Stefano Boccaletti - Curriculum Vitae#
- Stefano Boccaletti got his PhD in Physics at the University of Florence on 1995.
- In October 1998 he was awarded the individual EU grant “Marie Curie” n. ERBFMBICT983466.
- He is Senior Researcher at the CNR-Institute for Complex Systems, and Honorary Professor of : the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Tel Aviv University, the University of Bar Ilan, the University of Navarre, and the Technical University of Madrid.
- In 2015, he was awarded the PhD honoris causa by the University Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid.
- Currently, he is the Scientific Attache' at the Italian Embassy in Israel.
- He is Author of publications in Physics Journals, which have been cited more than 14,000 times.
- Editor of 4 books, and Author of other 3.
- Editor in Chief of the Elsevier Journal Chaos Solitons and Fractals and member of the Editorial Board of several other International journals of physics and applied mathematics.
- He has been invited to about 85 International Conferences and Seminars as a plenary lecturer or keynote speaker., and he directly organized 15 Workshops.
All other relevant biometric information is accessible and constantly updated at the candidate's Google Scholar profile: