
Emilio Carbone#

Field of Scholarship

Biophysics of voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels: blocking effects of intracellular pH (Nature paper). Discovery of a novel scorpion toxin selectively blocking voltage-gated potassium channels (Nature paper).

Discovery of the neuronal “low-voltage activated” T-type calcium channel in sensory neurons (Nature paper). Single T-type calcium currents recorded in outside-out membrane patches (papers on J Physiology).

Biophysics, physiology and pharmacology of voltage-gated calcium channels in sensory and hippocampal neurons, pancreatic beta-cells, adrenal chromaffin cells and clonal cell lines (papers on Neuron, J. Neuroscience, J. Physiology, Pflügers Archiv, Biophysical J).

Autocrine modulation of N-type and L-type calcium channels mediated by membrane receptor coupled G proteins and intracellular 2nd messengers (papers on Neuron, Biophysical J, European J Neuroscience, Cell Calcium, Pflügers Archiv).

Action of growth factors and 2nd messengers on the recruitment of voltage-gated calcium channels in hippocampal neurons and chromaffin cells. Effects of BDNF on presynaptic calcium channels in GABAergic synapses (papers on J. Neuroscience, Europ J Neuroscience).

Role of calcium channels on neurotransmitter release in adrenal chromaffin cells (paper on J Physiology, Biophysical J, Molec Neurobiology).

Effects of stress-mimicking stimuli (cAMP/PKA, beta-adrenergic modulation, hypoxia) on T-type (Cav3.2) calcium channel recruitment in chromaffin cells. Coupling of T-type channels and hormone secretion (papers on J. Physiology, Biophysical J).

L-type (Cav1.2, Cav1.3) as pacemaker calcium channels in chromaffin cells. Coupling of L-type to BK potassium channels and its modulation. L-type channels control the endocytosis of chromaffin cell granules (papers on J. Neuroscience, Cell Calcium, Pflügers Archiv).

New expression of voltage gated sodium and potassium channels in neuron-like multipotent stem cells (papers on Cytotherapy, Exp. Haematology).

Interfacing excitable cells to nano-structured solid-state surfaces. Development of new biosensors for electrochemical detection. Single amperometric events detected with new boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond biochips. Extracellular recordings of neuronal networks excitability using multi-electrodes arrays (MEA) (papers on Diamond & Related Materials, Biosensors & Bioelectronics).
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