Lucia Boldrini - Selected publications#
Lucia Boldrini, Autobiographies of Others: Historical Subjects and Literary Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2012. xvi + 226 pp. [ISBN: 978-0-415-50737-0]
Lucia Boldrini, Joyce, Dante, and the Poetics of Literary Relations: Language and Meaning in Finnegans Wake. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001 xii + 232 pp. [ISBN 0521-79276-2] (republished in paperback, 2009 [ISBN 978-0-521-12144-6])
Lucia Boldrini, Biografie fittizie di personaggi storici: (Auto)biografia, soggettività, teoria nel romanzo inglese contemporaneo. Pisa: ETS, 1998. 212 pp. [ISBN 88-467-0103-8]
Edited works (books or journal issues):
Lucia Boldrini ed., Medieval Joyce. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, European Joyce Studies Series, 2002 236 pp. [ISBN 9042014091].
Lucia Boldrini and Peter Davies eds., Comparative Critical Studies 1.3 (2004), Autobiografictions: Comparatist Essays [ISSN 1744-1854]
Lucia Boldrini and Florian Mussgnug eds., Comparative Critical Studies 5.2-3 (2008), Folly. [ISSN 1744-1854]
Lucia Boldrini and Carole Sweeney eds., Comparative Critical Studies 10.3-electronic issue (2013), Fractured, Travelling, Transformed Narratives. [ISSN 1744-1854]
Marina Grishakova, Lucia Boldrini and Matthew Reynolds eds., CLCWeb special issue, 15.7 (2013), New Work in Comparative Literature in Europe [ISSN 1481-4374]

Selected articles:
‘Among Schoolchildren: Joyce’s “Night Lesson” and Chaucer’s Treatise on the Astrolabe’. In Intersections, Interfaces, Interdisciplines: Literature with Other Arts, ed. by Gerald Gillespie and Haun Saussy. Nouvelle Poetique Comparatiste / New Comparative Poetics series. Brussels: Peter Lang, 2014, 35-46
‘Comparative Literature, Ancient Rome, and the Crisis of Modern European History’. CLCWeb 15.7 (2013), special issue, New Work in Comparative Literature in Europe, ed. by Marina Grishakova, Lucia Boldrini, Matthew Reynolds.

‘Rattling the Cage of Meaning: Primo Levi’s The Periodic Table, the Two Cultures, and the Ethical Duty of the Writer’. Restoring the Mystery of the Rainbow: Literature’s Refraction of Science, ed. by Cedric Barfoot and Valeria Tinkler Villani. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011, 2 Vols., Vol. 1, pp. 187-206. [ISBN 978-90-420-3325-2]
‘Drunkards, Simoniac Preachers and Unjust Stewards: A Chaucerian Intertext for “Grace”’. A Joyceful of Talkatalka. From Friendshapes for Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli [Festschrift]], ed. by Raffaella Baccolini, Delia Chiaro, Chris Rundle and Sam Whitsitt. Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2011, pp. 45-53. [ISBN 978-88-7395-570-2]
‘Comparative Literature and Translation, Historical Breaks and Continuing Debates: Can the Past Teach Something About the Future?’. diacrítica. Dossier Literatura Comparada, 24.3 (2010), pp. 181-199. [ISSN 0808-8967]
Translated into Serbo-Croat as: Лучија Болдрини, Упоредна књижевност и превођење, историјски ломови и отворене дебате, Мостови, часопис за преводну књижевност, Београд XL, број 152, 2012, str. 141-155 (Lučija Boldrini, ‘Uporedna književnost i prevođenje, istorijski lomovi i otvorene debate’, Mostovi, časopis za prevodnu književnost, Beograd HL, No 152, 2012, pp. 141-155)
‘The Anamorphosis of Photography in Michael Ondaatje’s The Collected Works of Billy the Kid’. Image Technologies in Canadian Literature: Narrative, Film and Photography, ed. by Carmen Concilio and Richard J. Lane. Brussels: Peter Lang, 2009, pp. 31-46.
‘Heterobiography, Hypocriticism, and the Ethics of Authorial Responsibility’. Primerjalna književnost 32 (2009), special issue: The Author: Who or What is Writing Literature?, ed. by Vanesa Matajč and Gašper Troha, pp. 85-95 (in Slovenian), and pp. 249-259 (in English)
‘Anna Banti and Virginia Woolf: A Grammar of Responsibility’. Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies, 10 (2009), pp. 135-149.
‘Comparative Literature in the Twenty-first Century: A View from Europe and the UK’. Comparative Critical Studies 3.1 (2006), special issue: Comparative Literature at a Crossroads?, ed. by Robert Weninger, pp. 13-23.
‘Literature and Science. Full Stop?’. Colloquium Helveticum, 37 (2006), pp. 55-72 [ISSN 0179-3780]
‘Translating the Middle Ages: Modernism and the Ideal of the Common Language’. Translation and Literature 12.1 (2003), special issue: Translation and Modernism, ed. by Adam Piette, pp. 41-68. [ISSN0968-1361]