Thom Brooks - Selected Publications#
1. Brooks, Thom. 2021. Punishment: A Critical Introduction, 2nd edition. London: Routledge. (First edition 2012)
* First book to develop new 'unified theory' of punishment which made list of Research Councils UK 'Top 100 Big Ideas' for the future in British universities. Chinese translation available later this year.
2. Brooks, Thom. 2020. Climate Change for an Endangered World. London: Routledge.
* Book expands on a paper 'How Not to Save the Planet' originally published in Ethics, Policy and Environment 19(2016): 119-135 as the centre of a special issue with set of responses plus was subject of an Edinburgh Fringe panel.
3. Brooks, Thom. 2016. Becoming British: UK Citizenship Examined. London: Biteback.
* Biteback is a leading UK commercial publisher. Their authors include leading British politicians and journalists. Book featured in popular media, including interview with BBC's top political editor Andrew Marr. The book discusses my work on immigration which has been debated in Parliament.
4. Brooks, Thom. 2013. Hegel's Political Philosophy: A Systematic Reading of the Philosophy of Right. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (First edition 2007)
* First monograph developing new 'systematic reading' of Hegel's philosophy. Book was focus of a special issue, expanded in second edition and later a OUP book was published debating this monograph's core ideas on the link between Hegel's system and political thought.
5. Brooks, Thom (ed.) 2020. The Oxford Handbook of Global Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
* Oxford Handbooks are major contributions to area. Brings together the leading figures in topic.
6. Brooks, Thom & Sebastian Stein (eds.) 2017. Hegel's Political Philosophy: On the Normative Significance of Method and System. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
* Reviewed in several journals bringing together biggest international names on Hegel studies on what has been described as the new turn in subject
7. Brooks, Thom & Martha C. Nussbaum (eds.) 2015. Rawls's Political Liberalism. New York: Columbia University Press.
* A major contribution with chapters by Onora O'Neill, Jeremy Waldron, Frank Michelman, Nussbaum and I. Reviewed and widely praised.
8. Brooks, Thom. 2016. 'Punitive Restoration: Giving the Public a Say on Sentencing' in Albert Dzur, Ian Loader and Richard Sparks (eds), Democratic Theory and Mass Incarceration. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 140-161.
* Paper develops criminal justice reforms I worked on with Rt Hon Sadiq Khan before he became Mayor of London. The idea of 'punitive restoration' described here - reimagining restorative justice - is itself a subject for entries in other collections and a new alternative.
9. Brooks, Thom. 2011. 'Retribution and Capital Punishment' in Mark. D. White (ed.), Retributivism: Essays on Theory and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 232-245.
* Chapter is reprinted - and it is cited in Santiago II case where the US state of Connecticut ruled capital punishment unconstitutional, in part, based on my analysis.
10. Brooks, Thom. 2009. 'The Problem with Polygamy', Philosophical Issues 37(2): 109-122.
* Widely cited paper (57) and downloaded (SSRN 2,739)
H-index: 18 (average in field for Professor of Law is 2.83; see

i10-index: 44. SSRN: 36,398 downloads (top 10% all-time). Work translated into Czech, French, Chinese-Mandarin