
Georges Calas - Publications#

  • CALAS G., MAJÉRUS O., GALOISY L. and CORMIER L. (2006) Crystal field spectroscopy of Cr3+ in glasses. Chem. Geol., 229, 218-226.
  • MORIN G. and CALAS G. (2006) Arsenic in soils, mine tailings and former industrial sites. Elements, 2, 97-101.
  • ALLARD T., CALAS G. and ILDEFONSE P. (2007) Reconstruction of past U migration in a sedimentary deposit (Coutras, France) implications for a radwaste repository. Chem Geol., 239, 50–63.
  • BALAN E., FRITSCH E., ALLARD T. and CALAS G. (2007) Inheritance vs. neoformation of kaolinite during lateritic soil formation: a case study in the middle Amazon. Clays Clay Miner., 55, 253-259.
  • CORMIER L., FERLAT G., ITIÉ J.P., GALOISY L., CALAS G. and AQUILANTI G. (2007) Amorphous-amorphous transformation at high pressure in gallo-germanosilicate tetrahedral network glasses. Phys. Rev. B 76, 134204.
  • DELATTRE S., UTSUNOMIYA S., EWING R.C., BOEGLIN J.L., BRAUN J.J., BALAN E. and CALAS G. (2007) Dissolution of radiation-damaged zircon in lateritic soils. Am. Mineral. 92, 1978-1989.
  • JUHIN A., CALAS G., CABARET D., GALOISY L. and HAZEMANN J.L. (2007) Structural relaxation around substitutional Cr3+ in MgAl2O4. Phys. Rev. B 76, 054105.
  • CALAS G., AGRINIER P., ALLARD T. and ILDEFONSE P. (2008) Alteration geochemistry of the Nopal I uranium deposit (Chihuahua, Mexico), a natural analogue in volcanic tuffs. Terra Nova, 20, 206-212.
  • CANCÈS B., JUILLOT F., MORIN G., LAPERCHE V., POLYA D.L., VAUGHAN D.J., HAZEMANN J.L., PROUX O., BROWN G.E., Jr. and CALAS G. (2008) Changes in arsenic speciation through a contaminated soil profile: an XAS based study. Sci. Total Env. 397, 178-189.
  • FERLAT G., CHARPENTIER T., SEITSONEN A., TAKADA A., LAZZERI M., CORMIER L., CALAS G. and MAURI F. (2008) Boroxol rings in liquid and vitreous B2O3from first-principles. Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 065504.
  • JUHIN A., CALAS G., CABARET D., GALOISY L. and HAZEMANN J.L. (2008) Structural relaxation around substitutional Cr3+ in pyrope garnet. Am. Mineral., 93, 800-805.
  • MORIN G., ONA-NGUEMA G., WANG Y., MENGUY N., JUILLOT F., PROUX O., GUYOT F., CALAS G. and BROWN G.E., Jr. (2008) Extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis of arsenite and arsenate adsorption on maghemite. Environ. Sci. Technol., 42, 2361–2366.
  • WANG Y., MORIN G., ONA-NGUEMA G., MENGUY N., JUILLOT F., AUBRY E., GUYOT F., CALAS G. and BROWN G.E. Jr. (2008) Arsenite sorption at the magnetite-water interface during aqueous precipitation of magnetite: EXAFS evidence of a new arsenite surface complex. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72, 2573-2586.
  • WEIGEL C., CALAS G., CORMIER L., GALOISY L. and HENDERSON G.H. (2008) High resolution Al L2,3edge X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure: determination of Al surrounding in minerals and glasses. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 20, 135219.
  • ALLARD T. and CALAS G. (2009) Radiation effects on clay mineral properties. Appl. Clay Sci., 43, 143-149.
  • FRITSCH E., ALLARD T., BENEDETTI M., BARDY M., DO NASCIMENTO N.R., LI Y. and CALAS G. (2009) Organic complexation and translocation of ferric iron in podzols of the Negro River watershed. Separation of secondary Fe species from Al species. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 73, 1813-1825.
  • ONA-NGUEMA G., MORIN G., WANG Y., MENGUY N., JUILLOT F., OLIVI L., AQUILANTI G., ABDELMOULA M., RUBY C., BARGAR J.R., GUYOT F., CALAS G. and BROWN G.E., Jr. (2009) Arsenite sequestration at the surface of nano-Fe(OH)2, ferrous carbonate hydroxide, and green-rust after bioreduction of arsenic-sorbed lepidocrocite by Shewanella putrefaciens. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 73, 1359-1381.
  • CALAS G., GALOISY L., CORMIER L., DELAYE J.M., JOLLIVET P and S. PEUGET. (2010) Structural Evolution of Nuclear Glasses under Forcing Conditions (Irradiation, Alteration). Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXIV, eds. K.L. Smith, S. Kroeker, B. Uberuaga, K.R. Whittle (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1265), 77-88.
