
Rachid Deriche - Selected Publications#

367 international publications, including 94 Journals, 260 peer reviewed international conferences, 13 Book chapters. In Computer Vision and Medical Image Analysis, the rate of acceptance at conferences can be as low as 25% for the major conferences as ICCV, ECCV, CVPR, MICCAI, IPMI etc.

H index: 79 with 29.978 citations (Google Scholar), 5 (resp. 69) articles have more than 1000 (resp. 100) citations

The 8th edition of Research.com ranking of top Computer Science scientists, based on data collected from Microsoft Academic Graph on December 6th, 2021, ranks me in position 1064 in the world and 14 in France. This top scientists ranking is a reliable list of leading scientists from the area of Computer Science, based on a meticulous examination of 166,880 scientists on Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Graph. For the discipline of Computer Science, over 9,735 profiles were examined.

My publications are available via https://team.inria.fr/athena/team-members/rachid-deriche/URL or via my Orcid page.

During the period [2017-2022]], I have published 25 international journal articles, 47 refereed international conference papers, as well 11 articles in the form of posters in workshops, preprints or others. Most of these articles have been published in the major journals and conferences in the fields of brain imaging, medical and biomedical. I indicate here the journals and, for each, the number of papers I coauthored and published during the period [2017-2022]:

1- NeuroImage (5) The Impact Factor (IF) is 6.556, ranking it 1 out of 14 in Neuroimaging

2. Medical Image Analysis (5) IF 8.545, ranking it 6 out of 134 in Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging

3. Journal of Neural Engineering (3) IF 5.379 - 4. Frontiers in Neuroimaging (3) IF 5.5 - 5. Human Brain Mapping (1) IF 5.04

6. Network Neuroscience (1), NMR in Biomedecine (1), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (1), MRI (1), IEEE Trans. Image Proc. (1), Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (1), Geoscience (1), Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (1).

S. Deslauriers-Gauthier, M. Zucchelli, H. Laghrissi and R. Deriche “A Riemannian revisiting of structure-function mapping based on eigenmodes” Front. Neuroimaging, Sec. Brain Imaging Methods, 2022.

M. Frigo, E. Cruciani, D. Coudert, R. Deriche, S. Deslauriers-Gauthier, E. Natale, “Network alignment and similarity reveal atlas-based topological differences in structural connectomes”. Network Neuroscience, 1-37, MIT Press, 2021

S. Deslauriers-Gauthier, M. Zucchelli, M. Frigo and R. Deriche, A unified framework for multimodal structure–function mapping based on eigenmodes, Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 66, 101799, 2020.

S. Deslauriers-Gauthier, I. Costantini and R. Deriche, Non–invasive inference of information flow using diffusion MRI, functional MRI, and MEG, Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 045003, 2020.

M. Zucchelli, S. Deslauriers-Gauthier, R. Deriche. A computational Framework for generating rotation invariant features and its application in diffusion MRI - Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 60, 101597, 2020

R. Deriche - Computational brain connectivity mapping: A core health and scientific challenge - Medical Image Analysis - Vol. 33, pp 122-126, 2016

M. Descoteaux, R. Deriche, T. R. Knosche and A. Anwander. Deterministic and Probabilistic Tractography Based on Complex Fibre Orientation Distributions. In: IEEE Transactions in Medical Imaging 28 (2), pp. 269–286, 2009, GS: 742 Citations

M.Descoteaux, E. Angelino, S. Fitzgibbons and R.Deriche - Regularized, Fast, and Robust Analytical Q-Ball Imaging. In: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 58.3, 497–510, 2007, GS: 920 Citations

D. Cremers, M. Rousson, R. Deriche. A review of statistical approaches to level set segmentation: Integrating color, texture, motion and shape. International Journal of Computer Vision, 72(2): 195– 215, 2007, GS: 1312 Citations

D. Tschumperlé, R. Deriche. Vector-valued image regularization with PDE’s: A common framework for different applications. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(4): 506–517, 2005, GS: 935 Citations

N. Paragios, R. Deriche. Geodesic active contours and level sets for the detection and tracking of moving objects. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22: 266–280, 2000, GS: 1613 Citations

Z. Zhang, R. Deriche, O. Faugeras, and Q.T. Luong. A robust technique for matching two uncalibrated images through the recovery of the unknown epipolar geometry. Artificial Intelligence Journal, 78:87–119, October 1995, GS: 2183 Citations

R. Deriche Using Canny’s criteria to derive a recursively implemented optimal edge detector. Int. Journal of Computer Vision, 1(2): 167–187, May 1987 (Google Scholar (GS): 1655 Citations

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