Zhiming Cai - Selected Publications#

Dr. CAI has published 330 papers including SCI 205 papers, [Nature (3 papers), Nature Genetics (5 papers), Nature Methods (1 paper), Nature Communications (2 paper), Nature Biotechnology (1 paper), Cell (2 paper), Science Translational Medicine (1 paper), Lancet (1 paper), European Urology (4 papers), Cell Research (4 papers), Elife (1 papers)]. Total impact factor of these papers has reached 1200, They have been cited 11525 times and H-Index 36 and i10-Index 72. (the number of citations as of February 18, 2021, the same below)

1. Liu, Y., Huang, W. and Cai, Z. Synthesizing AND gate minigene circuits based on CRISPReader for identification of bladder cancer cells. Nature Communications, 2020.11(1).(IF=12.350)

2. Liu, Y., Li, J., Chen, Z., Huang, W. and Cai, Z. (2018). Synthesizing artificial devices that redirect cellular information at will. eLife, 7. (IF=7.616 ,Cited by 5)

3. Liu, Y., Zhan, Y., Chen, Z., He, A., Li, J., Wu, H., Liu, L., Zhuang, C., Lin, J., Guo, X., Zhang, Q., Huang, W. and Cai, Z. (2016). Directing cellular information flow via CRISPR signal conductors. Nature Methods, 13(11), pp.938-944. (IF=26.910, Cited by 74)

The paper was published in Nature Methods (IF: 26.910) in November 2016 and was cited 74 times by SCI journal.

"Nature Methods"(Nature Methods, 2016;13(11))recommends that cell function is the result of processing by a complex signal network. The use of engineered molecules can achieve signal redirection and interference. However, integrating different signals is still a scientific challenge. This research work established a CRISSPR-based signal transducer to reprogram cancer cells and use oncogenic signals to induce cell death gene expression.

Faulty of 1000 commented: "The method proposed in this study can be used to design a multifunctional toolkit".(f1000.com/prime/726713695)

4. Liu, Y., Zeng, Y., Liu, L., Zhuang, C., Fu, X., Huang, W. and Cai, Z. (2014). Synthesizing AND gate genetic circuits based on CRISPR-Cas9 for identification of bladder cancer cells. Nature Communications, 5(1). (IF=12.350, Cited by 117)

The paper was published in Nature Communications (IF: 12.353) in November 2014 and was cited 74 times by SCI journal.

Jennifer A. Doudna, founder of CRISPR technology, published a review in Molecular Cell (Molecular Cell, 2015, 58:568)and spoke highly of it. She especially used the term "Robust" to describe the stability of the artificial gene circuit we constructed, and emphasized that the work expanded the toolbox of synthetic biology, which has wide application value in the field of tumor treatment.

Lei S. Qi of Stanford University published an article in Molecular Cell Biology (Molecular Cell Biology , 2015, 35:3800)stated that Cas9-mediated gene circuit regulation strategies can create inestimable control in many ways.

5. Wu, S., Huang, P., Li, C., Huang, Y., Li, X., Wang, Y., Chen, C., Lv, Z., Tang, A., Sun, X., Lu, J., Li, W., Zhou, J., Gui, Y., Zhou, F., Wang, D. and Cai, Z. (2014). Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Gene Promoter Mutations Help Discern the Origin of Urogenital Tumors: A Genomic and Molecular Study. European Urology, 65(2), pp.274-277. (IF=17.580, Cited by 64)

The paper was published as a cover article in European Urology (IF: 17.581) on November 5, 2013. He was cited 38 times by SCI journal.

In the same issue of the paper, a review article was published by Nobel Prize winner Thomas Cech, who believes that TERT could be a new marker for urine diagnosis of bladder cancer. (European Urology, 2014, 65(2):370-371.)

In January 2014, "Nature Reviews Urology" published a special review, suggesting that TERT gene promoter mutations can be used as new targets for the treatment of bladder cancer. (Nature Reviews Urology, 2014, 11, 3)

"Nature Reviews Urology" invited the team to write a dissertation on TERT's findings and prospects.

6. Guo, G., Sun, X., Chen, C., Wu, S., Huang, P., Li, Z., Dean, M., Huang, Y., Jia, W., Zhou, Q., Tang, A., Yang, Z., Li, X., Song, P., Zhao, X., Ye, R., Zhang, S., Lin, Z., Qi, M., Wan, S., Xie, L., Fan, F., Nickerson, M., Zou, X., Hu, X., Xing, L., Lv, Z., Mei, H., Gao, S., Liang, C., Gao, Z., Lu, J., Yu, Y., Liu, C., Li, L., Fang, X., Jiang, Z., Yang, J., Li, C., Zhao, X., Chen, J., Zhang, F., Lai, Y., Lin, Z., Zhou, F., Chen, H., Chan, H., Tsang, S., Theodorescu, D., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, J., Yang, H., Gui, Y., Wang, J. and Cai, Z. (2013). Whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing of bladder cancer identifies frequent alterations in genes involved in sister chromatid cohesion and segregation. Nature Genetics, 45(12), pp.1459-1463. (IF=27.125, Cited by 313)

The paper was published in Nature Genetics in December 2013 (IF: 27.125) and was cited 313 times by the SCI journal. It has been cited 23 times in "Nature", "Science" and "Cell" journals and their sub-issues.

