Alain Chédotal#
Membership Number: | 4074 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2015 |
Main Country of Residence: | FRANCE |
Homepage(s): | |
Present and Previous Positions
- 2008 - present Directeur de Recherche INSERM (DR1), coordinator of the Department of Development, group leader, Vision Institute, UPMC University, Paris, France
- 2003 - 2007 Directeur de Recherche INSERM, group leader, CNRS UMR7102, UPMC-Paris 6 University, Paris, France
- 1997 - 2002 Chargé de Recherche INSERM, INSERM U106, Salpêtriere Hospital, Paris, France
- 1995 - 1997 Post-Doctoral fellow, UC Berkeley, USA (Adv. Corey S. Goodman)
- 1991 - 1992 Research Fellow, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Canada (Adv. E. Hamel)
Fields of Scholarship
- Developmental neuroscience
- Mouse genetics
- Axon guidance
- Molecular mechanisms controlling the migration of precerebellar neurons
- Role of semaphorins in cerebellar tangential migration
- Development, function and evolution of brain commissures
- Development of retinal layers and vascularization (angiogenesis)
- Inferior olive and climbing fibers
- Myelination
- New methods for study of the nervous tissue: Brain clearing
Honours and Awards
- Labellisation “Equipe de la Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM)”, 2006-2010, 2012-2015
- 2002 Laureat of the Schlumberger Foundation for Education and Research
- 2001 Young Investigator Award, European Society of Neurochemistry
- 1995 - 1997 Embo Long term Fellowship