
Mark Deuze - Biography#

Mark Deuze is Professor of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Humanities, additionally serving as its Director of Graduate Studies. From 2004 to 2013 he worked at Indiana University’s Department of Telecommunications in Bloomington, United States. Publications of his work include over one hundred papers in academic journals and eleven books, including most recently “McQuail’s Media and Mass Communication Theory” (7th edition published by Sage in May 2020, co-authored with Denis McQuail), “Beyond Journalism” (February 2020; co-authored with Tamara Witschge, published by Polity Press), and “Making Media” (January 2019; co-edited with Mirjam Prenger, published by Amsterdam University Press). Deuze’s work has been translated in Chinese, Czech, German, Portuguese, Greek, and Hungarian. He holds honorary appointments at the Faculty of Journalism at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, the School of Communication of the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, and the Department of Communication and Media Studies of Northumbria University, United Kingdom. His work has been supported by numerous international individual and collaborative grants and fellowships, including Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the European Commission, Discovery grants of the Australia Research Council, and a Fulbright Fellowship at the University of Southern California in the United States. Weblog: deuze.blogspot.com. E-mail: mdeuze@uva.nl. He is also the bass player and singer of Skinflower.

Deuze actively promotes and engages academic work in the public realm: he contributes to a US-based and a Dutch group weblog, actively maintains a personal weblog: Deuzeblog, as well as a vlog on YouTube: Deuzevlog (youtube.com/results?search_query=Deuzevlog; started in May 2020), which is also published as a podcast via Anchor.fm (https://anchor.fm/mark-deuze).

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