultures


Scientific talks

Invited lectures

Since 1988 lectures in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Germany, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Slovenia, the United States of America, and more recently:

1. “The Self, the Novel, and History: On the Limits of Bakhtin´s Historical Poetics”, invited lecture at Institute of Slavic Studies, University College, London, December 1, 2009

2. “Body”, invited lecture at Institute of Comparative Literature, Ludwig Maximilian Universität, Munich, June 15, 2010

3. „Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Trauma: French-German Transfers at the Threshold of Romanticism and After”, invited lecture at Centre for Literature and Trauma, University of Ghent, February 22, 2012.

4. „How Familiar is the Foreigner?”, invited lecture at Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Ghent, February 23, 2012.

5. „Opfernarrative als Gründungsmythen: Zwei südslawische Beispiele”. Invited lecture at Seminar für Slavische Philologie, Universität Göttingen, January 22, 2014.

6. „Otimanje pripadnosti: Ivo Andrić i postimperijalna trauma”, invited lecture at Kulturni centar Grad, Belgrade, November 5, 2015.

7. „Miroslav Krleža und die kroatische Enteignungsgeschichte”, invited lecture at Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Tübingen, December 9, 2015.

8. „Im Zeichen der Apokalypse East und West: Die enteignete Vaterschaft in Joseph Roths Radetzkymarsch und Radomir Konstantinovićs Der Tod des Descartes“. Invited lecture at the Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Hamburg, December 13, 2016

9. „Die Spätimperien im beschlagenen Spiegel: Walter Benjamins Berliner Kindheit und Miroslav Krležas Eine Kindheit in Agram”. Invited lecture at the Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Zurich, March 14, 2017

10. „After Theory: Politics against the Police?” Invited lecture at the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, June 5, 2017

11. „The Un/worlding of letters: Literary globalization’s ’zones of indistinction’”. Abridged version as the keynote speech at the 4th International Symposium on Ethnic Literature at the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University in Wuhan on June 3, 2017. Extended version as an invited lecture at the same School, Wuhan, June 6, 2017

12. „The Transfigurations of Cosmopolitanism”. Invited lecture at the School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, June 8, 2017

13. „Memory vs. History”. Invited lecture at the School of Foreign Languages, Ningbo University, Ningbo, June 10, 2017

14. „The Concept of Post-imperial Literature”. Invited lecture at the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, June 12, 2017

15. „The Many Faces of Sacrificial Narratives”. Invited lecture at the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, June 13, 2017

16. „Memory vs. History”. Invited lecture at the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, June 14, 2017

17. „Memory vs. History”. Invited lecture at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, June 15, 2017

18. „The Many Faces of Sacrificial Narratives”. Invited lecture at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, June 16, 2017

19. „Exempt from Belonging”. Invited lecture at the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages, University of Oslo, October 26, 2017.

Invited conference talks

Since 1988 conference talks in Austria, Belgium, Brasil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Italy, India, FYR Macedonia, the Netherlands, Senegal, South African Republic, Spain, Sweden, Slovenia, Serbia, the United States of America, and more recently:

1. “The Divided Legacy of the Enlightenment: Herder´s Cosmopolitanism as Suppressed Eurocentrism, Old Margins and New Centers: The European Literary Heritage in the Age of Globalization, Brussels, August 2009

2. „Theorie und Weltbürgerlichkeit“, Theorietheorie: Gegen die neuerliche Theoriemüdigkeit in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften, Dubrovnik, March 2010 3. “Serbian and Croatian Linguistic Revival Movements 1”, Linguistic Revival Movements, Amsterdam, June 2010

4. “Identification by Transference: The South Slav Literary Histories”, Linguistic Revival Movements in Europe 2, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, March 2011

5. “Who Signs the Empirical Facts?”, Literary Theory and Sciences, LMU München, June 2011

6. „Zur Genealogie der Außerhalbbefindlichkeit”, Vor der Theorie. Immersion – Materialität – Intensität, LMU München, September 2012

7. “The Repositioning of Theory in the Post-theoretical Age”, Changing Paradigms in Inter/disciplinary Humanities, Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub, Wroclaw, September 2013

8. “Katastrophe – Bruch oder Konstellation?” (introductory lecture), Der erste Weltkrieg als Katastrophe: Deutungsmuster, Diskurs, Ereignis, Lētzebuerger Literaturarchiv and LMU München, Luxemburg, September 2013.

9. „After Theory: Politics against the Police?”, ICLA Committee on Theory workshop, Osaka University, Osaka, April 6-8, 2014.

10. „History vs. Memory”, The Historicity of Literary Narration: The Case of the European Novel, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 27-28. November 2014.

