Gianluigi Condorelli - Selected Publications#

Number of publications cited by PubMed with IF >200
H-index (Publish or Perish (1991-2019) 73
Number of citations (1991-2019) Google Scholar > 20000

Carè, A., Catalucci, D., Felicetti, F., Bonci, D., Ruiz-Lozano, P., Gallo, P., Segnalini, P., Bang, M.L., Dorn, G.W.2nd, Ellingsen, O., Croce, C.M., Peschle, C., and Condorelli, G.: MicroRNA-133 controls cardiac myocyte hypertrophy. 2017 Nature Medicine, 13(5):613-8 [cit. 1524]

Zhang, D.H., Latronico, M.V.G., Zhang, J.L., Contu, R., Rizzi, R., Catalucci, D., Peterson, K.L., Brown, J.H., Chen, J, Sonenberg, N. and Condorelli G. (2010): mTORC-1 regulates cardiac function and myocyte survival through 4E-BP-1 inhibition. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 120(8):2805-16 [cit. 200]

Papait, R., Cattaneo, P., Kunderfranco, P., Greco, C., Carullo, P., Guffanti, A., Viganò, V., Latronico, MVG, Hasenfuss, G., Chen, J., Condorelli, G.: Genome-wide analysis of histone marks identifying an epigenetic signature and promoters and enhancers underlying cardiac hypertrophy, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2013, 110(50):20164-9 [cit. 115]

Roncarati R, Anselmi CV, Losi MA, Papa L, Cavarretta E, Costa Martins PD, Jotti GS, Franzone A, Galastri L, Latronico MV, Imbriaco M, Esposito G, De Windt L, Betocchi S, Condorelli G. (2014): Circulating miR-29a, Among Other Upregulated microRNAs, is the Only Biomarker for Both Hypertrophy and Fibrosis in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol. 63(9):920-7. [cit. 179]

Climent, M., Quintavalle, M. , Miragoli, M. Chen, J. , Condorelli G* and Elia. L (2015) TGFβ triggers miR-143/145 transfer from smooth muscle cells to endothelial cells, thereby modulating vessel stabilization Circ.Res. 116(11):1753-64. [cit. 103]

Greco CM, Kunderfranco, P., Rubino, M., Larcher, V., Carullo, P., Anselmo, A., Kurz, K., Carell, T., Angius, A., Latronico, MiVG, Papait, R., and Condorelli G.: DNA Hydroxymethylation controls cardiomyocyte gene expression in development and hypertrophy Nature Comm, 2016, 7:12418. doi: 10.1038/ncomms12418 [cit. 53 ]

Kallikourdis M, Martini E, Carullo P, Sardi C, Roselli G, Greco CM, Vignali D, Riva, F, Ormbostad Berre AM, Stolen TO, Fumero A, Faggian G, Di Pasquale E, Elia L, Rumio C, Catalucci D, Papait R, Condorelli G: T cellcostimulation blockade blunts pressure overload-induced heart failure: Nature Comm, 2017, 8:14680.[cit.28 ]

Papait,S, Serio, S., Pagiatakis, C., Rusconi, F., Carullo, P., Mazzola, M., Salvarani, N., Miragoli, M., Condorelli, G : Histone methyltransferase G9a is required for cardiomyocyte homeostasis and hypertrophy, Circulation, 2017 136(13):1233-1246 [cit.18 ]

Elia L, Kunderfranco P, Carullo P, Vacchiano M, Farina F, Hall I, Mantero S, Panico C, Papait R, Condorelli G* and Quintavalle M: UHRF1 epigenetically orchestrates smooth muscle cell plasticity in arterial disease. J. Clinical Investigation 128(6):2473-2486 [cit. 5]

*corresponding author

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