
James Black- List of publications#

  • Smith AN, Black JW, Fisher EW. Inhibitory effect of 5-hydroxytryptophan on acid gastric secretion. Nature. 1957; 180: 1127.
  • Black JW, Stephenson JS. Pharmacology of a new adrenergic beta-receptor-blocking compound (Nethalide). Lancet. 1962; 2: 311–314.
  • Black JW, Duncan WAM, Durant CJ, Ganellin CR, Parsons EM. Definition and antagonism of histamine H2-receptors. Nature. 1972; 236: 385–390.
  • Brimblecombe RW, Duncan WAM, Durant GJ, Ganellin CR, Parsons MR, Black JW. The pharmacology of cimetidine, a new histamine H2-receptor antagonist. Br J Pharmacol. 1975; 53: 435P–436P.
  • Hasseldine ARG, Harper EA, Black JW. Cardiac-specific overexpression of human β2 adrenoceptors in mice exposes coupling to both Gs and Gi proteins. Br J Pharmacol. 2003; 138: 1358–1366.
  • Black J. Drugs from emasculated hormones: the principles of syntopic antagonism. In Frängsmyr T, Lindsten J, eds. Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine, 1981–1990. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co; 1993.
  • Black JW, Leff P. Operational models of pharmacological agonism. Proc R Soc Lond. 1983; 220: 141–162.
  • Black JW, Leff P, Shankley NP. Pharmacological analysis of the pentagastrin-tiotidine interaction in the mouse isolated stomach. Br J Pharmacol. 1985; 86: 589–599
  • Kidd M, Siddique ZL, Drozdov I, Gustafsson BI, Camp RL, Black JW, Boyce M, Modlin IM. The CCK(2) receptor antagonist, YF476 inhibits Mastomys ECL cell hyperplasia and gastric carcinoid tumor development. Regul Pept. 2010; 162: 52–606
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