11. „Narratives of Dispossession: Literature under Post-imperial Conditions”, HERA JRP „Uses of the Past”, Matchmaking Event, Tallin, 29. January 2015.

12. „Past Empire(s), Post-Empire(s), and the Narratives of Disaster: Joseph Roth’s The Radetzky March and Ivo Andrić’s The Bridge over the Drina, invited lecture, 21. ICLA World Congress, Vienna, July 2016

13. „What Kind of Silence is Criticism Adressed by?” Invited lecture at the international conference Criticism and Silence, Institute for Literature, Skopje, November 7, 2016

14. „The Un/worlding of Letters: Literary globalization’s zones of indistinction”. keynote speech at the 4th Symposium on Ethnic Literature, School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, June 3, 2017

Contributed conference talks

Since 1988 workshops, panels, and conferences worldwide, and more recently:

1. ”Theory and Cosmopolitanism”, Workshop Cosmopoliterature, XIX ICLA World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, August 2010

2. “Literature as Deterritorialization: Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Rancière” (introductory lecture), Literary Dislocations, Skopje-Ohrid, FYR Macedonia, September 2011

3. „The Interiorized Exteriority” in the workshop The Art of Not-Thinking; and

4. “Der Tod des Descartes Radomir Konstantinovićs als Narrativ der Entmachtung” in the workshop Raconter la théorie dans le roman, both at the XX ICLA World Congress: Comparative Literature as a Critical Approach, Paris, July 2013.

5. „Narrating Post-imperial Europe: Two Irreconcilable Politics,” 21. ICLA World Congress, Vienna, July 2016.

6. „What Remains Untranslated in translatio imperii: Translation as Political Operation,” 21. ICLA World Congress, Vienna, July 2016.

International conferences, seminars and colloquia

Since 1988 participations worldwide, and more recently:

1. “The Cosmopolitan Literary Imperative“, New Imagined Communities: Identity Building in East and South-East Europe, Bratislava, May 2010

2. “Getting Modernity Accelerated: Bakhtin as a Reader of Kant”, From Building the Future to an Evolving Present: The Emergence of a New Cultural Paradigm on the Turn to 1930s, Berlin, June 2010

3. “The Birth of National Literary History out of Multiple International Transfers”, National Identity and Cultural Transfer, Amsterdam, June 2012

4. „The Double-Edged Legacy of the Republic of Letters” (introductory lecture), Europe and/or the World, LMU München, June 2012

5. “Die zerstreute Erbschaft: Das Ausagieren und das Durcharbeiten des Traumas im Museum der bedingungslosen Kapitulation von Dubravka Ugrešić”, Broken Narratives, Vienna, April 2013.

6. „Ruling (Out) the Province”, Claiming the Dispossession: The Politics of Hi/storytelling in Post-imperial Europe, Vienna, November 20, 2015

Organized conferences

1. „Framing Contingency: History and Heterology“, ICLA Committee on Theory, IUC Dubrovnik 2003.

2. Märchen in den südslawischen Literaturen, Vienna, November 2008 (co-organizer with Bernarda Katušić; lecture „Märchen und Trauma“; proceedings published in Vladimir Biti/ Bernarda Katušić (Hrsg.), Märchen in den südslawischen Literaturen, Frankfurt am Main etc.: Peter Lang, 2010)

3. The National-Philological Concept of Literature and the European Hyphenated Identities, Vienna, October 2011 (lecture “Two Concepts of Literary Bildung”; proceedings published in the volume Reexamining the National-Philological Legacy: Quest for a New Paradigm?, Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2014)

4. Probing the Borderlands: Radomir Konstantinović, Vienna, June 2012 (co-organizer with Davor Beganović, introductory lecture „Princip bilješke u Konstantinovićevoj prozi”; proceedings published in Sarajevske sveske 41-42, 2013)

5. Claiming the Dispossession: The Politics of Hi/storytelling in Post-imperial Europe, November 20-22, 2015, Vienna

6. Sacrificial Narratives, panel at Academia Europaea’s and ALLEA’s joint annual conference, Budapest, September 3, 2017 (contributions will be published in Frontiers of Narrative Studies /De Gruyter/ in 2018)

7. The Idea of Europe: The Clash of Projections, September 8-10, 2017, Vienna (co-organized by Vivian Liska, University of Antwerp and Joep Leerssen, University of Amsterdam; results to be published with Brill in its series European Studies)

Lecturers invited to Vienna

1. Prof. Dr. Renate Lachmann (Universität Konstanz, Emeritus), Fiktion und Dokument im Werk von Danilo Kiš, May 2009

2. Prof. Dr. Georg Witte (Freie Universität Berlin): Die Versform als Zeitraum des Wortes, October 2009

3. Prof. Dr. Galin Tihanov (Queen Mary University, London): East-European Exiles in Stalin´s Moscow, December 2009

4. Prof. Dr. Zoran Milutinović (University College, London): Andrić kao pripovedač, January 2010

5. Dr. Guido Snel (University of Amsterdam): Kafka, Krleža i Kiš: višejezičnost kao izvorište srednjoeuropskog identiteta, May 2010

