
Norbert Corver - Selected Publications#

Corver, N. 2021. On measure phrase alternation and smuggling. In A. Belletti & C. Collins (eds.), Smuggling in Syntax. 108-146. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Broekhuis, H. & N. Corver. 2019. Syntax of Dutch: Coordination and Ellipsis. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Broekhuis, H. & N. Corver. 2015-2016. Syntax of Dutch. Verbs and Verb Phrases. Volumes I, II, III, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Barbiers, S., M. van Koppen, H. Bennis, N. Corver. 2016. Microcomparative Morphosyntactic Research (MIMORE): Mapping partial grammars of Flemish, Brabantish and Dutch. Lingua 178, 5-31.

Corver, N. 2015. (Un)boundedness acrosss Syntactic Categories. Theoretical Linguistics, 41 (3-4), 151-165.

Corver, N. 2014. Recursing in Dutch. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 32 (2), 423-457.

Corver, N. & M. van Koppen. 2011. NP-ellipsis with adjectival remnants: a micro-comparative perspective. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 29(2), 371-421.

Corver, N. 2009. Getting the (Syntactic) Measure of Measure Phrases. The Linguistic Review 26(1): 67-134.

Corver, N. 2008. Uniformity and Diversity in the Syntax of Evaluative Vocatives. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 11.1: 43-93.

Corver, N. & J. Zwarts. 2006. Prepositional Numerals. Lingua 116.6: 811-835.

Bennis, H., N. Corver & M. den Dikken. 1998. Predication in nominal phrases. The journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 1:85-117.

Corver, N. 1997. The internal syntax of the Dutch extended adjectival projection. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 15:89-368.

Corver, N. 1997. Much-support as a last resort. Linguistic Inquiry 28.1:119-164.

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