
Michael Cronin - Biography#

Michael Cronin is 1776 Professor of French (Chair) in the Department of French, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.

He is author of Translating Ireland: Translation, Languages and Identity (Cork University Press, 1996); Across the Lines: Travel, Language, Translation (Cork University Press, 2000); Translation and Globalization (London, Routledge, 2003). Time Tracks: Scenes from the Irish Everyday (Dublin, New Island, 2003. Reprinted 2003); Irish in the New Century/An Ghaeilge san AoisNua (Dublin, Cois Life, 2005), Translation and Identity (Routledge, 2006); The Barrytown Trilogy (Cork University Press: Ireland into Film series, 2007); Translation goes to the Movies (Routledge 2009), The Expanding World: Towards a Politics of Microspection (Zero Books, 2012), Translation in the Digital Age (Routledge, 2013) and Eco-Translation: Translation and Ecology in the Age of the Anthropocene (Routledge, 2017).

He is co-editor of Tourism in Ireland: A Critical Analysis (Cork University Press 1993); Nouvelles d’Irlande (Québec, L’Instantmême, 1997); Unity in Diversity? Current Trends in Translation Studies (Manchester, St. Jerome Press, 1998); Reinventing Ireland: Culture, Society and the Global Economy (London, Pluto Press, 2002); Irish Tourism: Image, Culture and Identity (Clevedon, Channel View Publications, 2003); The Languages of Ireland (Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2003) and Transforming Ireland, co-edited with Peadar Kirby and Debbie Ging (Manchester University Press, 2009. He is the author of over one hundred refereed articles and book chapters.

His work has been translated into more than sixteen languages. He Is an elected Member of the Royal Irish Academy, the Academia Europeae/Academy of Europe and is an Officer in the Ordre des PalmesAcadémiques. He is an Honorary Member of the Irish Translators and Interpreters Association. He was Irish Language Literature Advisor for Arts Council of Ireland (2009-2011). He is co-editor of the Routledge series New Perspectives in Translation and Interpreting Studies and is Editor-in-Chief of the journal MTM.
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