6. Prof. Dr. Nenad Ivić (Philosophische Fakultät, Zagreb): Conceiving of the Croatian literary canon. Strategies of nation building in M. Medini, V.Vodnik, S.Ježić i M. Kombol: case hi/stories, May 2010

7. Prof. Dr. Tomislav Brlek (Philosophische Fakultät, Zagreb): The recent Croatian literary historiography, May 2010

8. Prof. Dr. Jurij Murašov (Universität Konstanz): TV and the end of the grammar of politics: Tuđman and Izetbegović, March 2011

9. Prof. Dr. Nevena Daković (Academy for Theatre and Film, Belgrade): Kino seóanja: između nostalgije i traume (postjugoslavenski film 2007-2012), March 2012

10. Prof. Dr. Marko Juvan (Wissenschaftliches Forschungszentrum, Akademie der Wissenschaften, Ljubljana): Inventing and Worlding Slovenian Literature, March 2012

11. Dr. Ivan Čolović (Institut für Ethnologie, Belgrad, Emeritus): Popularna kultura i nacionalizam, May 2012

12. Prof. Dr. Dagmar Burkhart (Universität Mannheim, Emeritus): Apophatik oder verbale Repräsentation?: Die Shoah in Texten von Danilo Kiš und Aleksandar Tišma, November 2012

13. Prof. Dr. Matthias Freise (Universität Göttingen): Ödipalität und Regression in der Novelle „Balkon” von Antun Gustav Matoš, May 2014

14. Prof. Dr. Zrinka Božić-Blanuša (Universität Zagreb), Svjedočanstvo i bliskost: Sonnenschein Daše Drndić, April 2015.

15. Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Mijatović (Universität Rijeka), Davnina i bajkovitost: Fabulacija i politika književnog subjekta u Ministarstvu boli Dubravke Ugrešić, April 2015.

16. Dr. Nataša Avramovska (Institut für Literatur, Skopje), Gegenwärtige Strömungen in der mazedonischen Erzählprosa, April 2015

17. Dr. Stijn Vervaet (Universität Utrecht), Revisiting Yugoslavia, re-signifying Europe: The memory of socialist Yugoslavia in post-Yugoslav literature and art, June 2015.

