
Johan Bleeker - Selected publications#

  • Verbunt, F.W.M.; Bleeker, J.A.M., Spectroscopy in Utrecht: a brief history (2010), Space Science Reviews
  • Helder, E.A.; Vink, J.; Bassa, C.G.; Bamba, A.; Bleeker, J.A.M.; Funk, S.; Ghavamian, P.; van der Heyden, K.J.; Verbunt, F.W.M.; Yamazaki, R., Measuring the cosmic-ray acceleration efficiency of a supernova remnant (2009), Science, 325(5941), 719
  • de Plaa, J.; Werner, N.; Bleeker, J.A.M.; Vink, J.; Kaastra, J.S.; Mendes, M., Constraining supernova models using the hot gas in clusters of galaxies (2009), Astronomy and astrophysics, 465(2), 345
  • Kaastra, J.S.; Bykov, A.M.; Schindler, S.; Bleeker, J.A.M.; Borgani, S.; Diaferio, A.; Dolag, K.; Durret, F.; Nevalainen, J.; Ohashi, T.; Paerels, F.; Petrosian, V.; Rephaeli, Y.; Richter, P.; Schaye, J.; Werner, N., Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view (2008), Space Science Reviews, 134(1-4), 1
  • de Plaa, J.; Werner, N.; Bykov, A.M.; Kaastra, J.S.; Mendez, M.; Vink, J.; Bleeker, J.A.M.; Bonamente, M.; Peterson, J.R., Chemical evolution in Sersic 159-03 observed with XMM-Newton. (2006),Astronomy and astrophysics, 452(2), 397
  • Vink, J.; Bleeker, J.A.M.; van der Heyden, K.; Bykov, A.M.; Bamba, A.; Yamazzaki, R., The X-ray synchrotron emission of RCW 86 and the implications for its age (2006), Astrophysical journal, 648(1), L33
  • Werner, N.; de Plaa, J.; Kaastra, J.S.; Vink, J.; Bleeker, J.A.M.; Tamura, T.; Peterson, J.R., XMM-Newton spectroscopy of the cluster of galaxies 2A 0335+096 (2006), Astronomy and astrophysics, 449(2), 475
  • Vink, J.; Laming, J.M.; Kaastra, J.S.; Bleeker, J.A.M.; Bloemen, H.; Oberlack, U., Detection of the 67.9 keV and 78.4 ke.V lines associated with the radio-active decay of 44 Ti in Cassiopeia A (2001), Astrophysical journal, 560, L79

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