Monica Centanni - Biography#

As a classical philologist and a scholar of the Classical Tradition, Monica Centanni devotes her main scientific research interests to Ancient Theatre; the Classical Tradition and its afterlife in Western Art and Literature. A branch of her studies is focused on Aby Warburg, his research methods and the Mnemosyne Atlas. On these topics, she has published various works and she has curated international conferences, exhibitions and performances. She also contributes to various international conferences and holds lectures at Italian and foreign universities and cultural institutions.

Full Professor in Greek Language and Literature at the Università Iuav di Venezia and at the Università di Catania, she teaches Iconology and Classical Tradition, Greek and Latin Sources for the History of Art and Architecture, and Ancient Dramaturgy.

Since 2006 she is the Director of ‘classicA – Iuav’ (the Centre for Research and Studies on Architecture and the Classical Tradition).

Since 2000 she is the Director of the journal: “La Rivista di Engramma. La tradizione classica nella memoria occidentale (The Classical Tradition in Western Memory)”, in May 2024 at vol. 212.

As a result of her scientific research, Monica Centanni published various works, in particular the volumes: Eschilo. Le tragedie (Milano 2000); L’originale assente. Introduzione allo studio della tradizione classica (Milano 2005, Dueville 2021); Il romanzo di Alessandro (Torino 1991; Milano 2005); Fantasmi dell’antico. La tradizione classica nel Rinascimento (Rimini 2017); Aby Warburg e il pensiero vivente (Dueville 2022), published also in English (2022) and in Spanish (2023) translation; La Calunnia di Botticelli. Politica, vizi e virtù civili a Firenze nel Rinascimento (Roma 2023); Three Ladies, Three Medals (Leuven 2023); Sophocles’ Laocoön (Roma-Bristol 2024).

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