Esteem factors

  • 1985-1998 Alexander von Humboldt-grant; research stays in Konstanz, Göttingen, München, Bochum, Mannheim
  • 1985-2015 teaching at the postgraduate level of the universities of Zagreb, Osijek (Croatia), Novi Sad (Serbia), Skopje (Macedonia), Rijeka (Croatia), Aalborg (Denmark), Vienna (Austria)
  • From 1991 coordinating the project of the Austrian Semiotic Society Cultural Semiotics/Semiotics of Culture in Eastern and Central Europe for Croatia, Slovenia und Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • From 1991 editor of the theoretical series The Polylogue (Naklada MD, Zagreb)
  • From 1992 coordinating the official cooperation of the Slavic Seminar of the University of Hamburg and the Department for Croatian Language and Literature of the university of Zagreb
  • From 1992 leading various research projects financed by the Croatian Ministry of Science
  • 1994-1998 Founder and President of the Croatian Semiotic Society
  • 1994-2005 member of the Executive Committee of the International Association for Semiotic Studies
  • 1996 Visiting Professor at the Institute for Slavic Studies, University of Graz
  • 1997 Scientist of the Year (elected by the Jury of the newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija)
  • From 1998 invited participant of the International Comparative Literature Association’s international project A Comparative History of the Literatures of East Central Europe
  • From 1998 member of the editorial board of journals Umjetnost riječi (Zagreb), Medijska istraživanja (Zagreb), and advisory board of Kulturen život (Skopje), semiotic yearbook Znakolog (Bochum/Graz), journal Neue Literatur (Frankfurt), journal of the International Comparative Literature Association Council on National Literatures/World Report (New York)
  • 1998 Great Award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences
  • 1999 Visiting Professor at Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Vienna
  • From 1999 editor of the series Literary Theory for Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, and Signum for Croatialiber (Zagreb)
  • 2000 A Vocabulary of Literary and Cultural Theory – the theoretical book of the decade (elected by the jury of the magazine Nacional)
  • From 2000 coordinator of the international project of the Faculty for Humanities and Huizinga Institute in Amsterdam National learning: Scholars and cultural nationalism in the nineteenth century
  • 2000 Award of Matrix Croatica for Science
  • 2001 Award of the Faculty for Human and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, for the extraordinary contribution to the research and teaching activities
  • 2001-2005 Chairperson of the International Comparative Literature Association’s Committee for Literary Theory
  • 2003 Visiting Professor at Institute of Slavic Studies, Humboldt-University Berlin
  • 2004-2007 Visiting Professor at the Department of Cultural Studies, University of Rijeka
  • 2005-2010 Member of the International Comparative Literature Association’s Executive Council
  • 2007 Elected member of Academia Europaea
  • 2007 member of the Editorial board of the Journal of Literary Theory (de Gruyter)
  • 2008-2010 Chairperson of the ICLA Liaison Committee.
  • 2009 Member of the Editorial Board of the Primerjalna književnost (Ljubljana)
  • 2010 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies (Manchester, University of Nebraska Press)
  • 2010 Co-editor with Bernarda Katušić, Märchen in den südslawischen Literaturen, Peter Lang, Frankfurt/M., 2010
  • 2010 Editor of „Sharing in/out Cultures“ (Section 5.3), TRANS 17 (April 2010) – Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften (http://www.inst.at/trans/17Nr/5-3/5-3_sektionsbericht17.htm)
  • 2010-2005 Elected Member of the International Comparative Literature Association’s Executive Council
  • 2012-11 Editor of 26 entries (19 contributors from Serbia and Croatia) from South Slav literatures and cultures for Encyclopedia of Romantic National Movements in Europe (Department for European Studies, University of Amsterdam; volume will be published by Amsterdam University Press)
  • 2012 Member of the Editorial Board of Advances in Literary Study (Irvine, CA)
  • 2012 Elected member of the Committee of the Academia Europaea’s Section for Literary and Theatrical Studies
  • 2013 Editor of the volume Reexamining the National-Philological Legacy: Quest for a New Paradigm?, Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi
  • 2014 Co-editor of Arcadia: International Journal of Literary Cultures (de Gruyter) (with Vivian Liska)
  • Since 2014 member of the Editorial Board of Philology: An International Journal on the Evolution of Languages, Cultures and Texts (University of Bologna; published by Peter Lang)
  • Since 2016 Chairperson of the Academia Europaea’s Section for Literary and Theatrical Studies
  • Since 2017-2021 Mentor in the University of Oslo’s Career Building Program
  • Since 2017-2021 elected executive of the Second Committee of the International Association for Ethical Literary Criticism
  • Since 2018 member of the ICLA Research Committee

Peer review activities
  • 2013 - 2011 Reviewing for arcadia, Journal of Literary Theory, Neohelicon, Orbis Litterarum, Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, Wiener Slawistisches Jahrbuch, Advances in Literary Studies, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences etc..
  • 2010 - 2012 for the Croatian Ministry of Science
  • 2010 - 2011 for Herder grant, WUS grant, various research stays etc.
  • 2010 - 2011 for Fulbright and Humboldt grant
  • 2010 - 2011 PhD peer reviews
  • 2011 for South Africa’s National Research Foundation
  • 2012 - 2017 for the Institute for World Literature, Harvard University
  • 2013 - 2016 for the Doktoratsstudium, Vienna University
  • 2013 - 2017 for the Section for Literary and Theatrical Studies, Academia Europaea
  • 2016 for the Austrian Federal Ministry for Scientific Reserach
  • 2013 - 2016 Member of the International Advisory Board of the Center for Scientific Research, Slovenian Academy of Sciences
  • 2014 - 2017 CEEPUS national expert
  • 2017 evaluations for Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China and Durham University, UK

International scientific cooperation

1. Prof. Dr. Joep Leerssen, Study Platform for Interlocking Nationalisms, European Studies, University of Amsterdam (Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalisms in Europe, entries available online)

2. Prof. Dr. Robert Stockhammer (et al.), Graduiertenkolleg „Funktionen des Literarischen in Prozessen der Globalisierung“, Institut für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, LMU München

3. Prof. Dr. Katica Kulavkova, The European Research Project for Poetics and Hermeneutics, Macedonian Academy for Sciences and Arts, Skopje (New Literary Theory and Hermeneutics, Interpretations 4/5, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje 2011)

4. Prof. Dr. Oliver Jahraus and Dr. Mario Grizelj, Department of German Literature, Ludwig Maximilian-University in Munich, advisory board of the conference-series Theorytheory (two volumes: Theorietheorie and Vor der Theorie, see Publications)

5. Professor David Damrosch, Institute for World Literature, Harvard University.

6. Prof. Dr. Stijn Vervaet, Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages, University of Oslo, scientific project "Probing the Boundaries of the (Trans)National: Imperial Legacies, Transnational Literary Cultures, and Multilingual Practices in East Central Europe".

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