
Olivier Delattre - Publications#

  • Delattre, O., Zucman, J., Plougastel, B., Desmaze, C., Melot, T., Peter, M., Kovar, H., Joubert, I., De Jong, P., Rouleau, G., Aurias, A. and Thomas, G. Gene fusion with an ETS domain caused by chromosome translocation in human tumours. Nature 359:162-165, 1992.
  • Versteege, I., Sevenet, N., Lange, J., Rousseau-Merck, MF., Ambros, P., Handgretinger, R., Aurias, A., Delattre, O. Truncating mutations of hNF5/INI1 in aggressive paediatric cancers. Nature 394:203-206, 1998 .
  • Prieur, A., Tirode, F., Cohen, P., Delattre. O. EWS/FLI-1 silencing and gene profiling of Ewing cells reveals downstream oncogenic pathways and a crucial role for repression of IGFBP-3. Mol Cell Biol, 24:7275-7283, 2004.
  • Mariani, O., Brennetot, C., Coindre, JM., Gruel, N., Ganem, C., Delattre, O., Stern, MH., Aurias, A. JUN oncogene amplification and overexpression blocks adipocytic differentiation in highly aggressive sarcomas. Cancer Cell, 11 :361-374, 2007.
  • Bourdeaut F, Fréneaux P, Thuille B, Lellouch-Tubiana A, Nicolas A, Couturier J, Pierron G, Sainte-Rose C, Bergeron C, Bouvier R, Rialland X, Laurence V, Michon J, Sastre-Garau X, Delattre O. hSNF5/INI1-deficient tumours and rhabdoid tumours, two convergent but not fully overlapping entities. Journal of Pathology, 211:323-330, 2007.
  • Tirode, F., Laud-Duval, K., Prieur, A., Delorme, B., Charbord, P., Delattre, O. A mesenchymal stem cell features of Ewing tumors. Cancer Cell, 11 :421-429, 2007.
  • Vincent-Salomon, A., Lucchesi, C., Gruel, N., Raynal, V., Pierron, G., Goudefroye, R., Reyal, F., Radvanyi, F., Salmon, R., Thiery, J-P., Sastre-Garau, X., Sigal-Zafrani, B., Fourquet, A., Delattre, O. Integrated genomics and transcriptomic analyses of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. Clin Cancer Res, 14: 1956-1965, 2008.
  • Idbaih, A., Marie, Y., Lucchesi, C., Pierron, G., Manié, E., Raynal, V., Mosseri, V., Hoang-Xuan, K., Kujas, M., Brito, I., Mokhtari, K., Sanson, M., Barillot, E., Aurias, A., Delattre, J-Y., Delattre, O. BAC array CGH distinguishes mutually exclusive alterations that define clinico-genetic subtypes of gliomas. Int J Cancer, 122 :1778-1786, 2008.
  • Bernard-Pierrot, I., Gruel, N., Stransky, N., Vincent-Salomon, A., Reyal, F., Raynal, V., Vallot, C., Pierron, G., Radvanyi, F., Delattre, O. Characterization of the recurrent 8p11-12 amplicon identifies PPAPDC1B, a phosphatase protein, as a new therapeutic target in breast cancer. Cancer Res, 68:7165-75, 2008.
  • Fix, A., Lucchesi, C., Ribeiro, A., Lequin, D., Pierron, G., Schleiermacher, G., Delattre, O., Janoueix-Lerosey, I. Characterization of amplicons in neuroblastoma: high-resolution mapping using dna microarrays, relationship with outcome and identification of over-expressed genes. Genes, Chromosome and Cancer, 47:819-34, 2008.
  • Bourdeaut, F., Ribeiro, A., Paris, R., Pierron, G., Couturier, J., Peuchmaur, M., Delattre, O. In neuroblastic tumours, Schwann cells do not harbour the genetic alterations of neuroblats but may nevertheless share the same clonal origin. Oncogene, 27(21):3066-71, 2008.
  • Caramel, J., Quignon, F., Delattre, O. RhoA-dependent regulation of cell migration by the tumor suppressor hSNF5/INI1. Cancer Res, 68:6154-61, 2008.