  • DARGAUD O., CALAS G., CORMIER L., GALOISY L., JOUSSEAUME C., QUEREL G. and NEWVILLE M. (2010) In situ study of nucleation of zirconia in an MgO-Al2O3-SiO2glass. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 93, 342-344.
  • ONA-NGUEMA G., MORIN G., WANG Y., FOSTER A.L., JUILLOT F., CALAS G. and BROWN G.E., Jr. (2010) XANES evidence for rapid arsenic(III) oxidation at magnetite, and ferrihydrite surfaces by dissolved O2, via Fe2+-mediated reactions. Environ. Sci. Technol, 44, 5416-5422.
  • PÈLEGRIN E., CALAS G., ILDEFONSE P., JOLLIVET P and GALOISY L. (2010) Structural evolution of glass surface during alteration: application to nuclear waste glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids , 356, 2497-2508.
  • BROWN G.E., Jr. and CALAS G. (2011) Environmental Mineralogy – Understanding Element Behavior in Ecosystems. C.R. Geosciences, 343, 90-112.
  • CORMIER L., CALAS G. and BEUNEU B. (2011) Structural changes between soda-lime silicate glass and melt. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 357, 926-931.
  • DARGAUD O., CORMIER L., MENGUY N., PATRIARCHE G. and CALAS G. (2011) Mesoscopic scale description of crystallization processes in glasses. Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 021904.
  • DELAYE J-M. , PEUGET S. , BUREAU G. , CALAS G. (2011) Molecular dynamics simulation of radiation damage in glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 357, 2763-2768.
  • FRITSCH E., BALAN E., NASCIMENTO N.R., ALLARD T., BARDY M., BUENO G., DERENNE S., MELFI A.J. and CALAS G. (2011) Deciphering the weathering processes using Environmental Mineralogy and Geochemistry: towards a genetic model of laterites and podzols in the Upper Amazon Basin. C.R. Geosciences, 343, 188-198.
  • MAILLOT F., MORIN G., WANG Y., BONNIN D., ILDEFONSE P., CHANEAC C. and CALAS G. (2011) New insight into the structure of nanocrystalline ferrihydrite: EXAFS evidence for tetrahedrally coordinated Fe3+. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75, 2708-2720.
  • WANG Y., MORIN G., ONA-NGUEMA G., JUILLOT F., CALAS G. and BROWN G.E., Jr. (2011) Distinctive arsenate sorption mode during interactions with magnetite nanoparticles: sorption versus coprecipitation. Environ. Sci. Technol, 45, 7258–7266.
  • ALLARD T., BALAN E., CALAS G., FOURDRIN C., MORICHON E. and SORIEUL S. (2012) Radiation-induced defects in clay minerals : a review. Nucl. Instrum. Methods B, 277, 112-120.
  • LELONG G., CORMIER L., FERLAT G., GIORDANO V., HENDERSON G.S., SHUKLA A. and CALAS G. (2012) Evidence of five-fold coordinated Ge atoms in amorphous GeO2 under pressure using Inelastic X-ray Scattering. Phys. Rev. B 85, 134202.
  • BROWN G.E. and CALAS G. Mineral-Aqueous Solution Interfaces and Their Impact on the Environment. Geochem. Persp., 1, 483-742.
  • ANGIBOUST S., FAYEK M., POWER I.M., CAMACHO A., CALAS G. and SOUTHAM G. (2012) Structural and biological control of the Cenozoic epithermal uranium concentrations from the Sierra Peña Blanca, Mexico. Mineral. Deposita, 47, 859-874.
  • OTHMANE G., ALLARD T., MENGUY N., MORIN G., ESTEVE I., CALAS G. and FAYEK M. (2013) Evidence for nanocrystals of vorlanite, a rare uranate mineral, in the Nopal I low-temperature uranium deposit (Sierra Peña Blanca, Mexico). Am. Mineral. 98, 518–521.
  • OTHMANE G., ALLARD T., MENGUY N., MORIN G., SELO M., BREST J., LLORENS I., CHEN N., BARGAR J., FAYEK M. and CALAS G. (2013) Uranium association with iron-bearing phases in mill tailings from Gunnar, Canada. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, 12695–12702.
  • BALAN E., CALAS G. and BISH D.L. (2014) Kaolin group minerals : from hydrogen-bonded layers to environmental recorders. Elements 10, 183-188.
  • CALAS G. (2014) A big family. Elements 10, 403.
  • CALAS G., GALOISY L., CORMIER L., FERLAT G. and LELONG G. (2014) The structural properties of cations in nuclear glasses. Procedia Mater. Sci. 7, 23-31.
  • DELAYE J.-M., PEUGET S., BUREAU G., CALAS G. and GALOISY L. (2014) Comparative effects of thermal quenching and ballistic collisions in SiO2-B2O3-Na2O glass. Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 326, 256-259.
