
Athman Bouguettaya - Publications#


Athman's list of papers are available at his dblp (https://dblp.org/pid/01/458.html) and Google Scholar pages (https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=eVlizvwAAAAJ&view_op=list_works). He has published over 280 journal and conference papers across the areas of Service, Computing, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, and Databases. The breakdown of Athman's publications are as follows: 12 authored books, 13 edited books, 18 book chapters, 82 journal papers, and 143 refereed conference papers, and 17 short contributions.

His papers appeared in top journals and conferences in his field. The importance/esteem of these journals/conferences is demonstrated by their relative impact factors (IF) according to SCI (Web of Science Citation Index), Google Scholar H5-index, and CORE (http://www.core.edu.au/) ranking in the field.

Some of these highly regarded journals, where he has published, include IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (IF: 5.8, H5-index 65, CORE A*), VLDB Journal (IF: 2.87, H5-index 83, CORE A*), IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (IF: 6.23, H5-index 158, CORE A*), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IF: 4.19, H5-index 61, CORE A*), IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (IF: 7.928, H5-index 77), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IF: 3.438, H5-index 85, CORE A*), IEEE Transactions on Computers (IF: 2.916, H5-index 97, CORE A*), Future Generation Computer Systems (IF: 6.1, H5-index 127), Communications of the ACM (IF: 6.988, H5-index 68), World Wide Web Journal (IF: 2.71, CORE A), IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IF: 8.82, H5-index: 78, CORE A*), Information Systems (IF: 2.31, H5-index 42, CORE A*), Information Sciences (IF: 6.79, CORE A), IEEE Internet Computing (IF: 2.88, H5-index 37) among others. The relative importance of these journals are also established by the fact that they are in ranked in the top 10 percent in the “Computer Science” Subject Area according to Scopus.

A sample of the prestigious conferences that he has presented his work at are: ACM SIGMOD (H5-index 69, CORE A*), International Conference on Very Large Databases (H5-index 102, CORE A*), IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (H5-index 58, CORE A), IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (H5-index 54, CORE A*), IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (CORE A), IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) (CORE A), and ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM, CORE A). The relative importance of these conferences are measured by the acceptance rates between 15%-25%.

His publications are highly cited, with more than 9,400 citations (more than 3,100 since 2016,) (Google Scholar). He has an h-index of 48, which is very high in his main discipline of research, i.e., service computing. He is listed as a top 10 cited researchers in Google Scholar using the keywords, "service computing", "service-oriented computing", and "Web services". Listed below are his top publications which are related to his contributions to the area of service computing and related areas.


Medjahed, Brahim; Bouguettaya, Athman; Elmagarmid, Ahmed K; Composing web services on the semantic web The VLDB journal 12 4 333-351 2003 Springer-Verlag.

This paper laid the first framework for the automation of Web services using semantics as a leverage to achieve this goal. Google Citations 899 . This paper is one of the top five mostly cited paper in the VLDB Journal for the year 2003 (http://dbs.unileipzig.de/projekte/DATAINT/vldbj.html). A search of Google patents, shows that this work has been cited by a large number of patents totalling 85.

Medjahed, Brahim; Benatallah, Boualem; Bouguettaya, Athman; Ngu, Anne HH; Elmagarmid, Ahmed K; Business-to-business interactions: issues and enabling technologies The VLDB journal 12 1 59-85 2003 Springer-Verlag

This paper was the first of its kind to clearly set a rigorous framework for identifying research issues and assessing and comparing solutions in B2B interactions. Google Citations 618 . A search of Google patents, shows that this work has been cited by a large number of patents totalling 95.

Yu, Qi; Liu, Xumin; Bouguettaya, Athman; Medjahed, Brahim; Deploying and managing web services: issues, solutions, and directions The VLDB Journal 17 3 537-572 2008 Springer-Verlag

This is the first paper that deals with the whole lifecycle of Web services. It proposes a novel framework that treats Web services as first class objects. Google Citations 429.

Medjahed, Brahim; Bouguettaya, Athman; A multilevel composability model for semantic web services IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 17 7 954-968 2005 IEEE.

This work is the first to propose the use of “composability” as a key semantic measurement to automatically compose Web services. Google Citations 207.

Malik, Zaki; Bouguettaya, Athman; Reputation bootstrapping for trust establishment among web services IEEE Internet Computing 13 1 40-47 2009 IEEE

This work is seminal in that it is the first to propose to compleete framework for bootstrapping trust among services. Google Citations 232.

Malik, Zaki; Bouguettaya, Athman; Rateweb: Reputation assessment for trust establishment among web services The VLDB Journal 18 4 885-911 2009 Springer-Verlag

This paper presents novel trust techniques for Web service interactions. A set of decentralized techniques are proposed that aim at accurately aggregating the submitted ratings for reputation assessment. Google Citations: 367.

Yu, Qi; Bouguettaya, Athman; Framework for web service query algebra and optimization ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 2 1 Jan-35 2008 ACM New York, NY, USA

This work is the first in its category to propose a truly seminal foundation for Web service optimization and treating Web services as “first-class” objects. Google Citations 105.

Yu, Qi; Bouguettaya, Athman; Efficient service skyline computation for composite service selection IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 25 (4), 776-789

This work laid the foundation for service query optimization focusing on the use of skylines to select the best service composition. Google Citations 104.

Nepal, Surya; Malik, Zaki; Bouguettaya, Athman; Reputation propagation in composite services 2009 IEEE International Conference on Web Services 295-302 2009 IEEE.

This first work to look at trust in composed services proposing a novel reputation establishment and propagation of ratings in composed services. Google Citations 96.

Bouguettaya, Athman; Singh, Munindar; Huhns, Michael; Sheng, Quan Z.; Dong, Hai; Yu, Qi; Ghari Neiat, Azadeh; Mistry, Sajib; Benatallah, Boualem; Medjahed, Brahim; A Service Computing Manifesto: The Next 10 Years Communications of the ACM 60 4 64-72 2017 ACM

This work provides a vision and roadmap for the research area of service computing building on the work that has beend done in the past 20 years. The papers identifies the key challenges and opportunities for service computing to thrive as a discipline. Google Citations 163.

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