
Vladimír Bužek - Biography#

Vladimír Bužek got his PhD from Moscow State University. After working at different places such as ICTP Trieste, JINR Dubna, the Blackett Laboratory, or Weizmann Institute he became in 1994 professor of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. He works also in the Slovak Academy of Sciences where he founded Research Center for Quantum Information. He is a member of the Slovak Learned Society and its president in the period 2009-14, a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and a member of numerous scientific boards and committees.

He is known for his work in quantum optics and quantum information, in particular, for the Bužek-Hillery theorem concerning copying of quantum states. He contributed also to our understanding of quantum open-system dynamics, entanglement in many-body systems, quantum walks, quantum cryptographic protocols, and other topics. His result were received various appreciation, in particular, E.T.A. Walton Award, Werner von Siemens Excellence Award, or the Humboldt Research Award.
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