  • Janoueix-Lerosey, I., Lequin, D., Brugières, L., Ribeiro, A., De Pontual, L., Combaret, V., Raynal, V., Puisieux, A., Schleiermacher, G., Pierron, G., Valteau-Couanet, D., Frebourg, T., Michon, J., Lyonnet, S., Amiel, J., Delattre, O. Somatic and germline activating mutations of the ALK tyrosine kinase receptor in neuroblastoma. Nature, 455 :967-971, 2008.
  • Janoueix-Lerosey, I., Schleiermacher, G., Michels, E., Mosseri, V., Ribeiro, A., Lequin, D., Vermeulen, J., Couturier, J., Peuchmaur, M., Valent, A., Plantaz, D., Rubie, H., Valteau-Couanet, D., Thomas, C., Combaret, V., Rousseau, R., Eggert, A., Michon, J., Speleman, F., Delattre, O. The overall genomic pattern is a predictor of outcome in neuroblastoma. J Clin Oncol, 27 :1026-1033, 2009.
  • Fattet, S., Haberler, C., Legoix-Né, P., Varlet, P., Lellouch-Tubiana, A., Lair, S., Manie, E., Raquin, MA., Bous, D., Carpentier, S., Barillot, E., Grill, J., Doz, F., Puget, S., Janoueix-Lerosey, I., Delattre, O. Beta-catenin status in pediatric medulloblastomas : correlation of immunohistochemical expression with mutational status, genetic profiles and clinical characteristics. Journal of Pathology, 218 :86-94, 2009.
  • Guillon, N., Tirode, F., Boeva, V., Zynovyev, A., Barillot, E, Delattre, O. The oncogenic EWS-FLI1 protein binds in vivo GGAA microsatellite sequences with potential transcriptional activation function. PLOS One, 4 : 1-8, 2009.
  • Bourdeaut, F., Janoueix-Lerosey, I., Lucchesi, C., Paris, R., Ribeiro, A., Amiel, J., de Pontual, L., Pierron, G., Michon, J., Peuchmaur, M., Delattre, O. Cholinergic switch associated with morphological differentiation in neuroblastoma. J Pathol, 219: 463–472, 2009.
  • Williamson, D., Missiaglia, E., de Reyniès, A., Pierron, G., Thuille, B., Palenzuela, G., Thway, K., Orbach, D., Laé, M., Fréneaux, P., Pritchard-Jones, K., Oberlin, O., Shipley, J., Delattre, O. Fusion gene-negative alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is clinically and molecularly indistinguishable from embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. J Clin Oncol, 28(13):2151-8, 2010.
  • Bourdeaut, F., Herault, A., Gentien, D., Pierron, G., Ballet, S., Reynaud, S., Paris, R., Schleiermacher, G., Baumann, C., Philippe-Chomette, P., Gauthier-Villars, M., Peuchmaur, M., Radvanyi, F., Delattre, O. Mosaicism for oncogenic G12D KRAS mutation associated with epidermal nevus, polycystic kidneys and rhaddomyosarcoma. J Med Genet, 47(12):859-62, 2010.
  • Bourdeaut, F., Lequin, D., Brugieres, L., Reynaud, S., Dufour, C., Doz, F., Andre, N., Stephan, J-L., Perel, Y., Oberlin, O., Orbach, D., Bergeron, C., Rialland, X., Freneaux, P., Ranchere-Vince, D., Figarella-Branger, D., Audry, G., Puget, S., Evans, D.G., Ferreres Pinas, J.C., Capra, V., Mosseri, V., Coupier, I., Gauthier Villars, M., Pierron, G., Delattre, O. Frequent Hnsf5/INI1 germline mutations in patients with rhabdoid tumour. Clin Cancer Res, 17(1):31-8, 2011.
  • Pierron, G., Tirode, F., Lucchesi, C., Reynaud, S., Ballet, S., Cohen-Gogo, S., Perrin, V., Coindre, J-M., Delattre, O. A new subtype of bone sarcoma defined by BCOR-CCNB3 gene fusion. Nature Genetics, 44:461-466, 2012.
127- ACL : Postel-Vinay, S., Véron, A., Tirode, F., Pierron, G., Reynaud, S., Kovar, H., Oberlin, O., Lapouble, E., Ballet, S., Lucchesi, C., Kontny, U., Gonzalez-Neira, A., Picci, P., Alonso, J., Patino-Garcia, A., Bressac de Paillerets, B., Laud, K., Dina, C., Froguel, P., Clavel-Chapelon, F., Doz, F., Michon, J., Chanock, S.J., Thomas, G., Coc, D.G., Delattre, O. Common variants near TARDBP and EGR2 are associated with susceptibility to Ewing sarcoma. Nature Genetics, 44(3):323-7, 2012.
