
Martin Clausse - Selected publications#

Full publication list

1. Drijfhout, S., Bathiany, S., Beaulieu, C., Brovkin, V., Claussen, M., Huntingford, C., Scheffer, M., Sgubin, G., & Swingedouw, D., 2015: Catalogue of abrupt shifts in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate models. PNAS, 112, E5777-E5786.

2. Claussen, M., Bathiany, S., Brokvin, V., Kleinen, T., 2013: Simulated climate-vegetation interaction in semi-arid regions affected by plant diversity. Nature Geoscience, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 954-958.

3. Claussen, M., 2009: Late Quaternary vegetation – climate feedbacks. Clim. Past, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 203-216.

4. Pongratz, J., C. H. Reick, T. Raddatz, and M. Claussen, 2009: Effects of anthropogenic land cover change on the carbon cycle of the last millennium, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp.1-13.

5. Tjallingii, R., Claussen, M., Stuut, J.-B. W., Fohlmeister, J., Jahn, A., Bickert, T., Lamy, F., Röhl, U., 2008: Coherent high- and low latitude control of the Northwest African hydrological balance and continental vegetation cover. Nature Geoscience, Vol. 1, pp. 670-675.

6. Claussen, M., Mysak, L.A., Weaver, A.J., Crucifix, M., Fichefet, T., Loutre, M.-F., Weber, S.L., Alcamo, J., Alexeev, V.A., Berger, A., Calov, R., Ganopolski, A., Goosse, H., Lohman, G., Lunkeit, F, Mokhov, I.I., Petoukhov, V., Stone, P., Wang, Zh., 2002: Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity: Closing the Gap in the Spectrum of Climate System Models, Climate Dyn., Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 579-586.

7. Claussen, M., Brovkin , Petoukhov, V., Ganopolski, A., 2001: Biogeophysical versus biogeochemical feedbacks of large-scale land-cover change. Geophys. Rev. Letters, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 1011-1014.

8. Claussen, M., Kubatzki, C., Brovkin, V., Ganopolski, A., Hoelzmann, P., Pachur, H.J., 1999: Simulation of an abrupt change in Saharan vegetation at the end of the mid-Holocene. Geophys. Res. Letters, Vol. 24, No. 14, pp. 2037-2040.

9. Ganopolski, A., Kubatzki, C., Claussen, M., Brovkin, V., Petoukhov, V., 1998: The Influence of vegetation-atmosphere-ocean interaction on climate during the mid-Holocene. Science, Vol. 280, No. 5371, pp. 1916-1919.

10. Claussen, M. and Gayler, V., 1997: The greening of Sahara during the mid-Holocene: results of an interactive atmosphere - biome model. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp.369-377.
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