In December 2013, "Nature Review Cancer" published Research highlights "No cohesion for cohesin's role", which specifically introduced the findings. (Nature Reviews Cancer, 2013, 13(12):825-825.)

"Nature Review Urology" published research highlights, "Bladder cancer: STAG2 in the spotlight--have genomic studies identified a plausible biomarker?", and made a special review of our findings. (Nature Reviews Urology, 2013, 10(12):675-675.)

7. Qin, J., Li, Y., Cai, Z., Li, S., Zhu, J., Zhang, F., Liang, S., Zhang, W., Guan, Y., Shen, D., Peng, Y., Zhang, D., Jie, Z., Wu, W., Qin, Y., Xue, W., Li, J., Han, L., Lu, D., Wu, P., Dai, Y., Sun, X., Li, Z., Tang, A., Zhong, S., Li, X., Chen, W., Xu, R., Wang, M., Feng, Q., Gong, M., Yu, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, M., Hansen, T., Sanchez, G., Raes, J., Falony, G., Okuda, S., Almeida, M., LeChatelier, E., Renault, P., Pons, N., Batto, J., Zhang, Z., Chen, H., Yang, R., Zheng, W., Li, S., Yang, H., Wang, J., Ehrlich, S., Nielsen, R., Pedersen, O., Kristiansen, K. and Wang, J. (2012). A metagenome-wide association study of gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes. Nature, 490(7418), pp.55-60. (IF=41.570, Cited by 2613)

8. Gui, Y., Guo, G., Huang, Y., Hu, X., Tang, A., Gao, S., Wu, R., Chen, C., Li, X., Zhou, L., He, M., Li, Z., Sun, X., Jia, W., Chen, J., Yang, S., Zhou, F., Zhao, X., Wan, S., Ye, R., Liang, C., Liu, Z., Huang, P., Liu, C., Jiang, H., Wang, Y., Zheng, H., Sun, L., Liu, X., Jiang, Z., Feng, D., Chen, J., Wu, S., Zou, J., Zhang, Z., Yang, R., Zhao, J., Xu, C., Yin, W., Guan, Z., Ye, J., Zhang, H., Li, J., Kristiansen, K., Nickerson, M., Theodorescu, D., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Li, S., Wang, J., Yang, H., Wang, J. and Cai, Z. (2011). Frequent mutations of chromatin remodeling genes in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Nature Genetics, 43(9), pp.875-878. (IF=27.125, Cited by 582)

The paper was published as a cover article in Nature Genetics (IF: 27.125) in September 2011, and was cited 582 times by SCI journals, of which it was cited by Nature, Science, and Cell journals and their sub-issues 62 times, and it was selected as the top 1% highly cited paper in ESI Global.

In September 2011, "Cell" published a column (Leading Edge Select) article (Cell, 2011, 147(1).) commented on the results of the research, and believed that the discovery revealed "Remodeling tumor suppressor theory" of tumorigenesis

In 2013, Eric Lander, chair of the President's Scientific Advisory Board, a member of the American Academy of Sciences, and one of the leaders of the Human Genome and Cancer Genome Project, published a review(Cell, 2013, 153: 17-37), summarizing the results and experience of tumor genome research in the past ten years. In this review, our research papers have been included in the major achievements of the first decade after the drafting of the human genome.

9. Guo, G., Gui, Y., Gao, S., Tang, A., Hu, X., Huang, Y., Jia, W., Li, Z., He, M., Sun, L., Song, P., Sun, X., Zhao, X., Yang, S., Liang, C., Wan, S., Zhou, F., Chen, C., Zhu, J., Li, X., Jian, M., Zhou, L., Ye, R., Huang, P., Chen, J., Jiang, T., Liu, X., Wang, Y., Zou, J., Jiang, Z., Wu, R., Wu, S., Fan, F., Zhang, Z., Liu, L., Yang, R., Liu, X., Wu, H., Yin, W., Zhao, X., Liu, Y., Peng, H., Jiang, B., Feng, Q., Li, C., Xie, J., Lu, J., Kristiansen, K., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Li, S., Wang, J., Yang, H., Cai, Z. and Wang, J. (2011). Frequent mutations of genes encoding ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis pathway components in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Nature Genetics, 44(1), pp.17-19. (IF=27.120, Cited by 254)

10. Xu, X., Nagarajan, H., Lewis, N., Pan, S., Cai, Z., Liu, X., Chen, W., Xie, M., Wang, W., Hammond, S., Andersen, M., Neff, N., Passarelli, B., Koh, W., Fan, H., Wang, J., Gui, Y., Lee, K., Betenbaugh, M., Quake, S., Famili, I., Palsson, B. and Wang, J. (2011). The genomic sequence of the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cell line. Nature Biotechnology, 29(8), pp.735-741. (IF=35.720, Cited by 583)

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