
Liming Dai - Selected Publications#

ca. 600 publications, 1 authored book, 5 edited books, 9 edited special issues, 44 contributed book chapters, ca. 20 patents
Google scholar: H-index 171, ca. 120000 citations, ca. 13000 citations in 2022

1. F. Cheng, X. Peng, L. Hu, B. Yang, Z. Li, C.-L. Dong, J.-L. Chen, L.-C. Hsu, L. Lei, Q. Zheng, M. Qiu,* L. Dai,* Y. Hou* "Accelerated water activation and stabilized metal-organic framework via constructing triangular active-regions for ampere-level current density hydrogen production"
Nature Communications, 2022, 3, 6486.

2. Y. Jia, L. Zhang, L. Zhuang, H. Liu, X. Yan, X. Wang, J. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Zheng, Z. Xiao, E. Taran, J. Chen, D. Yang, S. Wang, L. Dai,* X. Yao* "Identification of active sites for acidic oxygen reduction on carbon catalysts with and without nitrogen-doping"
Nature Catalysis 2019, 2, 688-695. Citations: 303.

3. L. Xue, Y. Li, X. Liu, Q. Liu, J. Shang, H. Duan,* L. Dai,* J. Shui* “Zigzag carbon as efficient and stable oxygen reduction electrocatalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cells”
Nature Communications 2018, 9, 3819. Citations: 177.

4. K. Lu, Z. Hu, J. Ma, H. Ma, L. Dai,* J. Zhang* “A rechargeable iodine-carbon battery that exploits ion intercalation and iodine redox chemistry”
Nature Communications 2017, 8, 527. Citations: 125.

5. X. Liu, L. Dai* “Carbon-based metal-free catalysts”
Nature Reviews Materials 2016, 1, 16064. Citations: 1094.

6. J. Shui, M. Wang, F. Du, L. Dai* “N-doped carbon nanomaterials are durable catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in acidic fuel cells”
Science Advances 2015, 1, e1400129. Citations: 530.

7. J. Zhang, Z. Zhao, Z. Xia, L. Dai* “A metal-free bifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution reactions”
Nature Nanotechnology 2015, 10, 444-452. Citations: 2617.

8. D. Yu, K. Goh, H. Wang, L. Wei, W. Jiang, Q. Zhang, L. Dai,* Y. Chen* “Scalable synthesis of hierarchically-structured carbon nanotube-graphene fibres for capacitive energy storage”
Nature Nanotechnology 2014, 9, 555. Citations: 1324.

9. K. Gong, F. Du, Z. Xia, M. Dustock, L. Dai* “Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotube arrays with high electrocatalytic activities for oxygen reduction” Science 2009, 323, 760. Citations: 6844.

10. L. Qu, L. Dai,* M. Stone, Z. Xia, Z.L. Wang* “Carbon nanotube arrays with strong shear binding-on and easy normal lifting-off” Science 2008, 322, 238. Citations: 832.

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