
Karel Davids#

Born in Voorburg 14 October 1952


  • 1964 - 1970 Aloysiuscollege, The Hague, gymnasium alfa
  • 1970 - 1976 Study of History at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands, Major Economic and Social History, Minors Maritime History and Indonesian, MA (drs) 7 september 1976 (cum laude)
  • 1986 Ph.D. University of Leiden (cum laude) Zeewezen en wetenschap. De wetenschap en de ontwikkeling van de navigatietechniek in Nederland, 1585-1815, supervisors prof.dr. J.R.Bruijn and prof.dr. D. van Arkel

  • Assistant-Professor at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Faculty of Social Sciences and History of Society, 1978-1988
  • Research-Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, based at the University of Leiden, 1988-1994
  • Professor of Economic and Social History, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 1994 - present
  • Visiting scholar at the New School for Social research, New York, 1986/87; fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, 1992-1993; visiting scholar
  • John Carter Brown Library, Providence(RI), 1993

Coordination of research projects:
  • 2008- The circulation of technical knowledge in the Low Countries, 1400-1700 (with prof. dr. Bert de Munck, University of Antwerp)
  • 2008- Dutch Atlantic connections: the circulation of people, goods and ideas in the Atlantic world, c.1680-1795 (with prof.dr. Gert Oostindie, prof.dr. Femme Gaastra and dr. Henk den Heijer, University of Leiden)
  • 2007- Transformation of the Schiphol region (with prof.dr. Koos Bosma, dr. Heidi de Mare, VU University Amsterdam)
  • 2001-2006 The growth of the consultation economy in Belgium and the Netherlands, 1920-1980 (with prof.dr. Patrick Pasture (Catholic University of Leuven), prof.dr. Greta Devos (University of Antwerp) and dr. Ferry de Goey (Erasmus University Rotterdam))
  • 1999-2003 Citizens, money and urban governments. A comparative study of the relation between government, citizens and urban finances in the Low Countries between c.1400 and 1700 (with prof.dr. Marc Boone (University of Ghent) and prof.dr. Paul Janssens (Catholic University of Brussels))
  • 1992-1993 theme group ‘The history of the Netherlands in a comparative perspective, c.1580-1850', Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) (with prof.dr. Jan Lucassen)

Ph.D. 's supervised: finished 14, in progress: 10

Chair editorial board Low Countries History Review; Area editor Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History (1999-2007), editorial board International Review of Social History(1991-2000)
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