
Jean-Marc Coicaud - Publications#

Selected single-authored books:

Beyond the National Interest: The Future of UN Peacekeeping and Multilateralism in an Era of U.S. Primacy (United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington D.C., 2007) (297 p.)

Legitimacy and Politics: A Contribution to the Study of Political Right and Political Responsibility (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2002) (259 p.)

L’introuvable démocratie autoritaire: Les dictatures du Cône sud: Uruguay, Chili, Argentine (1973-1982) (L’Harmattan, Paris, 1996) (On Authoritarian Democracy) (216 p.)

Selected co-edited books:

Conversations on Justice from National, International and Global Perspectives, co-edited by Jean- Marc Coicaud and Lynette E. Sieger (Cambridge University Press, 2019)

Emotions in International Politics: Beyond Mainstream International Politics, co-edited by Yohan Ariffin, Jean-Marc Coicaud and Vesselin Popovski (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2016) Fault Lines of International Legitimacy, co-edited by Hilary Charlesworth and Jean-Marc Coicaud (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2010) (406 p.)

National Interest and International Solidarity, co-edited by Jean-Marc Coicaud and Nicholas J. Wheeler (United Nations University Press, Tokyo-New York-Paris, 2008) (317 p.)

Ethics in Action: The Ethical Challenges of International Human Rights Non-Governmental Organizations, co-edited with Daniel Bell (Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007) (320 p.)

The Legitimacy of International Organizations, co-edited with Veijo Heiskanen (United Nations University Press, Tokyo-New York-Paris, 2001) (578 p.)

Selected articles and chapters:

“Towards an Integrated Theory of Rights, Values, and Emotions/ Passions in International \Politics”, in Japanese Journal of Political Science (Tokyo, Cambridge University Press, Volume
15-4, December 2014)

“Deconstructing International Legitimacy”, in Jean-Marc Coicaud and Hilary Charlesworth (eds.), Fault Lines of International
Legitimacy (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2009)

“Apology, a Small yet Important Part of Justice”, in Japanese Journal of Political Science (Cambridge University Press, Volume 10,
No. 1, March 2009)
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