
Catherine Cesarsky - Publications#

  • CESARSKY C.J., CASSE M. & PAUL J. A. Cosmic rays, spiral structure and molecular clouds in the galaxy A&A 60, 139 (1977)
  • ASSEO E., CESARSKY C.J., LACHIEZE-REY M. & PELLAT R. Parker instability in the interstellar medium CRASH 284, 397 (1977)
  • CESARSKY C.J. & VOLK H.-J. Cosmic Ray Penetration into Molecular Clouds A&A 70, 367 (1978)
  • CESARSKY C.J. Cosmic-ray confinement in the galaxy Annual Review of Astronomy &Astrophysics 18, 289 (1980)
  • LAGAGE P.O. & CESARSKY C.J. The maximum energy of cosmic rays accelerated by supernova shocks A&A 125,249 (1983)
  • CESARSKY C.J. & MONTMERLE T. Gamma rays from active regions in the galaxy - The possible contribution of stellar winds, SSRv 36, 173 (1983)
  • LAGAGE P.O. & CESARSKY C.J. Antiprotons from thick cosmic-ray sources A&A 147, 127 (1985)
  • LEHOUCQ R., CASSE M. & CESARSKY C.J. The radioactivity of SN 1987A A&A 224, 117 (1989)
  • LAGAGE, P. O., OLOFSSON, G., CABRIT, S., CESARSKY, C. J., NORDH, L. & RODRIGUEZ ESPINOSA, J. M. A Deeply Embedded Companion to LkH alpha 198 ApJ 417, L79 (1993)
  • CESARSKY C.J. et al. ISOCAM in flight A&A 315, L32 (1996)
  • AUSSEL H., CESARSKY C.J., ELBAZ D. & STARCK J.L. ISOCAM observations of the Hubble Deep Field reduced with the PRETI method A&A 342, 313 (1999)
  • ELBAZ D., CESARSKY C.J., FADDA D. et al. Source counts from the 15 micron ISOCAM Deep Surveys A&A 351, L3 7 (1999)
  • CESARSKY C.J. A New Population of Faint Starburst Galaxies Revealed by 15 micron ISOCAM Deep Surveys LNP 548, II (2000)
  • GENZEL R. & CESARSKY C.J. Extragalactic Results from the Infrared Space Observatory Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics 38, 761 (2000)
  • FRANCESCHINI A., AUSSEL H., CESARSKY C.J., ELBAZ D. & FADDA D. A long-wavelength view on galaxy evolution from Deep surveys by the Infrared Space Observatory A&A 378, l (2001)
  • ELBAZ D., CESARSKY C.J., CHANIAL P., AUSSEL H., FRANCESCHINI A., FADDA D. & CHARY, R.R. The bulk of the cosmic infrared background resolved by ISOCAM A&A 384, 848 (2002)
  • ELBAZ D. & CESARSKY C. A Fossil Record of Galaxy Encounters Science, 300, 270 (2003)
  • GIAVALISCO M., FERGUSON H. C., KOEKEMOER et al. The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey: Initial Results from Optical and Near-Infrared Imaging ApJ 600, L93 (2004)
  • VANZELLA E., CRISTIANI S., DICKINSON & The Goods Team The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey. VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy in the GOODS-South Field, A&A 434, 53 (2005)
  • HAMMER F., FLORES H., ELBAZ D., ZHENG X. Z., LIANG Y. C. & CESARSKY C. Did most present-day spirals form during the last 8 Gyr? A formation history with violent episodes revealed by panchromatic observations A&A 430, 115 (2005)
  • MARCILLAC D., ELBAZ D., CHARLOT S., LIANG Y. C., HAMMER F., FLORES H., CESARSKY C. & PASQUALI A. The star formation history of luminous infrared galaxies A&A 458, 369 (2006)
  • VANZELLA E.; CRISTIANI S.; DICKINSON M., CESARSKY C.; FERGUSON H. et al. The great observatories origins deep survey: VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy in the GOODS-South field: Part III A&A, 478 (2008)
  • VANZELLA E.; GIAVALISCO E.; DICKINSON M. et al. Spectroscopic Observations of Lyman Break Galaxies at Redshifts ~4, 5, and 6 in the Goods-South Field A&A, 478 (2008)
  • ELBAZ, D.; DICKINSON,M.; HWANG, H. et al. GOODS-Herschel: an infrared main sequence for star-forming galaxies A&A, 533 (2011)

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