  • Garnett, M.J., Edelman, E.J., Heidorn, S.J., Greenman, C.D., Dastur, A., Wai Lau, K., Greninger, P., Thompson, I.R., Luo, X., Soares, J., Liu, Q., Iorio, F., Surdez, D., Chen, L., Milano, R.J., Bignell, G.R., Tam, A.T., Davies, H., Stevenson, J.A, Barthorpe, S., Lutz, S.R., Kogera, F., Lawrence, K., McLaren-Douglas, A., Mitropoulos, X., Mironenko, T., Thi, H., Richardson, L., Zhou, W., Jewitt, F., Zhang, T., O’Brien, P., Boisvert, J.L., Price S., Hur, W., Yang, W., Deng, X., Butler, A., Choi, H.G., Chang, J.W., Baselga, J., Stamenkovic, I., Engelman, J.A., Sharma, S.V., Delattre, O., Saez-Rodriguez, J., Gray, N.S., Settleman, J., Futreal, P.A., Haber, D.A., Stratton, M.R., Ramaswamy, S., McDermott, U. and Benes, C.H. Systematic identification of genomic markers of drug sensitivity in cancer cells. Nature, 483(7391):570-5, 2012.
  • Surdez, D., Benetkiewicz, M., Perrin, V., Han, Z.-Y., Pierron, G., Ballet, S., Lamoureux, F., Rédini, F., Decouvelaere, A.-V., Daudigeos-Dubus, E., Geoerger, B., de Pinieux, G., Delattre, O., Tirode, F. Targeting the EWSR1-FLI1 oncogene-induced protein kinase PKC-ß abolishes Ewing's sarcoma growth. Cancer Res, 72(17):4494-4503, 2012.
  • Northcott PA, Shih DJ, Peacock J, Garzia L, Morrissy AS, Zichner T, Stütz AM, Korshunov A, Reimand J, Schumacher SE, Beroukhim R, Ellison DW, Marshall CR, Lionel AC, Mack S, Dubuc A, Yao Y, Ramaswamy V, Luu B, Rolider A, Cavalli FM, Wang X, Remke M, Wu X, Chiu RY, Chu A, Chuah E, Corbett RD, Hoad GR, Jackman SD, Li Y, Lo A, Mungall KL, Nip KM, Qian JQ, Raymond AG, Thiessen NT, Varhol RJ, Birol I, Moore RA, Mungall AJ, Holt R, Kawauchi D, Roussel MF, Kool M, Jones DT, Witt H, Fernandez-L A, Kenney AM, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Dirks P, Aviv T, Grajkowska WA, Perek-Polnik M, Haberler CC, Delattre O, Reynaud SS, Doz FF, Pernet-Fattet SS, Cho BK, Kim SK, Wang KC, Scheurlen W, Eberhart CG, Fèvre-Montange M, Jouvet A, Pollack IF, Fan X, Muraszko KM, Gillespie GY, Di Rocco C, Massimi L, Michiels EM, Kloosterhof NK, French PJ, Kros JM, Olson JM, Ellenbogen RG, Zitterbart K, Kren L, Thompson RC, Cooper MK, Lach B, McLendon RE, Bigner DD, Fontebasso A, Albrecht S, Jabado N, Lindsey JC, Bailey S, Gupta N, Weiss WA, Bognár L, Klekner A, Van Meter TE, Kumabe T, Tominaga T, Elbabaa SK, Leonard JR, Rubin JB, Liau LM, Van Meir EG, Fouladi M, Nakamura H, Cinalli G, Garami M, Hauser P, Saad AG, Iolascon A, Jung S, Carlotti CG, Vibhakar R, Ra YS, Robinson S, Zollo M, Faria CC, Chan JA, Levy ML, Sorensen PH, Meyerson M, Pomeroy SL, Cho YJ, Bader GD, Tabori U, Hawkins CE, Bouffet E, Scherer SW, Rutka JT, Malkin D, Clifford SC, Jones SJ, Korbel JO, Pfister SM, Marra MA, Taylor MD. Subgroup-specific structural variation across 1,000 medulloblastoma genomes. Nature, 488(7409):49-56, 2012.
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