  • DEJEANT A., BOURVA L., SIA R., GALOISY L., CALAS G., PHROMMAVANH V. and DESCOSTES M. (2014) Field analyses of U and 226Ra in two uranium mill tailings piles from Niger using portable HPGe detector. J. Env. Radioact. 137, 105-112.
  • HUNAULT M., ROBERT J.L., NEWVILLE M.G., GALOISY L. and CALAS G. (2014) Spectroscopic properties of five-coordinated Co2+ in phosphates. Spectrochim. Acta A 117 406–412.
  • HUNAULT M., CALAS G., GALOISY L., LELONG G. and NEWVILLE M.G. (2014) Local ordering around tetrahedral Co2+ in silicate glasses. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 97, 60-62.
  • CALAS G. (2015) Comment on 'Effect of TiO2 content on the crystallization and the color of (ZrO2,TiO2)-doped Li2O–Al2O3–SiO2 glasses' by M. Chavoutier, D. Caurant, O. Majérus, R. Boulesteix, P. Loiseau, C. Jousseaume, E. Brunet and E. Lecomte J. Non-Cryst. Solids 384 (2013) 15. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 408, 152–153.
  • DARGAUD O., CORMIER L., CALAS G., JOUSSEAUME C., PAPIN S., TRCERA N. and COGNIGNI A. (2015) Zr environment and nucleation role in aluminosilicate glasses. Mater. Chem. Phys. 152, 41-47.
  • CHASSÉ M., LELONG L., Van NIJNATTEN P., SCHOOFS I., De WOLF J., GALOISY L. and CALAS G. (2015) Optical Absorption Microspectroscopy (µ-OAS) Based on Schwarzschild-Type Cassegrain Optics. Appl. Spectr. 69, 457-463.
  • BOEKHOUT F., GERARD M., KANZARI A., MICHEL A., DÉJEANT A., GALOISY L., CALAS G. and DESCOSTES M. (2015) Uranium migration and retention during weathering of a granitic waste rock pile. Appl. Geoch. 58, 123–135.
  • CALAS G., MACMILLAN P.F. and BERNIER-LATMANI R. (2015) Environmental mineralogy: New challenges, new materials. Elements 11, 247-252.
  • VERCAMER V., LELONG G., HIJIYA H., KONDO Y., GALOISY L., CALAS G. (2015) Diluted Fe3+ in silicate glasses: structural effects of Fe-redox state and matrix composition. An optical absorption and X-band/Q-band EPR study. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 428, 138–145.
  • DEJEANT A., GALOISY L., ROY R., CALAS G., BOEKHOUT F., PHROMMAVANH V. and DESCOSTES M. (2016) Evolution of uranium distribution and speciation in mill tailings, COMINAK Mine, Niger. Sci. Total Env. 545–546, 340–352.
  • HUNAULT M., BAUCHAU F., LOISEL C., HEROLD M., NEWVILLE M., GALOISY L. and CALAS G. (2016) Spectroscopic investigation of the coloration and fabrication conditions of medieval blue glasses. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 99, 89–97
  • OTHMANE G., ALLARD T., VERCOUTER T., MORIN G., FAYEK M. and CALAS G. (2016) Luminescence of uranium-bearing opals : Origin and use as a pH record. Chem. Geol. 423, 1–6
  • HUNAULT M., V VERCAMER, M HAVERKORT, M-A ARRIO, C BROUDER, G CALAS, A JUHIN. (2016) Tracking the signature of low symmetry environments in the XAS K pre-edge. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 712, 012005.
  • HUNAULT M., LELONG G., GAUTHIER M., GELEBART F., ISMAEL S., GALOISY L., BAUCHAU F., LOISEL C. and CALAS G. (2016) Assessment of transition element speciation in glasses using a portable transmission UV-visible-NIR spectrometer. Appl Spectrosc. 70, 778-84.
  • HUNAULT M., GALOISY L., LELONG G., NEWVILLE M. and CALAS G. (2016) Effect of cation field strength on Co2+ speciation in alkali-borate glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 451, 101–110.
  • VERCAMER V., HUNAULT M., LELONG G., HAVERKORT M., CALAS G., ARAI Y., HIJIYA H., PAULATTO L., BROUDER C., ARRIO M.A. and JUHIN A. (2016) Calculation of the optical and K pre-edge absorption spectra of ferrous iron in distorted sites in oxide crystals. Phys. Rev. B 94, 245115.
  • CHASSÉ, M., GRIFFIN W.L., O'REILLY S.Y. and CALAS G. (2017) Scandium Speciation in a World-Class Lateritic Deposit. Geochem. Persp. Lett. 3, 105–114.
  • CHAUTARD C., BEAUCAIRE C., GÉRARD M., PHROMMAVAN V., NOSC J., GALOISY L., CALAS G., ROY R. and DESCOSTES M. (2017) Geochemical characterization of U tailings (Bois Noirs Limouzat, France). Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 17, 308 – 311

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