Hermann Brenner - Biography#

Hermann Brenner graduated in Medicine (M.D.) at the University of Tübingen, Germany, in 1985, and in Epidemiology (M.P.H.) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, in 1988. He established, as Founding Head, a Unit of Epidemiology (1990-1993) and a Department of Epidemiology (1995-2000) at the University of Ulm, Germany. In 2000, he was appointed Professor of Epidemiology at the Universoty of Heidelberg, Germany, led a Division of Epidemiology at the German Centre for Research on Ageing in 2000-2005 and established and led a Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg since 2006.

Dr. Brenner has been among the internationally leading pioneers in epidemiological methods and cancer prevention research since the 1990s. Earlier work focused on cancer-registry based studies, on the epidemiology of Helicobater pylori infection, and on epidemiological ageing research. In recent years, the major focus was on the epidemiology of and prevention of cancer, in particular colorectal cancer. Dr. Brenner has initiated and led multiple national and international consortia in cancer epidemiology and prevention, and his pioneering work has been acknowledged my multiple prestigious national and international research awards. His more than 1500 publications have been cited more than 199,000 times, and he ranks among the top cited scientists in Medicine both nationally (no. 5) and globally (no. 245) (D-Index 174, see https://research.com/u/hermann-brenner).

A major focus of Dr. Brenner’s work has always been the most responsible translation of relevant progress in medical research into clinical and public health practice, in particular in the field of cancer prevention and screening. In 2019, Dr. Brenner was nominated as Chair of the Workgroup on Cancer Prevention in the National Decade against Cancer by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. He furthermore is founding member and Steering Committee member of Cancer Prevention Europe, and in 2022 established, as scientific leader and coordinator, the Cancer Prevention Graduate School at the National Cancer Prevention Center in Heidelberg, Germany.

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