
Linda Colley#

Department of History
Princeton University
129 Dickinson Hall
Princeton, NJ.

  • 1969-72: Bristol University:
    • 1971: University Scholarship
    • 1972: First class B.A. Honors degree in History
    • George Hare Leonard Prize in History
    • Graham Robertson Travelling Fellowship
  • 1972-82: Cambridge University:
    • 1972-75: Graduate research in history at Darwin College
    • 1975-78: Eugenie Strong Research Fellowship, Girton College
    • 1975: M.A. Degree 1977: Ph.D. Degree: “The Tory Party 1727-1760”
    • 1978-79: Joint Lectureship in History, King‟s and Newnham Colleges
    • 1979-82: Fellow and Lecturer in History, Christ‟s College
  • 1982-98: Yale University:
    • 1982-85: Assistant Professor of History
    • 1985-90: Tenured Associate Professor of History
    • 1990-92: Professor of History
    • 1992-98 : Richard M.Colgate Professor of History
    • 1998: Sterling (University) Professorship offered. Declined so as to accept:
  • 1998-2003: London School of Economics: Leverhulme Senior Research Professor and School Professor in History
  • July 2003-: Princeton University: Shelby M.C. Davis 1958 Professor of History

  • 1975: Eugenie Strong Research Fellowship, Girton College, Cambridge.
  • 1976: Research Fellowship, Huntington Library, California British Academy Research Award 1983: Morse Fellowship, Yale University
  • 1987: Senior Faculty Fellowship, Yale University
  • 1988: Visiting Fellowship, St.John's College, Cambridge University Elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society
  • 1991: Fellow of the Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University
  • 1993: Wolfson Prize for Britons: Forging the Nation 1707-1837
  • 1998: Leverhulme Senior Personal Research Professorship Honorary degree, University of Southbank
  • 1999: Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professorship, McMaster University Elected a Fellow of the British Academy
  • 2004: Honorary degree, University of Essex
  • 2004: Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature
  • 2005: Honorary degree, University of East Anglia
  • 2005: Honorary Fellowship, Christ's College, Cambridge
  • 2005: Visiting Fellowship, Humanities Research Centre, ANU, Canberra
  • 2005: Glaxo-Smith-Kline Senior Fellowship, National Humanities Center, North Carolina
  • 2006: Honorary degree, University of Bristol
  • 2007: Visiting Professorship, London School of Economics
  • 2009: Awarded C.B.E. for services to history in the New Years Honours List (U.K.)
  • 2010: Visiting Fellowship, Wolfson College, Oxford
  • 2010 Fletcher Jones Distinguished Fellowship, Huntington Library, CA
  • 2010 Member of Academia Europaea

  • 1980: Royal Historical Society, London
  • 1985: Annual public lecture for the Past and Present Society, London
  • 1993: European Lothian Lecture, Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh
  • 1993: Plenary address, North American Conference of British Studies, Montreal
  • 1994: Anstey Lectures, University of Kent
  • 1994: Annual Thayer Lecture, Randolph-Macon Woman's College
  • 1994: William F. Church Memorial Lecture, Brown University
  • 1995: Distinguished Lecture in British History, University of Texas at Austin
  • 1995: Special Lecture on Transformations in British Culture, Royal Society of Arts
  • 1996: Homer D. Crotty Lecture, Huntington Library, California
  • 1996: Plenary Lecture, Global History Conference, University of Utah
  • 1997: Trevelyan Lectures, Cambridge University
  • 1997: Wiles Lectures, Queen's University, Belfast
  • 1998: James Ford Special Lecture, Oxford University
  • 1998: Hayes Robinson Lecture, Royal Holloway, London
  • 1998: Bliss Carnochan Lecture, Stanford Humanities Center
  • 1999: Prime Minister's Millennium Lecture, 10 Downing Street
  • 1999: Lewis Walpole Library Lecture, Yale University
  • 1999: Beall-Russell Lecture, Baylor University
  • 2001: Ena H.Thompson Lectures, Pomona College, California
  • 2002: Raleigh Lecture, British Academy
  • 2003: Bateson Lecture, Oxford University
  • 2003: Nehru Memorial Lecture, London School of Economics
  • 2003: Cust Lecture, University of Nottingham 2004: Roy Porter Memorial Lecture, University of London
  • 2003: Chancellor Dunning Trust Lecture, Queen‟s University, Kingston, Canada
  • 2005: Byrn Lecture, Vanderbilt University
  • 2005: Leading Plenary Lecture, Anglo-American Conference, Institute of Historical Research, University of London
  • 2006: Annual Lecture in International History, London School of Economics
  • Two days colloquium devoted to Linda Colley's published work, History and Literature Program, Harvard University
  • 2007: C.P.Snow Lecture, Christ‟s College, Cambridge
  • 2007:Mark Fitch Lecture, Victoria County History, London
  • 2007:Annual Lecture for the Centre of Maritime and Imperial History, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
  • 2007:Plenary Lecture, Conference on Biography, Schlesinger Library Summer Seminar, Harvard University
  • 2007:President's Lecture, Princeton University
  • 2008: Plenary Lecture, Annual Centre for Gender Studies Symposium, Cambridge University
  • 2008:Plenary Lecture, Annual North American Society for the Study of Romanticism Conference, University of Toronto
  • 2008:Keynote address, Conference on Identity, Diversity and the role of the National Media, Said Business School, Oxford University
  • 2009: Cardiff University 125 Lecture: Humanities School
  • 2009: Centenary Lecture, University of Bristol
  • 2009: Annual British Scholars Keynote Lecture, University of Texas at Austin
  • 2010: Gordon B. Hinckley Lecture, University of Utah
  • 2010:Bosley-Warnock Lecture, University of Delaware
  • 2010:Mark Noble Lecture, Cambridge University

In the past year (2010), Linda Colley also delivered academic papers/led workshops at the University of Uppsala; The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University; The Transnational and Global History Seminar, Oxford University; The British Academy, London; The Long Eighteenth Century Seminar, Huntington Library, Pasadena, CA; The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences; The International Institute, UCLA


1977-81: Cambridge University: one to one teaching on British and Continental European history from the early modern period.

1982-98: Yale University: Undergraduate Courses included lecture series on British domestic and imperial history 1688-1815, and 1815-1945; and on Europe and the World in the 18th Century. Undergraduate Seminars offered included Radicalisms in the 18th century; Britain and the American Revolution; Women and Power since 1700; British Encounters with Difference, 1690-1800.

Graduate Seminars included: France and Britain in the 18th century (with Professor David Bell); Nationalism and Imperialism 1700-1914; Problems in British History 1700-1900; and The Visual and the Historian.

1999-2003: As a Leverhulme Senior Research Professor, I was not encouraged by L.S.E. to engage in conventional teaching, but I initiated a senior research seminar with Professor Catherine Hall at the Institute of Historical Research: “Reconfiguring the British: Nation, Empire, World, 1600-1900”.

2003-: At Princeton, Linda Colley currently delivers undergraduate survey lectures on Britain 1688-1815 and 1815-1945. She has also taught junior seminars on travel and travel writing in the 18th century, and on history and life-writings, 1600-1918. Linda Colley currently offers a two semester graduate seminar on British history in a European, imperial and global context 1700-1970, and has co-taught a graduate seminar with Professor Daniel Rodgers on British and American empire in comparison and context.
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